Group G qualifier
Slovenia pretty much has to win, Poland can relax since they've won every match so far.
Kick-off at 20:45 CET in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Group G qualifier
Slovenia pretty much has to win, Poland can relax since they've won every match so far.
Kick-off at 20:45 CET in Ljubljana, Slovenia
for me, it's slavic girls
Oblak vs Szczęsny, the battle of two great goalkeepers. It will be a kino game.
Szczęsny is shit tbqh
and Brzęczek said that Fabianski will be the 1st today :3
Makes me depressed that I will never have that girl on the right
Why did you said that?
If szczęsny is shit than fagiański is just amateur hand-catcher.
nah, he has just shitty defense. he's been the best EPL goalie for the last few years.
Chesney is just trash-talking alpha male, and people fall for it. He's just a regular GK. Imagine Fabianski had Chiellini & Friends as his defenders
Starting Line-ups:
Oblak - Stojanovic, Struna, Mevlja, Balkovec - Krhin, Kurtic - Ilicic, Verbic - Bezjak, Sporar
Coach: Matjaz Kek
Fabianski - Kedziora, Pazdan, Bednarek, Bereszynski - Klich, Krychowiak - Zielinski, Grosicki- Piatek, Lewandowski
Coach: Jerzy Brzeczek
>matijaz kek
So why Fabian is in some low-table english club and Szczęsny in top-tier european club?
Let's sit back and enjoy yet another qualifiers were we do well waiting to get wiped out in the tournament. Or is Uncle actually good?
>Russian ref
It's over, congrats Slovenia
at least he knows his place due to constant criticism, unlike this over-hyped fatso Michniewicz
Das ist Sher gut mein Deutsch klein Bruder fick det polisch Schweine
Russland und Deutschland über alles
Very confusing post.
Also, I'm Polish and fuck you Russian Jew
Das ist wirklich schreiklich meine juden tovarisch
Fabianski is a better fit then, since he's more used to playing with shit defence
>40 million people
>can't find a left defender
holy fuck this is Bereszynski wasting, this should be punished
>le shitty defense meme in swansea
>le shitty defense meme in WB
He cant catch a ball properly. Czezney is base + he is a smoker, even more based
Krychowiak on a beach getting fingered by his GF
>22 Slavic players
>all refs Slavic
truly an all-Slavic affair there tonight
>it's an all polish & polish diaspora thread again
no i po chuj w ogóle
ryj tam
rozpierdole lewakow
No interaction with foreigners online as always :(
Ja nie jestem twój tawarisch albo przyjaciół dla mene ty polska bydło amerikaninska i englielska suczka i wszystkie Polakiem jak ty na ten świate jest podludzie i trzeba was zamordować !!!!!.
Brudny jebany polajak
obciągnij mi (blow me)
#R melduje się
co to jakas wykopmowa?
Polska Dziwka jebana
Back to Siberia with you, Levi
>fabianski nie lapie
No jakbym kurwa zgadl
t. Bolack on vacay
>nie zna najlepszej dostawy cringe contentu 2019 roku
Ja mam na imię Aleksander i ja też Polak jak i ty niemiecka kurwa blyat suka
Pazdan jak Bonucci
Nie kłócić się gnoje. Don't argue here friends.
Polack na podróże u Izraelu :)
Jak się masz ? Co słychać w Polsce ? Co nowo ?
