/cfb/ Friday Night Edition

William & Mary 3
Virginia 35

Wake Forest 24
Rice 14

Marshall 0
Boise 0

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for gay sex

second for mre gay sex

First for Texas BTFOing LSU on the way to the playoff this year.

Love these clowns who think a retard like Oregeron is capable of winning a road game against a top 10 team in primetime. Burrow lights up an FCS team now all of a sudden elite. KEK

Herman and Ehlinger are the real shit. Texas +7 is absolutely stealing money. $15,000 on it

t. not even a Texas fan

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cool bottle


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REminder to never mix with gooks

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fuck off, dude
Pac Islands are half our roster

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Remember to pray for the Rice QB who's actually dead as fuck.

can rice make it a game again?
will do

Burrow is lightyears ahead of that down syndrome fatboy scrambler Keksas has at qb

>t. not even a Texas fan

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can't wait for Jalen "can't throw for shit" Hurts to set a new RRS passing record while sodomizing Pee Pee Herman's overhyped shitters

What good will praying do?

good kick

Orange and blue rankings

Auburn = Virginia > Syracuse > Boise State > Florida

Heretic detected

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Boishit coach chimping out

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ref deserves it utterly fucked the call

Why does ASU have more drip that your school?

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my school cant afford it

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residual chad energy from smashing 10/10 white girl thots all day (best in America)

>refs so cucked by the crowd they start throwing flags everywhere

>Texas wins
/cfb/ becomes unbearable with constant BACKposting
>LSU wins
The rant becomes unbearable with constant LSU threads

Tfw I will not be able to visit one of my two message boards after tomorrow.

backposting won't stop even if texass loses tomorrow. we will have to endure unfiltered autism for at least until the Oklahoma game

>not wanting to witness the cognitive dissonance of EEC fags as they pretend Week 2 erased their dogshit Week 1

>"""earning the right to stretch with team during warmups"""
figures a magic underpants cultist like Mendenhall would be an enormous tryhard

Fuck the SEC. When >we beat Texas tomorrow the only people allowed to be happy are us and maybe the Faggies.

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Anybody watching the high school game on ESPNU? A bunch of 4 and 5 star recruits playing from Washington state.

I don't believe in this score

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too many white people at this Boise game desu

Not enough white people*

Its Idaho

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these games are so boring, I'm gonna go watch Overwatch League on ESPN News

Revenge time tomorrow.

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Gonna be rooting for LSU because Texass fans are some of the worst in this general but I could see the Tigers getting bootyblasted for sure

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its idaho man

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>PAC12 Network

Where games go to die

Who's watching the asu game?

i'm still on one of the earlier games

Boise is literally 90% white, the only blacks are the student athletes

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I don't pay for the Pac-12's internet-only streaming service so no

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You need to pull for the lesser of two evils that’s LSU

>be BS coach
>notice marshall have a lightweight but athletic defense
>spend the half calling runs to the outside for no gain until my HB gets hurt

Should have been running screens Marshall was blitzing a ton

Uh yeah I’m thinking someone is back. All the assmad aggots, tigers, and other EECers in this thread need to go.

Realistic desu

BREAKING: Sacramento State holds ASU to two (2) consecutive scoreless possessions minor upset watch.

The only thing back is Texas fans being complete faggots but that never left really

Might turn that on if it becomes a meme game


rice cant hang guys

Rice sux


Any update on the qb?


Now ASU fumbled in end zone SS ball but yeah its still boring and 0-0 and ASU will still win


What happened?

Boise state gonna win by 24



got clattered and had to be stretchered off immobilised, he didn't move for like 10 mins and his mom was on the field and everything

Damn hope he’s ok

>Albertsons stadium

Albertsons started in Idaho

Good to know. I didn’t know that.

you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

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>tfw no albertsons in my area

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Tennessee has no reason to be as terrible as they are. Shit, they could be UGA-tier just by taking leftover recruits from Ohio/Virginia/NC/Georgia

Fulmer has to go though, he's responsible for the fall of UT

I dont see rice coming back

you got the venue AND the score wrong this time my friend

This one commentator is really hyping up the noise qb

That's a good thing, they are the most expensive grocer in Idaho

The sweet embrace of death hasn't come for you yet?

