Though the Jewish persecution went a bit too far, Hitler is my master...

>Though the Jewish persecution went a bit too far, Hitler is my master. I've taken neonazism seriously for about half a year. It's a noble cause.

Who are some athletes you rate as human beings? For me it's Finnish winger Joonas Kolkka.

Attached: 1536694553520.jpg (929x512, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

did he really say this?

doubt it, would have been an outrage here

I don't know how accurate the quote is, but he said in an old interview that he was a neonazi in his youth.

He now says it was just a part of edgy teenage rebellion, and nowadays likes people of all colors and ethnicities.

>Hitler is my master. I've taken neonazism seriously for about half a year. It's a noble cause.

Neo-Nazism and Nazism are different ideology tho

Yes. He also played Hitler's speeches through the high school PA system.

Well say that to Joonas.

Fuck him, Hitler should have Killed his grandparents so that people like this never exist in 2019. Every one thats unironically a neonazi is retarded as fuck

Want to know how I can tell you're one of the white germans?

Literally who

Pretty sure his grandparents fought with Hitler.

Played for Crystal Palace and Borussia Mönchengladbach.

I'm talking about the guy in the pic

Albin Granlund I think.

Watch out, we got a badass over here.

Attached: 0% de testosterona.png (609x417, 394K)

Nope, the mystery goes on

Why would Hitler have killed Finns you drooling tard?

The Nazis considered Finns untermensch like they did the Slavs, who they killed in large amounts.

It just happened that we were also fighting the Slavs, so we co-operated with the Germans.

Cant you read?

>let me tell you about your country
You utter retard you know that most german people are against neonazis? Get out of you /pol/ bubble lmfao... only subhuman low iq idiots in eastern germany tend to be more nazi... I live in a majorly white high iq (its a student city) and wealthy city and afd got


It is how it is, only losers (incel, low education, low income) tend to go for the heavy right wing options.

Yeah. Not the guy in the pic though lmao. It was in the 90s when he was 19 and still playing in finland

Hitler was incel, low education and low income, lulz

So you live in Muenster, m8?

site even one reliable source on this

t. Miraç Çağlayan

There were literally Finnish SS officers lmao, look up Lauri Törni (Fun fact: He also joined the US army after WW2)

I have yet to see a single left-wing chad as well.

Who's the guy in the pic?

you're more less likely to rebel against a system if it benefits you in every way

I'm none of those things and yet I'm pretty much natsoc in my world view. Neonazi's are useful idiots, just like antifa or any other "citizen of the world".


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So, every revolution was based on self-interest and opportunism, and not really for the greater good of populations. Now tell me something I don't know already.

but if I am the population, then my self-interest is the greater good as well

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Gengis Khan. Pretty much every tyrant thought of that as well. I can also declare myself the maximum representative of the people, but that doesn't make it true in the least. "L'etat c'est moi" and all of that.

>I have no ideas of my own so I'll take this meme the righties made to make fun of me and use it against them, that will totally work

Attached: NPC.jpg (636x773, 32K)

Simon Skrabb

That dude is very likely a gypsy. Don't bother trying to argue with him.


What? Go out of your basement walk trough the streets and the majority of chads are left leaning.

Bulgaria has more gypsies % than we do, despite the memes. Pretty sure the same applies to Hungary and a few other Balkan nations.

Speak for yourself. Most chads don't even give a shit about politics down here.

>only people who live outside of liberal metropolitan bubbles tend to be more nazi

"The right can't meme" because their memes were so powerful they had to be banned under law

Shut the fuck up Malte, most chads are as unpolitical as they can get away with

>Tfw Nazism is a dead ideology in the developed world

Attached: 1421657233490.jpg (880x880, 72K)

For me, it's the National Socialist German Worker's Party.

You are a liar. Hitler never regarded Finns as untermensch, only Slavs and Jews. He regarded niggers as apes.
He had a great respect for the Ottoman Empire.

This, every Chad I’ve met doesn’t give a single fuck about politics, they’re too busy slaying pussy.
To be fair I wouldn’t give a shit about politics either if I could get pussy on demand

This but unironically

Me being a liar implies I told nonfactual stuff on purpose to deceive, whereas what I did was pass on something someone told me someday as a fact thinking it was true.

Also, it's possible he's just being a good guest there. Surely you wouldn't go to a comrade-in-arms' house and call them a subhuman to their face.

mannerheim didn't even speak finnish tbf

>tfw nazism is a dead ideology but then remember communism isn't and it's still taught in schools and universities

Attached: i laughed but then i felt.gif (250x188, 1.63M)

>Caring whether some mentally ill brainlet with parkinsons considered you "sub human" or not

Thats a yikes from me dog

You’re just grasping for straws at this point, Herschel.

Maybe in your 3rd world shitholes, but not here

If you are not a liar, then you are an idiot for talking about sth you have no idea about and trusting on hearsay.
Read Mein kampf if you want to know about Hitler's opinion of shut the fuck up.

Not really, although I do admit I might not be correct.

Whatever Hitler did or said is completely irrelevant now but if you don't support nationalism you're basically sucking up to the neoliberal economic elite

Sorry, Ben Shapiro told me that ethnonationalism is only ok when Jews do it

>Though the Jewish persecution went a bit too far

Simon Skrabb.

Attached: orig[1].jpg (1080x1080, 158K)

This triggers /pol/

Attached: What-do-you-call-yourself.jpg (500x279, 112K)

This also makes /pol/ horny

Good posts.

why must you always defend nazis

we are not white fucking acknowledge it

Fuck off, bozgor.

hello what are your opinions on liverpool

Cringe but redpilled

Haha that's what I say too when people ask about my swastika tattoo at interviews haha