Fabian nam zajebie ten mecz ale bedzie wybielanie ze przeciez mecz o pietruszke
nasze ulice
nasze kamienice
We're playing the same way as we did against Austria. And to think this was supposed to be our best team in history. 10 years ago we blew Poland away 3-0, now we can barley cross the midfield area
Everyone's watching GER v NED
Część Agnieszka moja kuchnia proszę bardzo Idzie na kucniu i zrobi mnie kanapki z majonezem :)
ben haker wroc
Even some Slovenes it seems. I think I prefer tournaments without Poland where I can focus on the best teams that can win with the worst possible thing being watching the player I hate get the trophy (which happens often).
dobra przechodzimy na polski
jebać moda, niech se translator kupi
polska dla polakow kto mowi nie po polsku ten lewak i popiera lgbt
jakiegos hiszpana/niemca/anglika nam potrzeba na trenera takie moje zdanie hehe
hello /int/eddit
nie dosc ze lewak to konfident
Wtf is that Slovenian stadium announcer shouting there constantly?
he's a cocky piece of shit, his special move is the shit you could behold during previous qualifiers, poland-romania, last goal and this cunt decided that going for one-hand save gonna be ebin and much highlights, too bad he fucked up
Ultras are boycotting our games so the announcer is trying to start a chant going but it's only families in the stadium and they don't sing.
brawo polska
Fucking finally.
well so game just started
k l a s y c z n i e
HAHAHAHAHAHA Fabianski spierdolil oczywiscie jego bramka
Now THIS is the proper polish football
kurwa moglismy przejebac pierwsze mecze to moze bysmy juz mieli normalnego trenera a nie wuja
>Ultras are boycotting our games
more like "kek"
>first conceded goal by Poland in 2019
Ah yes, there's that feeling again
i think ours are now breaking psychologically
bros... how could this happen
how could these pricks who foul all the time.. score against us..
Hey polish bros, my grandparents came from pomerania, so am I considered a part polish to you all? Thanks
>polacks thought they have a chance against kek
Not a single one, check'em.
Maribor and Olimpija ultras are mad at our FA because after each game in the league the FA fines them for pyrotechnics and chants (like fuck the ref and such). Maribor ultras are also mad that the games are no longer played in Maribor.
a co by to zmieniło? przecież nie wyjdzie za nich na boisko i tego nie wygra. tylko kurwa bez hurr durr wujek, bo to nie blaszczykowski spierdolil tego gola przed chwila
wuja wpusc mnie
oh no no
i want see more attacks from both sides
If you can play football on international level and could be legally naturalized.
I would also be mad because Maribor on foggy summer days is based af. Would like to live there at least for the year in a future
For me, it's Vintage Ekstraklasa Krzysztof Piątek
pijo pijo
>have a useless clubs that cannot adcance in CL or EL
>have a useless national team
>have a useless coaches, all of them
Imagine unironically supporting p*lish football.
Poland will make a comeback watch THIS
I can be naturalized, just need my mom to do it first. Unfortunately my football skills suck tho.
That's nice to hear, I will continue to support Poland every euro cup.
roker perejro, dat u mah boy?
>have useless English skills
I'm from Maribor and my area is top tier comfy.
nah, he's Diego Alessandro Rambo but didn't died in an accident
Lol, definitely not. I'm from espirito santo btw, there's a whole culture over Pomerania here. Schools even teach us pomeran and such.
>2016 Euros qualifiers
>lose one single match in the group
>in the first September match
>2018 WC qualifiers
>lose one single match in the group
>in the first September match
>2020 Euros qualifiers
>win first 4 matches
>currently losing in the first September match
Why can't Polaks into first September matches?
You tell me, hans.
is that the south brazil?
i heard that north brazil = favela, negros, sopa de macaco, shit
south brazil = white, german, italian, japanese, polish, safe
is that true?
1st September is your fault lol
oh you german cunt, you fucking didn't
>1st sept. 1939
delet this now
Finally something actually pretty funny.
Southeast to be more sure. But yeah, the northeast of brazil is a plague, south and southeast are cool except for some places in rio.
was there a push from leftists/communist to migrate negroes to the south/southeast to "diversify" it?
My faourite book is pascal's SLOVENIA tourist guide written by Michał Jurecki. Gorenskija region is my favourite. When he talks about historic museum in kamnik it was so comfy. And i visited skofja loka two years ago also and it was nice place
Early September was always pretty shitty for us.