I guess it just my nostalgia for the state

LSU fans are fucking faggots even though there are none on this board. The Texas fans here are fine.

>the fucking state of ASU
Michigan State game next week will be boring.

>Boise State is looking like Doo Doo

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Marshall has real coaches m8

Pretty satisfying to watch your demise. Y'all were some insufferable motherfuckers in 2014.

Sacramento State is jobbing so hard this is pathetic, fuck college football in 2019 and fuck the PAC-12 as a west coast fan



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Yeah I know but I don't have time to resim

Every Michigan State game is boring.

>His school has 0 (zero) College Football Playoff™ National Titles

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I dont know. that one against michigan where everything changed in the last second was funny

I miss albertsons so much tbqh senpai they had the bomb ass donuts

I'm pretty sure my high school had 4 straight seasons where the went 0-12 while I was there

They aren't calling any of these PIs. Alright.

There are schools like this still? Sad!

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you tried rice

Why is asu so shit?

I guess the new structural set up they are trying to run still needs work

The most meme coach of all time

when will boise pull away?

There are a few of us we even had a namefag two seasons ago.

he's there to win the game though

Almost took the over, almost


Black coach

please let this be true. The Clemson team has changed so much from the beginning of last year. Pundants and otherwise want to act like the game last year equates to this years lineup.

>conference of champions

Marshall aint bad. Fucking fsufags dont even know the sport

I will never forget me and my friends' reactions. And just nine months after the Seahawks-Patriots one the exact same couch.

so sacremento just needs one good drive to start making noise

no truck stops in the pac 12 son

>not applying for some easy online master's program at Clemson, Bama or OSU so you can claim their championship
It's like you hate winning.

This but reverse

Did you play?

My freshman year we were undefeated and the varsity was undefeated. Then somehow as a softmore the varsity sucked and we only won 2 games, was nice though because I got moved up to varsity as a softmore. Our JV went undefeated though. Then my junior and senior years the team balled out, started both years at MLB. 5A Texas football. Before 6A was a thing

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What the fuck is it about this girl

no. my parents wouldn't let me.

Fucking marshall.

Except for this one guy I know (who didn't attend the school) you seem to be universally faggots. What gives?

Yessir! Florida Gators baby! I was at the game in Orlando, holy shit what a great one. Great partying before and after as well. LOTS of people partying before, very few made it back downtown after the game.

Anyway, Texas this weekend brah. Another expensive game, hopefully another victory.

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Purple is just a faggy color


Dang. Sounds crazy but I'm not letting my kids play. Too many bangs to the dome. I loved it though.

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What are you saying? That's still a blowout.
Florida has the kind of orange and blue that makes you think maybe those two colors don't belong together.

Marshall is toast

she seems to genuinely care about the game instead of merely making a mock-reaction for the sake of social appearances as the females around her are doing.

I think he got it

>Auburn and Virginia have the kind of orange and blue that makes you think maybe those two colors don't belong together.

They're the conference of champions. Unfortunately those championships are in sports most people aren't aware exist.

He was short

Boise won't be ranked next week

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Right is cute and doesn't seem that serious. Left seems a bit exaggerated, you think she knew she was on TV? But yeah middle does seem pretty genuine.

What was she so stressed about anyway? How bad could it possibly to be on 2nd and goal?

probably cardale jones fumbling the snap in the red zone.

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Tennessee will always be the champions of life

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Yeah voters are gonna really look down on a team that didn't allow a first down all 2nd half

You don’t know shit about cfb

0-6 asu

>assmad pony

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Imagine being purple and yellow.

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coming back

LSU faggots have dial-up and could never figure out capcha. They are swarming the Texas boards right now with total retardation.

I really fucking hate this blindside block penalty. Head on a swivel if you don't want to be lit up. Get the soi-sucking pussies off the rules committee.

Yup. Player safety sure, fine, buttfucking now allowing a normal block just because the turd has awareness = 40

marshall fans are complaining about a missed face mask call

I wish I went to that college but would feel gay about rooting for them just for fun :( I honestly admire their program so much, that last drive was a great thing, they are so well rated and respected.

