Is /spee/ the CHADest board of them all?

is /spee/ the CHADest board of them all?
do you go to other boards just to make fun of them?

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We make the other boards come to us so we can make fun of them.

I personally like to go to virgin infested boards to make fun of them

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Used to be until the weebs invaded, now we are probably bottom tier, this board is beta as fuck in 2019.

there's nothing chad about making fun of the losers
that's reserved for the designated bully that's also a loser and then gets a redemption arc

t. gets made fun of at work

i've seen tons of movies i know what i'm talking about

Most normie maybe. Except for anime posters. Nothing chad or normal about anime posters.

Real chads don't go around flauting their chadness. Only insecure faggots do that.

Yep, since all the neo nazis came, any claim to normality has long gone.

Nah, you're just a faggot

what neo nazis?
lmao clearly you'd know, insecure faggot

Imagine being the coach of that team
You get all the pussy but man there's always drama with women they hate each other

Karate Kid, the original one, is a great example.

We are all neo nazis here


In uni there is a girl that plays Voleyball, whose butt looks excactly like pic related. Very thicc and trained.
I hope to fuck her from behind soon.
Do you think 19cm are enough to satisfy such a girl?

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maybe, if you're not too boring
I'm 18cm and made a girl with a bigger ass cum just from fucking
you can do it bro, I believe in you

me personally, I have a 19cm dick and made a girl cum just from slapping her in the face with it

>7.5 inches
Bruh I’m barely 6”/15cm and have no problems in bed, you’re fine

Imagine being this paranoid about /pol/cels

yeah, these retards are annoying

I'm absolutely sick of this shit on Yea Forums. This isn't bro culture. This is borderline sucking-another-man's-dick culture. You faggots need to wake up and realize this is a board for SPORTS , not group therapy. Take this shit to /soc/. None of you will ever get a girlfriend, but will come here to talk about how you thought you had a chance with a girl, but missed out on it. Then the other 50 of the same cockslobbers on this board will hit you up with the "I know that feel, bro." It's the same thing, day in day out. There are sports on right now. "But I don't follow that sport, it's boring." Well guess fucking what? Who cares? If you wanted to talk about your faggy feels with other beta males, do it on some other board or down at your local mall's Hot Topic store. You cancers need to leave this board and come back when you have something worthwhile to contribute. Bro culture my fucking ass.

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thanks brehs, it's just that it really turns me on when a girl thinks that I have a big dick

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>d-don't talk about your success with women guys! c-can't you see we're all virgins!

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found the dicklet

didn't read lol

Ahhh, console video games (or vidcons as I call them), the ultimate medium of expression, able to convey any emotion ranging from hatred to love, loyalty to fear, all in front of our eyes. Ah, and with lovingly crafted art, music, and the ability to control the action, vidcons are the ultimate combination of the high arts. While I tend to play the stoic, I will be the first to admit that vidcons have driven me to cry, to scream and shout, to feel actual hate; such is the power of this force beyond our wildest reckoning. And here I am, before you, to tempt your tongues with the taint of such a tantalizing topic. And the Japanese, the true geniuses behind the world of video games. Pah, I throw my scorn upon such incompetents of the West who would mock the true art of the Japanese with 'games' such as Baldur's Gate and Madden. Perhaps it is that the West is not as intelligent as the East, but this is a matter for another day. Japan has given us such masterpieces as the Final Fantasy series, Star Ocean, Wild Arms, and of course, Arc the Lad. Yes, some of the finest vidcons in the world were created by Japanese. I come to you today to ask you in all earnesty, what is your favorite vidcon? I will reveal mine after the grand debate has illustriously begun, but not before the first poster falls victim to my plot of discussion.

It's pasta

it's clearly a burger

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It has the most boomers, oldfags and animechads of the other popular boards so yes, Yea Forums is the CHAD board

Dragon Quest VIII

Extremely based post, unironically.

all anime posters literally look like pic related though
>and they're talking about cartoon girls

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Who cares just fuck her

I wanna slap all those asses

Nice projection there buddy

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>n-no you
I'm not a cringe anime virgin buddy, but good luck losing your virginity
>imagine still being a virgin in the land of cheap whores and big asses

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I dont even register other boards on this site

dubs of CHADness

try talking to her first

There's nothing "chad" about going on Yea Forums. If you're here your life is already awful in some aspect.

Post more volleyball athletes

Imagine the smell