Well, there was a large exodus of black people from the northeast to the southeast region, they were mostly looking for work and have a better life, such things like that. I'm not a racist, so don't get me wrong on that, but yeah. During the latest era of presidents (which were mostly leftists) there was this huge influx of nordestinos in the southeast during the latest 90s and early 2000s.
Yeah first day of school and all that. For me it's better because plane tickets are cheaper.
>Gorenskija region
We went there literally ever year with school. We visited places like Bled, Savica waterfall, Julian Alps, those racks for stacking hay, Bohinj. Gorenjska has a lot to offer a tourist.
Based russian Jew.
Please win polska
I hope you're using that break to learn new languages?
Chwała Wielkiemu Izraelowi!
Why not
Because they're fucking shit.
Well maybe not them, but the coach.
Still, after what they've pullled in Russia I want them to fucking suffer.
His father
Besides Szczęsny is a chad.
Fabian is a beta-keeper.
This plus Id like other sports in which we are actually good to be more popular here like volleyball, athletics and ski jumping. Fuck poolish football. Even Basketball players are better comparitively now.
>there was this huge influx of nordestinos in the southeast during the latest 90s and early 2000s.
does it lowered your quality of life? did crime increased?
>I'm not a racist
how? you're living in brazil. Did you not noticed that most criminals are brown?
Everyone is better than polish football player.
This is the final form of the untermensch.
All these sports are just watched by gloryhunting fans who will only watch as long as we're good at them.
Football is the only constant that always gets watched, no matter how shit our national team is (and right now it isn't even that shit, at least not compared to the dreadful 90s and early 00s)
>trzeba was zamordować !!!!!.
was tez. There are ancient jewish prophecies that in the end your whole tribe gets exterminated in order to ascend to heaven.
>nie umie w angielski
I can't believe I'm actually getting some enjoyment out of watching our national side play again. What a day it has been.
>does it lowered your quality of life? did crime increased?
well, the hdi is still very high (at least for the city I'm living), but the crime rate did increase
>how? you're living in brazil. Did you not noticed that most criminals are brown?
Don't get me wrong, I still have friends that are good people and have brown skin at the same time. So I tend to not go that way you know.
I would love if austria and your country won that stupid ass qualifications. Unfortunately kikes and probably us will win it. Altough i still have a faith in you bros
so you are libtard ?
I tend to not follow and choose political labels. I always choose what I think it's the best for our country and people.
We won't win anything, you and Austria will finish 1st and 2nd. Our only option is to be 3rd and qualify from those extra qualifications.
>czarny goj
brawo wuja
im thinking about turning off tv
wait m8
sedzia chuj gdzie var
Poland is already in the euros, this is just a game lads
Yep, that's a Russian ref alright
Backalley shady deals
wuja wpusc mie sczele jak mesi
kto idzie na dymy u michała pola? xD
Błaszczykowski to save the day
poland what the fuck are you doing
ale tu jebie napływem, chyba syf ze stolicy dopłynął.
Fuck you pooland
nowocioty z pola i wykopu odkryly inne deski
Piątek OUT
Milik IN
The only thing that they can: being absolute dogshit.
Sedzie chuj already been said?
Da da da da eto kavkaz da da da da gornijie pizasz waj waj waj solniczny kraj waj waj waj wot on gdzie raj :)
Idzie ty nachuj polskjiji Niemiec
Teraz trzeba nam dobra slowienska muzyka :)
Recovery after yet another injury which happens every ~6 months for him
tyle wywnioskowałem
and they'll go out just as fast as they got in
Piątek lol hahahahah
>Teraz trzeba nam dobra slowienska muzyka
Yeah he is basically one big lol now.
Thank G*d, Polin is coming this fall, so the Endlösung der Polnischefrage will finally be resolved.