Looks like back to back to back NY6 for UCF

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pls re-sim this at kenan stadium

if sac town could get just one drive they would be in this

Unbelievable the offensive player gets penalized because the defensive player tunnel visions on the ball carrier and ignores everything else around him. You deserve to get your bell rung if you ignore one of the first things they teach you when you start playing as a kid.

short again

>false start on 4th and short
smooth move guys

In my drunken state I'm just hoping that people realize that the team has changed significantly from last year. ETN and Ross barely played in last year's game, while they are now primary options. Bryant had the team built around him, and now it's Lawrence and ETN's team. The secondary and LBs are the defensive strengths, with the D line being relative weaknesses and powerful compared to most teams. There's been a lot of talk with A&M pulling an upset, so it's always great to take things with a grain of salt.

Where is Sacramento state?

I just want to know who Jimbo Fisher is blowing or if an ESPN exec is an A&M alum or what but they sure have been sucking A&Ms dick hard for weeks.

exactly. They have received a solid amount of support and upset alert status this past week. Either the networks just want to see Clemson falter or someone is feeding them some close to the vest info we don't all have.


They have to hype up this game with Clemson because it's a pretty big game that will be on ESPN plus they hype up every SEC team because they carry most of the league's games.

>another field goal

they have clemson on upset alert because clemson is looking ahead to charlotte who is their real ooc test

way to fumble that retards

I guess what's been off is they really haven't been as hot on the other SEC teams. It's all been touring A&M.

Of course maybe that's just ESPN radio

It's hilarious. They suck.

>Stanford vs. USC this weekend
>absolutely no one cares, not even PAC12 fans
Is there a bigger just conference? I refuse to believe they're a top 6 conference, both the AAC and MWC are better

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ASU is going to run eno to the ground. He won't have a very long NFL career

if the usc qb didnt go down there might have been some interest. but I think most now expect usc to lose

Who even cares if they do? Do people really think Stanford is any good?

Both teams are playing with their backup QBs, that tends to dampen hype. If one or both of them turn out to be good their future games will get more attention. Plenty of people here will be watching Stanford/USC since the only other game of note on at the same time is Cal/Washington and that will be just as much of a shitfest.

some might

another false start

>Watching west coast garbagefests

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ded hornet

something could be happening


one score game

asu is going to choke this away, aren't they?


lol nope

land dragon

nevermind, eno came through

what kind of play was that?

thats game

>those two cheeky timeouts

Cant wait to get fucked up at the app state game tomorrow.

I've got a real knee slapper for you guys
>West Coast football teams

I heard Boone is full of champagne socialist and hippies now also Asheville too. What happened o the /comfy/ Appalachians?

they really need to figure something out if they fail to land texas or oklahoma

boone is weird. they still have a lot of stereotypical hicks but with the whole environmental movement they have ended up attracting a number of hippies over the years. especially with the college there. blowing rock also attracts a number of tourists

What are the odds that Jimbo bails to go to LSU?


Thats a worse case of falling upwards than Kliff going to the Cardinals

Sounds like you just can’t handle the bants. Should probably kill yourself.

>Pee Pee Herman's overhyped shitters

Good night lads excited for tomorrow's games

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>Pac Islands are half our roster
doesn't mean you have to fuck babies into them, dubmass
are you actually this retarded irl?

>The Texas fans here are fine.
yeah this
i'm an ou fan and /cfb/ has some of the least obnoxious texas fans

>What happened o the /comfy/ Appalachians?
they're in the mountains distilling shine and not at college learning about trans african american studies

>Fulmer has to go though

What has he done besides that botched coaching hire a couple of years ago? I don't know all the details but everyone on here insists he's evil and needs to be booted


R8 my college gameday sign

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>texans in lsu gear
quality bait
will definitely get reddit's attention


>from texas
>mike backer in hs
he's an esl with minor cte
give him a break

Damwong vs kingzone who ya got?

tfw my copy of ncaa 14 went from minnesota to london faster than it's gone from london to my house about 100 miles away

Its called a plane

It's called shipping companies arbitrarily holding packages so they don't arrive too quickly, so they can still charge premium rates on overnight/1 day shipping


tOSU or Michigan will get upset. Mark my words.


