Ole's at the wheel

Ole's at the wheel

Attached: peroni2.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

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Fucking sausage kerbs have always been deathtraps

>this will unironically be a F1 driver in the future


Attached: ole's at the wheel.webm (640x360, 1.43M)

>oles at the wheel

Attached: 1557876077064.webm (400x400, 1.68M)

brave marketing strategy for new F1 owners to kill all of their young talent

In heaven?

Attached: 6e26b4b098c0ed6c1bbdea3ea82f87ba4845a529bd461a6647132238b1ce3644.webm (800x450, 1.64M)

Attached: Oles at the wheel.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

Not dead plus he's a subhuman mutt

Attached: Peroni-1200x801.jpg (1200x801, 94K)



Attached: hqdefault-6.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Ole's at the wheel

Attached: 1567850271502.webm (640x480, 681K)

Attached: PULL THE LEVE KRONK.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

>Oleg's at the wheel

Attached: Unbenannt.jpg (639x1036, 80K)

>webms I can hear

How the fuck does anyone survive that but die from a side impact

speed difference, less crumple zone

Attached: peronispeed.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)


unironically halo

>tfw the last thing you see before fatally crashing is a "WHEN YOU DRIVE NEVER DRINK" advertisement...while being completely sober.

Did he died?

>tfw these are always my favorite threads but the faggot mod will delete them because he doesn't think they are "sports related" enough. Even though they are directly related to sports.

Did he died?

wtf happened? its like a glitch in an early 2000's racing game.

>tfw drinking would've slowed his reaction time down and miss the area where the crash happened


They should unironically use this footage for future advertisements

Ole's at the wheel

Attached: ole2.webm (600x338, 2.79M)

ole's at the wheel

Attached: Z50O8kWQwTsz1Jzu.webm (640x640, 559K)



dead angle
nothing he could do

these cars literally touch the ground. dumb racing for dumb people. If you don't want that to happen, drive better. Gravel or grass on the outside of turns will just lead to crash or abandon due to being stuck there.

>Ole's at the wheel
I keep seeing this. What does it mean?

ole nooooooooooo

Attached: pqFXp4LA-zUY60nv.webm (480x480, 500K)

Gravel traps were based zoomer

Biker trash, the cagie clearly wanted to turn into the right lane and then that faggot zooms in out of nowhere through the slow lane

>passing on the right
the biker should be charged with manslaughter


based biker chad btfo the cagie into paralyzation

>the slomo
>the finger point
goddamn that is some 10/10 comedy

stay on track, easy.

sure it's insta safety car because these cars can't get out of gravel


this is what happens if spare subhuman bikers

Fuck cagers

Didn't see date first time watching. webm relooped and i tought he went for 2nd time year after 1st try.

>when you drive, never drink

wtf he looks like a younger Trick Ricky

reminder never to put yourself at risk to avoid biker trash
they're the ones driving like idiots and they'll be the only ones hurt in case of collision

Poor dog.

>car: ole's united
>armadillo: teams that sit back and don't allow them to counter attack

that escalated quickly, i mean that really got out of hand fast

Are you sure thats an armadillo

Soft as fuck car.

People who don't actually like motorsport are always whining about it not being dangerous enough. I'm sure you can find a marketing exec who honestly thinks it's a good idea.