What can we expect from the dark World Cup?
What can we expect from the dark World Cup?
During the NFL playoffs, at 2AM in the morning? It will undoubtedly have the lowest WC viewership since televisions were widespread.
multiple beheadings
Qatar is the same timezone as Russia
Qatar pays headchoppers to fuck with other countries, it won't let them spoil their big event.
Injuries and refball
russia has 11 (eleven) timezones, fattie
>terror attacks
>no beer because muh sharia
>players dying of heat stroke for running 90+ minutes in 50+ celsius weather
>team with niggers wins the cup due to extreme heat that negroes can handle better
Negros can't handle heat better tho.
They got dabbed on in the /afcon/ here in Egypt and kept complaining about the heat like little bitches
Murrifats are a fraction of the viewership
>the largest television audience in World Cup history was 1994
>the most profitable World Cup was in 1994
Only because they're presently disinterested.
Only Moscow time zone (+/-1 hour) matters though.
The chaddest team will win and by chaddest I mean pic related
It's in winter dumbass
We winning it :)
you and whose midfielders?
Blocks your path
All of them.
You have no chance.
mmm think again sweetie
> Algeria 2 - 1 Germany
> Brazil 1 - 7 Germany
Algeria > Germany > Brazil
Algeria > Brazil
Give him white shorts and you get the perfect Mexican kit.
No, seriously, what are you trying to accomplish?