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don't think south dakota are that good desu

In a few hours, the Nebraska Cornhuskers will lose to the Colorado Buffaloes for the second year in a row. I honestly feel sorry for them.

They always complain about not having a true rival, but they don't have the GUTS to play Colorado every year.

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>tfw vols fan

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If you paid the premium, you'd have it by now. Obviously this time wasn't worth anything to you.

>They always complain about not having a true rival
not ou's fault
they left the conference and didn't schedule a home and home until over a god damn decade later

>BOULDER, Colo. -- Fresh off a two-interception performance, Colorado safety Mikial Onu wandered into the training room over the weekend and expected nothing but a warm reception.

>Instead, his Buffaloes teammates were seeing red over his shirt and hat that featured the color of scarlet. The graduate transfer didn't realize he broke a cardinal rule: No red allowed, whatsoever, during Nebraska week.

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why do you think I'm the same user, retard?

OU hates Texas more than they will ever hate Nebraska anyway.

Just passing by, omw to the Heisman ceremony

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>deflecting this hard

ou's players don't even hate texas anymore as much as they used to
too many of them are from texas or another region of the country where the rivalry isn't a big deal
for some reason many of the players have focused their "hatred" on okie lite
i'm sure it also has something to do with texas sucking ass for so many years

>inb4 b-but w-we beat u
yeah and if ou gave as much of a fuck about the game as they did back in '11 or '12 they'd win
ou's been soft for years
both mentally and physically, except when it comes to okie lite for some weird ass reason


Didn’t have my trip on. Screen grab if you see me and my reddit tier sign on Gameday, bros

LSU 38 Texas 14
Go LSU! Destroy the UT retards. Anybody supporting that cesspool of a school needs lynched.

As always, Sic'em Bears!

>too many of them are from texas or another region of the country where the rivalry isn't a big deal

A majority of OU's players have always been from Texas. That hasn't changed since the 1940s.

Gigantic Texas flag incoming

This rewrite of cominl to your city is abysmal

For anyone wanting to play a fun drinking game, take a drink anytime they say the word "back" in the context of any team.
we're on 2 already

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Get ready for a corncob up your anus Cityslickers!

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FAU is going to beat UCF tonight lol

lol you'd be drunk by now

>undertaker joins gameday

Oh no Corso...

I've counted 7 in 10 minutes

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>booing maryland
>we want maryland sign
is this a meme rivalry yet

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which announcer is /ourguy/?

Kys faggot
Your school is worthless. Overrated trash.
Baker is right...UT is overhyped and weak.
*horns down*

>CFB thread
>on Page 3

There's no good excuse for this, especially in an international break week

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None of the games have started though m8.

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Game Day is part of our HERITAGE on Yea Forums. What the hell is this world coming to?

wtf are these home depot commercials

Two utterly worthless fan bases.
Colour me shocked.
Real men support OU.
OU fans = Bakers studly demeanor
Texas Fans = Vince Youngs fat old lazy ass

Friendly reminder that Notre Dame has a black leprechaun

why was steve mcnair killed?

Game Day has gotten significantly worse over the last 3, 4 years. Lots of people don't bother anymore until the last 20 minutes or so.
Turns out we don't watch gameday for sob stories, who knew?

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>University of Oklahoma
Are Sooners illiterate?

fucking this
>drinking yuengling and watching season 3 of aot until 11

They've been focusing less on the city on more on stories surrounding the game.

Tell me what the best bars in town are for fucks sake. Id tune in

this too
first it was having gameday at jerryworld, atlanta, and other neutral site stadium NOT on a campus
then it was having gameday at dumb fucking places like New York City and more recently fucking Disneyworld.
completely tone deaf retards, going to Pullman was the best thing they've done recently

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is this Corso's last year?

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Corso's gonna die from that smoke
can't believe Yea Forums won lads


What's the problem the only game of the day was neutral site in Orlando

Based taker drawing dimes for Gameday.

Lulz I'm also a civil engineering grad from Texas. Maths yeah. Spelling no.

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have it at the stadium
better than having it away from the actual stadium

>What's the problem the only game of the day was neutral site in Orlando
Downtown Orlando was nuts and the tailgate and stadium were nearby. These places are all 40 mins away from faggot Disney world. Also, it's $100 to get into Disney world, just to see gameday that is a waste. Me and my brahs went downtown and got hammered, took a quick bus ride to the game, stayed wild through the game, then walked back downtown and continued raging. Gameday should've been downtown Orlando or outside at the tailgate. Fags.

