ITT: only the top tier Yea Forums vidya

ITT: only the top tier Yea Forums vidya

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pes5/we9 is the peak of football games

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>those tournaments at teenagehood with school friends and also from other school classes in one's home where we bet real money and knew how to make all kind of effective alineations and player positioning and shit was actually intense
Good times

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Cute birb.

went back and played the 360 version a while back, was terrible. The PS2 got the best and the last great PES'S

is a car an athlete?

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PC version is better but yeah PS2 is suprisingly good.

F1 2019 is pretty good fun with a wheel

I played this on PCSX2 during the summer, and it is a really fun and very well done game.

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Good taste
PES5 or PES6 are the best football games ever

Pes 6
Pes 2010
This is Football 2005
FM 08

GOAT management game

There's too much bollocks in modern FM games, this was perfect.

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Uhm, sweetie?

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>tfw gran turismo 3 on pcsx2 with a racing wheel
burns more calories than s*ccer

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>not pro skater 2

Yeah i play lots of SIM and my arms feels stronger.

whenever I'll get the mood/time I'm setting up RBR, but I also need to invest in a shifter because the paddles would feel like cheating

Just buy a G29, mine came with a shifter although they usually don't sell with it.

I caught a great deal on a t300rs gt last year, sadly the shifter is half it's price FFS

Check the prices for a G920.

cheapest I can find is 210 euros but it's on a semi-shady website

>FM 08

the best
peak juninho offered me CL twice with lyon

this was the BOY

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For me, it's the GOAT.

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PES 06
starting it right now.

Are you playing on the computer? Post some prints

For me it's Pro Skater 4

PC indeed

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That's so fucking cool.

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That was a good team. Now post Messi

Germany-Netherlands started now!

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>boa morte

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>19 years old
>Argentina actually had a good team

Good times

I played this game alot as a kid and I perfected everything

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riquelme > messi

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so is he faster with the ball then without? kek

For me, it was Power Soccer :"(

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Anybody else remember the PES game with the club-creation? Probably like early 2000s?

Wish they made a new one.

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For me, it's championship manager 2003.

1 > 4 = 2 > 3 >>>> doesn't matter

Intro never fails to give me goosebumps.


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pes3 was the best

anyone else?

also a bit offtopic but am I the only one not really feeling PES 2020 at all? I kind of see where they're going but the passing, first touches, and several other smaller stuff just seem all kinds of fucked, lads
also don't really trust modern Konami, looks like I'm gonna pass on this year's footy sims yet again

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i had the game and bought it for 15€ at a Familia center

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