According to the French newspaper...

>According to the French newspaper, the primary reason for refusing the proposed PSG transfer is that Dembélé feels he is in the place he wants to be and has no intention of leaving Barcelona. The Catalan team is said to be the 'club of his dreams' and the story makes it clear that he does not fear the competition that he faces to get into the first team, even if that was to include the arrival of Neymar.

Attached: d.jpg (576x324, 28K)

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Alpha response.

that's fair enough

Based zoomer pissing off everyone

The guy probably doesn't give a fuck whether he plays or not

And why should he? He's probably been playing since he was 6 and is getting bored of it anyway. Made an absolute mint, won a world cup and still has his whole life ahead of him if he quits today. I'm jelly af.

Imagine him actually believing that and start playing even more shit

well it's not like it was a transfer, it's just a loan.

the true redpill is that this applies to 90% of players at big clubs

Demeble se queda.

You mean redditpill

>does not fear the competition

Attached: 1567694483508.png (300x250, 26K)

I still rate him, am I a dumb zoomer?

>Not even a black french dude wants to live in Paris.

but he's better than neymar the pres said it himself

Who is he fooling?

If he was white, Yea Forums wouldn't be shitting on him like they currently are. He's unironically a future Ballon d'Or winner.

If he was white he would have an IQ higher than 70 senpai.

French-born Africans have an average IQ of 95, 7 points higher than the average Mexican. No offense, my man.

so that's why our average IQ is dropping?

>it's a spic subhuman tries to act superior to negros post

Not sure, every source I've read has shown that France's average IQ is the highest it's been in recorded history. The same applies for most European countries today (and America too) in comparison to the past.


Attached: nermer.jpg (1086x652, 73K)

>lying on the internet when anyone can instantly prove your bullshit to be false

Yeah, one study tried arguing that - which has been debunked. I can find one study on anything trying to claim something, doesn't mean anything when the overwhelming amount of studies say otherwise.

That's good and all but he still needs to put in the work to stay on the team

yet the IQ in France is dropping years after years

>one study
Are you genuinely brain dead?
>there's loads of studies saying the opposite, just trust me bro

>which has been debunked
Standard leftist response to all inconvenient facts. Note that the "debunking" data/arguments are almost never supplied along with the claim, since they don't exist, and the person saying it knows they don't exist.

Based. He knows a move to psg is suicide.

>there's more credible studies, t-trust me!!
>*posts 2 links linking to the same debunked study*
Lol, what a brainlet. I can tell this is the very first time he's actually read into this subject - nobody cites that one anymore.

I accept your defeat, good sir ;^)

Attached: download (3).jpg (192x262, 6K)

And in the rare case they're not just knowingly making up the "debunked" thing, when you press them on it they give you a link to

Of course an Americunt would try and make this in to "left vs right" autism
This is some low effort "trolling"

nobody needs any study, eyes are enough to see the difference.

Only one side consistently sticks their head in the sand when presented with any data that suggests genetic differences between the races, even though sports like sprinting and basketball make it blindingly obvious to anyone with eyes that said differences do exist.

I guess Barna City ISP wideband is better to play fornite than Paris. And add having a team player like Greaseman making those Fornite winners dance



I think it's abundantly clear to anyone with eyes and the ability to rationally process observations that many factors play a role in IQ and genetics are absolutely one of them.

Then explain random children with retarded parents in random third world countries being geniuses

Your reading comprehension is clearly quite poor. Read the post you're replying to again. Read it over and over until you realize that the post you're replying to answers your question.

>genetics play a part
>yet people can have a very high iq with borderline retarded parents

Again, the post you replied to in suggests possible, non-genetic mechanisms for that, and your reading comprehension is obviously too poor to recognize this.
>many factors play a role in IQ
Possible example: dumb parents are dumb because their mothers had terrible nutrition while they were in the womb and they had terrible nutrition growing up. They have a child. The mother has good nutrition while the child is in the womb and the child grows up with good nutrition. The child ends up smarter than the parents.
You also exhibit a shocking lack of understanding of genetics:
>When eggs and sperm form, the genetic material they contain undergoes a fairly major rearrangement. The threads of DNA break so that chromosomes from each parent can meet up. The process, called recombination, shuffles genetic material so that offspring do not receive the exact same copy of each chromosome its parents have, but a slightly different one. During this process, things can occasionally go wrong, creating totally new genes that neither parent had. These are mutations, and while they’re normally bad, it’s also how new traits get added in to a population.

Did you managed to kill Nigerians at the last South Africa riots or you are white?

Based user teaching me about genetics

kill yourself retard

I appreciate your honesty and candor. It's certainly a step up from completely fabricating a "that's been debunked" claim.

What kind of retard would leave Barca for PSG voluntarily? Haha

>muuuuh i have to debunk le debunk post about iq theories on a sport board reeeeeeeee


>its a chinese immigrant pretending to be human

Ok schlomo

Do niggers actually have dreams?

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Apparently puberty blockers are being mass medicated and that's having an affect on brain development in younger generations. I read it on pol so it must be true.

You have to be sentient for that.

Why should other players sacrifice themselves over a guy that was sold 2 years ago