The best pure picker in the business mmmmmmmmmm

>rent free inside the $ec nip monkey as always

If Bevo killed Uga that would've been the best thing this thread has seen since Kekua


Go back

>memes are what makes up my vocabulary
what a child

undertaker absolutely MOGGING the gameday crew

/r/ing a picture of The Undertaker chokeslamming a tiger.

LSU is going to win simply because Texas is non stop talking shit.
Clemson too, it's gonna be a bad day for the lone star state.

>There are few dings that are truly diddly. >There's me, the ding, the dong diddly.
>There's the ding-dongs, mmm, you don't wanna diddly with them.
>There's the special diddlys, the dings, the dongs.
>Then there are those who play ding-dong in the diddly. To a diddly, they're ding to the dong.

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It's confirmed, Texas is /back/

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Holy dimesola

This. I can't remember too many times where players talked shit before the game and won. Never give the other team bulletin board material.

would you rather both texas teams between LSU/Texas and Clemson/A&M win, or prefer them both lose?

texas loss and tamu win

based Corso calling the overheated thing bullshit

>There's a fan holding a sign that is shoving a corn dog in Tom Herman's mouth.



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Meanwhile, there's a sign next to it of Bevo teabagging Mike the Tiger

both lose, only really care about lsu of the 4

Still not as hilarious. LSU fans smell like corndogs and anyone who has ever been to red stick knows what I'm talking about.

>talking about OU in Austin
brave souls

Texas lose and Ass-To-Mouth win.

Texas fans suck and Clemson fans have been getting really bad. I'd like to shur them both up

I just want Maria Taylor to sit on my face, lads

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What is the school with the highest percentage of homosexual men, and why is it Texas?

TTU is where the studs attend in this state, boys.

Into banging chimps? Go to the zoo.
Disgusting fuck.

I come home from the liquor store stocked up for today. Sister already downed a couple of my fireball minis and took half of one of my Xanax bars. I just want a peaceful day that's it.

imagine the smell of her gorilla cock

not you again

Has to do with poverty, humidity, and poor hygiene. Nothing to do with their city. I smell people like that here in Houston all the time.

Hello from the future
LSU 33 - Texas 24
TAMU 41 - Clemson 40

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hope you heem sleepy like Lil Peep
fuck off and die druggie

ESPN is owned by the mouse

based and titanpilled

>he doesn’t want to get pegged

Get the Fuck off of my board

She’s probably whiter than you

Michigan and Ohio State are both gonna get upset. Army is good and Cincy is underrated.

show me in my post where I said that, faggot

its implied

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>it's implied because I say it is
I think it's you that needs to leave. Our retard capacity is already at max

Calm down user. It’s okay to be embarrassed by your retarded implications.

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i'm not the one making retarded implications
only implication I made is """her""" having a cock, which is hardly an implication

Is Texas good? I hope they get run the fuck over, fuck Austin.

Whiter than you Miguel Santo-Guerra

Why the fuck did they show her blood dripping? Im eating ova here

err... *AHEM* tink tink
Say hello to your 2019-2020 season HEISMAN WINNER

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ETN is gonna win and there's not a fucking thing anyone can do about it.

Clemson has 0 heismans in history, I doubt it will change this year. inb4 Jalen Hurts gets it. Imagine the narrative of a Bama v. OU ship, Hurts gets his revenge.

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>Clemson has 0 heismans in history
And that's exactly why they'll get one.

Remember, Bama didn't have a Hesiman until Mark Ingram, and it was a stolen Heisman at that.

>Imagine the narrative of a Bama v. OU ship, Hurts gets his revenge.
so fucking gay
okiehomo has NO DEFENSE and a qb who can't throw to the left side of the field

>Hurts gets his revenge
What revenge? His inability to pass arguably cost Alabama the title in 2016 and nearly doomed them in 2017. It's no one's fault but his own that Saban benched him.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, but what you're saying reflects reality. ESPN will take this and RUN with the narrative despite the reality. Imagine the hype.

