>Just play football.
>I'm more than a football player man, I'm a real person man.
Who else cried?
Just play football
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AB a real one
pure kino desu
He needs to be tickled
AB putting crackers in their place
how do these "people" not die of failed manually breathing
Damn good video
I have to apologize to mr bigchest
so this was a all a manufactured publicity stunt, ok
AB is on his Donald Trump shit
Based AB
you mean "manual" breathing? funny question coming from a mouth-breather like yourself.
he's doing exactly what Trump did to get elected, millions of dollars of free advertisement. doesn't matter if it's good news or bad news, every single day they can't stop talking about him.
yeah because WRs get paid per article. that strategy worked well for Keapernick as well!
he knows he's gonna get his money regardless, everything he's doing is a stunt for social media followers and fame that will be worth more than gold when he's retired.
TO was 100x better at it than AP and didn't make a penny. GMs don't want a distraction and it definitely hurts his bargaining position going forward.
*better at it than AB, and didn't make a penny off it.
TO did all of that before the age of social media, invalid argument. Nowadays fame equals followers equals a never-ending payday. Look at the "cash me outside" girl. Back in the day she would have gotten her 15 mins of fame and been forgotten, but she leveraged her 15 minutes into a massive social media following and now makes songs on a regular basis with famous rappers and is wealthier than anyone on this board at the age of like fucking 16.
I think it's less about the money or whatever the outcome be, but rather what's driving it is the same as Trump, same as Kanye, just pure unbridled narcississm
Like a movie desu, pure kino
This AP will be paid per twitter follower! make bilions! I mean sure he will never work in football! but maybe he can start a Patreon!
Kanye is trolling though, and he actually needs to sell albums. AB just needs to put up yards and TDs.
yes maybe Kanye is trolling but I think the common trait all three share is they are 'established' enough and well off enough to literally 'create' their own universe and just go full-narcissism if you get my drift
they basically put on the blinders and just dive deep into their own world and that is why everyone is always like 'wtf woah this guy is retarde xD' because it's such an uncommon and unorthodox way of acting/carrying ones self
>apologize to team after getting in shouting match with gm
>make video featuring you recording your hc, probably w/o him knowing
what in the goddamn fuck is going through this guy's head
also here is what his vid is somewhat copying
Have 'em sign a waiver. I would have.
Hello, can you explain the second paragraph please?
save that money and move on. it wasnt like they were SB bound this year anyway. let him be a person/man for someone else.
Kapernick got a multi-million dollar Nike deal and settlement from the NFL.
kap only got 3 million from the nfl settlement.
He missed out on 2 seasons at about 5 mil apiece because he started kneeling like a retard.
Kaepernick got 30 million for a 30 seconds ad.
It was the swimming pool scenes that fucked me up. Had to leave the room and get myself together in the bathroom. AB man....