Does american football have a specific name in other countries or does everybody just call it "american football" in their own language?
Does american football have a specific name in other countries or does everybody just call it "american football" in...
In Germany they call it der Affenzusammenstoß.
i thought it was Amerikanisches Verfolgungsjagdei
Some english-speaking countries use "Gridiron Football"
Here in Poland it's "Amerykański Futbol"
Fútbol americano
Football Américain or Foot US
the germans i know call it 'football'
Jajelopta aka handegg in Croatian
we call it Amerykański Futbol here
Imagining this and oscillating my cranium
That's technically a bit broader and includes Canadian football
mandingo fighting
We call it "fat people sport"
We call it "the ball that looks like cantaloupe"
Not meming btw
I always chuckle when I hear older folk call it rugby, because there's always that one zoomer faggot who actually watches that shit and gets triggered OMG IT'S NOT RUGBY IT'S A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPORT!!!11 and usually gets told to instantly fuck off
those older people are retarded rugby is completely different
Yeah I know, and the same for rugby would include rugby league but here in Ireland rugby means union and gridiron means american.
We'd call the other ones rugby league and canadian football, people also say american football and some retards call the sport nfl too.
based boomers
Like anyone gives a fuck about nomenclature of a non existing sport around here. It's an honour for concussionball to even be put in the same sentence with rugby
Gay Rugby
Futuristic Rugby
Fukbol gringo
that's just Rugby
Američki nogomet = american football
I'm fairly certain "Handegg" is gaining traction.
At least in places that don't have Rugby or that do have Rugby, I forget which.
>Američki nogomet
In Chinese it's 橄榄球 (ganlanqiu), "olive ball", which is the same as Rugby, except Rugby is called 英式橄榄球, which means English-style Oliveball, so Rugby is English-style American football.
It’s called ‘rugby redux’ every except America
We call it Fatball