Ok, cool
Hook em!

On earth? Probably but then they’ll just animate his corpse. Lee Corpso

>that basedboy jew KC fan
nfl shouldn't cater to these freaks

Hell yeah! Brooks Koepka sportscenter commercial!

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It'e gonna be a close one against Cincinnati. Our offense looked like shit when FAU covered well and put some pressure on fields

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OSU took their foot off the gas after putting up 28 in the first... Dont think this will be close

I think it will be close in the first half rather. I still not sold on our defense and i'm hoping our offense made some adjustments

>running professional damage control for a pampered P5 QB heeming some regular student in a pickup basketball game
can ESPN slurp Lawrence's cock any harder?

>mfw Nebraska wins
>SEETHING puff boi's get bootyblasted

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>Cincy @ Bucks
>Aggies @ Clemson
>LSU @ Tejas

Elite line up on BT

He's white, what do you expect? Winston accidentally steals crab legs and they act like he gropped a room(or car) full of white women.

You're now aware Herbstriets kids go to clemson

shame they haven't got the super late hawaii game, wanted to record that

they're in too deep with the Lawrence hype to stop now, dude looked completely mediocre last week but they've already anointed him

What noon games are y'all gonna watch? They all seam like shit

Cincy/OSU until OSU goes up by 3 scores and then swapping over to a "10-7 at halftime" Army/Michigan game

Vandy Purdue

>Noon games
East coast shitter detected

I don't feel like watching FCS this morning.

I don't feel like watching OSU run up and down the field on an inferior opponent.

why does Maria Taylor act so weird around that manlet with the buzzed haircut?

yeah they're 5pm games

the Ohio-Pitt game is looking a bit like the Marshall-Boise affair

1.) Maryland-Syracuse
2.) WVU - Mizzou

the rest will be blowouts or shit

Um, excuse me?

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Ohio is the best team in the mac. Theyll btfo pitt

because she knows he's mogging him and his feminine shoulders and that she's more nigger than the feminine manlet pretending to be a nigger

cursed image

pick one

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don't care much about either team but I'm getting mad at them pretending texas' secondary is close to delpit lol

>If you look upon this image your team becomes the next Tennessee

Mizzou West Virginia looks interesting

Based alright man

This is the East coast to me

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I know the real DBU is in Gainesville

listening to Corso talk is depressing as fuck

east coast is VA north, fucking fags

What's for breakfast, brunch, or lunch lads?

>Cheese grits and pumpkin beers and pork belly and poached eggs reporting

it's not but thanks for your retarded opinion anyway

interesting if you want to watch the future 11th place SEC team play the future 9th place Big 12 team

Southern Eastie mad

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Grabbing some gas station corn dogs in a few


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>pooka williams returns from suspension for domestic battery

Oh man that sounds either really good or super pathetic I can't tell yet.

I had a left over Chik Fi La sandwich for breakfast. I won't eat the rest of the day now.


>picking a spread option team to beat the spread against auburn's dline
kirk's retarded

Vegan breakfast burrito with kale, sweet potato, and grits

>t. economic retard

they don't even bother correcting corso anymore

Just got in from early morning work. Glad I made it in time for kickoff.

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you better be female

Just put $100 on Cincy moneyline. +450. How dumb was this?

Pretty dumb considering Fields is going to slice Cincy up
Imagine thinking Cincy is good because they beat UCLA

I think it's possible, but I don't like +450. Just on gut feeling alone, I'd have to get like +650 or better to put money on it.

Attached: Week2 NT at SMU.jpg (1920x1090, 544K)

I think you’re right about this.

Fields isn’t good.

Why even pick these games? They all picked the same teams nearly.

this forced meme needs to die

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I like Mack but yeah.

Fields is good you cuckdawg retard

Ha ha!
Time for Ohio!

He’s an average B1G QB with an amazing supporting cast. He’s no Haskins.

/OSU alumni

>/OSU alumni
Well we know you aren't lying about being educated in ohio

Yes in theory, but the question is if Miami has fixed themselves since the Florida game

Why is this still allowed in 2019? Clearly insensitive.

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Haskins > Fields=Cardale> JT=Braxton

wish they'd started a real pocket passer sooner

Antonio Brown released. And people unironically think the NFL is better than CFB. The NFL is two steps away from being the WWE.