Hvala tebe brate Puno dobra gruppa
nikogo to nie interesuje gimbusie jebany
>kubeł zimnego chuja w dupie
>polaczki i mejweni typu Borek, Pol, Smokowski czy Szpakowski wymarzyli sobie najłatwiejszą grupę i zero bramek straconych przy max punktów xD ale już kupujemy bilety cnie?
sie chujom we łbach poprzewracało i zlekceważyli Słowenie
poza tym są chujowi
wiem wykopku
polaki-robaki zawsze miały wyjebane na to co się wokół ich dzieje
wow ale jesteś uświadomiony politycznie, normalnie brawo
no fajnie, popierdolisz coś jeszcze?
nie, to wykurwiaj do siebie
oboje jesteście zjebani
mamo rozmawiam o polityce i zydach na anonimowej stronie w internecie jestem taki dorosly
Hanged a Polska scarf above my TV. Whenever I do it, Polaks lose.
a ten z kolei tak bardzo z boku, ale musi odpisać xD
Is that also works with monaco or indonesia?
Based, keep it untill the end of eliminations!
Friendly reminder that all boards outside of /int/ are English boards. I won’t report you but some uppity mod, who does it for free, could ban you.
ho ho ale punktujesz tych userów
tylko ty jesteś bazowany
fuck off mutt
dziwie się że nas na /pol/ nie lubią
Don't worry i already reported every polish speaking post
chuj kogo obchodzi ta dziura obsrana gownem wypelniona naplywem elekcyjnym
>dawanie jebania o /pol/
No, it says Polska on it and has the crests on the side. Yeah, idk, I'll cheer for you without it if we don't get in.
Obligatory September defeat I guess.
Oh well, if we beat Austria on Monday, everything is still fine.
On a positive note, if we lose that match, that simpleton of a coach might get sacked....
Thank you for complying.
Odjebi cigan
tak szambo w chuj, a inne board nie lepsze i nie wiem jak macie większe problemy to zapraszam łomża "cwaniak w necie pizda w świecie"
inne boardy tez chujowe bo naplywy z pola sie rozlazly i sraja buzzwordami i o polityczce jakby byli u siebie
>tug siedzisz na swojej zapasowej desce i masz wyjebane na robaków-napływiaków
lepszy rydz niż plebs z pledit
>plebs z pledit
no czyli pol
random m8
>post from pledit nicy try
na /pol/ trzeba myśleć co jest prawdą
spytaj amerykańców z /pol/a jak się im Donald podoba w obecnym roku
te pizdy nie zrobiły nic czego żydzi nie chcieliby żeby nie było zrobione
napływ wynika z raidu, od kilku dni widzę te redditowe spacje
tak są spierdoleni ale nie wszyscy
jakiego kurwa raidu od ponad roku sie polkopki panosza i sraja na wszystkich deskach
>le redditowe spacje mem
odkad ta strona istnieje bardzo powszechne bylo dawanie linii odstepu miedzy akapitami w dluzszych postach, to z redditowymi spacjami powtarzaja nowocioty ktorym tak wmowily inne nowocioty
cóż, bywali też biali&bazowni, ale to raczej pieśń przeszłości
>odkad ta strona istnieje bardzo powszechne
ta jasne(jestem na tu pierwszy dzień)
Omamy masz danonie
no patrz na ten naplyw z reddita w 2007
Don't be sad polacks you still can listen to our music and enjoy it
szkoda gadać wracam na moją melinę czyli Yea Forums
Yea Forums nigdy nie było dobre!
atak to najlepsza obrona
Let's listen to some boomer music
Bardzo dobrze oby odpadli i nie pojechali bo są słabi i wstyd za nich
>losing to slovenia
Get your shit together poland
piłkarzom to powiedz
they are sparing the main players for the euros
selekcjonerem nie jestem
we lose shit happen, you guys were better
same case for Israel
i think that's because of that inner-fight of people realizing they need to give up their summer-chill mentality
Why muslim fukk your mother/sister/daughter