Why is weightlifting underrated?

Why is weightlifting underrated?

Attached: Halterofilismo 1980.webm (480x360, 2.98M)

It's stupid. Its crazy people spend their lives working a couple of lifts that have no real application outside of competition

Like all specialty sports that involve performing a single action really well (running, swimming, jumping etc), it's boring as fuck to watch.

I ask the same thing user. Probably because of steroid use, lifters get caught all the time. It actually almost got dropped in Tokyo because of it (even though everyone else also uses it)

Its pretty based la

Attached: Pyrros.jpg (580x386, 31K)

It's nowhere near as entertaining or memeworthy as strongman.

Maybe for an ameripig that's used only to lift forks
I went to the wl competition in the last Olympics and it's awesome

>watching other peoples lifting

why ?

Its boring

It was so tense watching this in the Olympics when I was a kid. The silence, the build up, the hype etc. Maybe the commentator was really good too but I don't know.

Highly based sport, however most people will find it hard to appreciate because they don't lift, and even people that do usually don't practice the snatch and the clean and jerk, so they don't have that frame of reference which shows you how amazing those athletes are.

Its a lot of fun even as an amateur. Highly recommended.

Attached: 1470857065643.webm (1160x656, 1.24M)

Same can be said for all sports you fucking mong

Fucking retard dyel cunt cope harder faggot

comfy threads during the olympics
started learning the lifts, my other lifts are alright at advanced level so I just need to focus on technique and hopefully I can get pretty strong at it
wish I started early(currently 23) but at least I hope I can get to compete at international level

because Oly lifting is i gay as fuck

Strong man is patrician

not a sport

If you started lifting at like 21 like you say there's a 99.9999999% chance you won't reach the international level, but you might be decent at national level

welp I'll try anyways
worse case scenario I become some youtube memesensation like clarence

Lifting up heavy pieces of metal requires zero skill. This is not a sport.

Olympic lifting requires more skill than being an offensive lineman or a kicker.

either of these webms head to SNAP CITY?

Shouldn't you stay in american "sports", meaning Yea Forums

What her name please I NEED IT

that's a meme man, it's a technical sport but not so technical that you have to start snatching a broomstick at 12 years old

natural talent trumps everything, you can start in your early 20s and still reach the elite level so long as you actually have the genetics to do so

Strength sports are based as fuck but not suitable for plebs with zero attention span so thats why

>natural talent trumps everything, you can start in your early 20s and still reach the elite level so long as you actually have the genetics to do so
name one athlete who did this

me with a blue shirt on the front @ 1:04

the most recent Women's Super G gold medalist at the Olympics


some stories from webm related
>ran out of dianabol during a championship and got a free refill from the east german doctor
>stopped bringing his own gear to championships once he found out he could get it cheaper from the russians
>tried to re-connect with his russian weightlifting friends after retiring only to find out that literally everyone had died of heart disease or liver cancer

Attached: Leif Jenssen 1972.webm (1000x562, 2.91M)