>OSU alumni
surprised you even know how to spell

McConaghey just ripped that head off Corso. Nice.

>corsos wave
man his hand looks so weak...

lol MM almost chokes Lee

Didn’t say it was a good school LOL

it was great

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based Matty ripping the headgear off

>And people unironically think the NFL is better than CFB.
people think this? not even thinking t.bh.

dubs says they havent

he's just entered the transfer portal you whiny bitch

what 11am game are you watching?

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Ohio at Pitt was the only 11am game



Iowa Rutgers and Vandy Purdue

>this game
which retards were rating Cincinnati again?

>band playing Holst

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Fickell will be taking a big time P5 job very soon.

Number 11 for Cincy sure loves slapping dude ass.

Syracuse fucking sucks this year their fans are giant bandwagon dumbasses. This season meltdown will be fun to watch

Maryland is winning the B1G

Epic playcalling, Day.

>not flagging the nig


>Matthew McConaughey strangles Lee Corso to death on live television

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they just stopped the only big10 team with an offense



>The syracuse meme


crazy how much better cfb reddit is than this site god you guys are fucking fags

You know its been 10 years since high school.
Thinking back on how hype being your cross city rival is

Bitchagain? Wolvshitrines

LSU will skulldrag Texas tonight on their way to win the natty.

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good, go away

Remember lads, the victory witch will only bless your team if you clean your room or do something nice for your roommates, parents, or significant other before the game


he already got an interview from WVU, I think he goes to Michigan State though desu. Maybe ND if they have an awful year

>significant other
First of all, this is Yea Forums, we don’t have those. Second of all, significant other is a gay term you should kill yourself for using

*Blocks your path*

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>all this anti-OSU seethe
cringe and bluepilled

>anti-OSU seethe


every single tOSU game

>almost a 90% success rate on 4th downs in 2018
based future warriors for Israel

virgin spread offense vs chad option offense

>cuse thought they’d get game day

My sides

What game should I watch

oh fuck maryland are actually good







Okay but your team is gonna lose.


Mich / Army

>scroll up
>everyone's laughing at Michigan

>people actually rated Syracuse

>tfw usc
Probably yeah


will remember

Damn they're gonna get destroyed by Clemson next week

They usually get one meme win per year

maryland is unironically better than clemson

Is beating Syracuse actually a meme win though?

Syracuse was a fraud, coasting off goodwill from the miracle last season.

oh no cinci

GO ARMY, BEAT________

You now remember the BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO game


Army running all over Michigan early on. I'm starting to like my teams chances in 2 weeks, especially with a bye in between.

Attached: bucky.gif (907x1173, 31K)

That was against Pitt


>It's another episode of Michigan botches an early season game to a far inferior opponent but somehow still stays in the top 10

Yawn desu

that's gonna be penn/mich/ohio

They had another one in 2014 but no one remembers it
Mainly because Clemson won anyways but also they were unranked as well

Gears 5 looks fucking awful

Better than anything else theyll.get

Just got word from a reliable source that Ohio State is headed for trouble with the NCAA. Apparently they had coaches texting Justin Fields last year while he was on another team, FOIA request are currently being processed and will be released mid season.


Can Army do it?

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Ah fuck, still a fantastic game

Holy fuck, Nate Stanley is still in college?

Sorry meant for Fuck this

Is Maryland actually gonna be good this year?

>"its army, they're always a tough opponent, michigan won't play anyone like that again, can't judge them too hard for it"

I said that last week when I seen him



will this finally help harbaugh beat ohio state?

This was actually a story back in December.

Can the NCAA do jack shit any more? The whole transfer portal was basically the raising of the white flag.

Fuckin aye it was. Big upset for Pitt. And those BOOOOOOOOOOOOs? Magical.

>Clemson 1st down
>Pitt 1st down
>Clemson 30 yd pass

Is cfb streams down?

Attached: norf.png (772x1228, 97K)

Was he ever good?
Hint: NO

Attached: jim-harbaugh.jpg (1300x724, 94K)

t. Brett McMurphy

Urban's gone now, you can stop servicing gloryholes for "sources"

Just got word that Ohio State is in trouble with the NCAA after burying Cincy on that drive. Ouch.

why the fuck couldn't THIS Maryland have been in the ACC?

where was this level of competition?

I haven't looked

moved to sportsurge.net
it's a pinned post there you tit

Just use grandmastreams

Ready made excuse when they miss the playoffs again this year

Didn't they have a coach the size of a small moon?

seethe harder McFaggot, get lynched

>black knights
>team full of white guys

the recruits they are landing now had no interest in joining maryland while in the acc

Its ogre for nick saban and Tuatonguemyassviloa cant even beat a mediocre ACC team with spread offense LSU is going to run wild on you. We are going to skull fuck Texas tonight and win the west.

Attached: 287jhqr.jpg (499x499, 41K)

Impermissible contact with players is a pretty big deal, if the NCAA lays over and dies the transfer portal could become an even bigger shit show.

Blacks can't be knights

They've always been a team who get ridiculous lucky a lot
Then it came back to bite their QB's ACLs in two when Edsall was the coach

black fb scored the td




Sir lancelot?

>changing offensive holding to defensive after the fumble
this shit obvious

Is Michigan bad?

Aren't knights
isn't black or real

it's impossible to play army and look good

>the absolute state of Jawja cuckolds
holy cringe get over it

More like incapable of being consistently good for a whole season

Maryland is always guaranteed one meme hype game before someone getting a season ending injury continuing its perpetual irrelevance

tOSU just a little bigger, faster. It’s gonna take a miracle for UC to pull something off

>resorting to meme plays to beat guys half your weight
just give ohio state the b10 already

someone tell me whats happening. is harbaugh chimping out


Just got word from my mom that I'm in trouble with the NCAA for overloading the pan with pizza rolls and not respecting the 1 centimeter rule. It was worth it.

Michigan is about to tie the game

>QB draw



>get heralded as the next coming of offense Jesus
>can't get a foot in three plays

Attached: 1567299301577.jpg (512x384, 58K)

>ohio state
>not wisky

Are they issuing the Death Penalty?

Refball lol

>not kicking the fg

wew those ref paychecks cleared

will you lose your oven privileges now?

Pretty sure the Georgia fans believe they got the better quarterback out of that deal after the SECCG fake punt.

Justin Fields isn’t good

I'm not Ohio State or USC so they're just going to issue a warning and put me on pizza roll probation for 1 week. The vacated rolls will be returned by dinner.

Maryland scored again lol

cinci going for it

*Laughs in Gamera*

Based McConaughey knew

they chickened out


no they went for it and got it

Maryland seems like a team that will take Pedo State's spot in the power vacuum

then the niggerdry will start and the locker room will turn into another chimpout implosion

Michigan getting refballed

I swear to god referees are destroying sports.

lmao michigan

Now its even at least


Make a thread

>michigan defender recovers fumble
>chucks the ball away from the ref
>chimps out with his friends in the endzone

>army defender recovers fumble
>respectfully hands the ball to the ref
>lowkey jogs back to the bench to calmly celebrate with his team

God Bless the Army.

>media shits on uf for beating miami
>michigan "destroys" mid tenn st 40-21, wow theyre so good

Go for it

The whole game michigan has been bitching to refs and mouthing off.

More like Bitchagain

That's a good win for a big 10 team

>Shea Shitterson

>make a good play
>why don't i just shove him for no reason
quality stuff


Fag Arbor

That block




>college kicker's linemen

Army getting ref balled again

Someone make a new thread ffs

Iowa sleep walking

and its blocked

Army player just called ref a nigger

Momentum is shifting to the mutha fuckin mazenblue

>michigan nigs all game
>jumps on top of pile and rips at player
>one push back

Maryland fans are bandwagoners who'll hop off the second the hype wears off or gets exposed. Their students are also the insufferable type of white upper middle class DCbeltway douchenozzles - much like Rutgers students

every commercial is made by numales and women. mute this repulsive shit every time.

>t. poor white trash from PG


Watch it user

Attached: 4377fc7a0cb8c63b5dddeadec7bbcd81.jpg (377x325, 22K)

>PG County

Go to upper marlboro or croom sometime. There are still pockets of white kids in PG.
