Fuck dis racist crackkka

fuck dis racist crackkka

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nocturnal animal?

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So who was in the wrong?




AB. You're the employee, not the employer. Don't get pissed when discipline from not following policy is implemented.

Ben Roethlisberger.

*ahem* Nigger

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Accurate and deserved

lol, i knew he had called him a cracker .. today confirms it

> black players kneeling because of racism
> black player calls GM a cracker

We're living in peak clown world. Can you imagine the reverse? If Tom Brady called a black NFL executive a nigger. I mean, that dude would be cut immediately, banned from the NFL for life and made to tearfully apologize on The View the next day

cracker is a normal word though. it means food. it is not a dedicated word only used for racial insults.

>only used for racial insults

His Max, and no, it's not only used as an insult, blacks literally call themselves niggers/niggas everyday.

> "I was making fun of Mr. Mayock and calling him a bland, tasteless food"
> "my quote was taken out of context"

Please god let this happen

> black players kneeling because of racism
> black player calls GM a cracker
Only white ppl can be racist

yeah heterosexual men call each other homos as a friendly banter. but you call a homosexual a homo, it is an insult. can they insult straight men back? what is the equivalent of a cracker for that?

White people invented racism so yes. Blacks didn't bring white american cowboys and european pirates to Africa to enslave them.

I tend to use "fuckin' breeders"

so if i call another white guy a nigger thats ok?

The connotation of cracker is literally slave owner, while nigger is slave. If you think they carry the same weight, especially when he’s calling his boss that, you’re lobotomized. Please go back to r/honkfaggots

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depends on the context.
if you address a gay person "hey

>navigating to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracker_(term)
>This site can’t be reached en.wikipedia.org took too long to respond.
oh fuck. happening.

I wish a nigga would.

the whole site's down apparently

is AB bipolar?

what if i do the mate banter version and a black guy is standing next to my m8 with a gun

he's definitely an insane/crazy nigger one way or another.

take your meds bb

that's because i ignored their humble request to donate $10 and they ran out of 100 million, all spent on expensive trips.

hmm you are trying to divide by zero. oh i know the answer. there are no guns in the UK. you won't get shot. QED

Oh, yeah, totally, the next time a white person is called a cracker they should think they are being literally called a food, right? You stupid fucking cunt?

it's not rude to call someone a slave owner?

Pretty sure they have to cut him at this point

Why are you acting like being a slave owner isn’t the most vilified thing today?

>ayo coach fuck you!
>t-thanks, see you monday

Skip Bayless




Society has shifted to a slave mentality in the Nietzschean sense so being called a slave owner nowadays is much worse. Also please don't pretend like you aren't the redditor here

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Is this [spoiler]black privilege[/spoiler]

imagine how easy it would be to fix the usa if lynching was legal again


Nigger they weren't pirates and they didn't enslave them, they bought the blacks who had already been enslaved by their fellow dindus.

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>reading comprehension

Oh no so racist

Retard confirmed


>white people invented racism
I'm so tired of that meme. Asia is by far the most racist continent and racism exists since the beginning of human culture.

Pic related
So is it apt to call AB a nigger then?

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reminder that AB has been reinstated because he was forced to apologize, i.e. BEND THE KNEE, to his GM

>Get shot
>over words
Pretty sad blacks can’t control their emotions and constantly act like children.

Nigger is a normal word though. it means dark ass jungle bunny. it is a dedicated word only used for racial insults and that’s okay

Riley Cooper can say the N-word and get a 5 year 80 mil contract yet Colin Kaepernick can't get a job. They right this is modern day PLANTATION work. Us black community should only attend Historically Black Colleges and start our own league. Fuck these CRAKKKAS.

>haha white people want us to be shit tier loser people haha
>we finna show dem right after dis blunt

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>P-please don't fire me coach, I need money to pay my child support please coach I'll do anything I'll even suck your dick just don't fire me please

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bomani jones and that other literally who talking head were talking about the black college thing on their show yesterday

"What if all the best black athletes went to howard and grambling state? what would bama and clemson do then?"

fucking kek dude, espn is embarrassing


lol get a load of this faggito

desu Brady would probably be slapped on the wrist and told to say it was only a joke. You can't deny the GOAT

Nigger is worse than cracker, yes that's obvious.
To say it destroys things in 2019 is retarded


that was the jews who had the ships and traded in flesh for shekels, nice try

To be fair, niggers do destroy everything they touch

>$25 million and $8 million guaranteed over 5 years.
But I guess making shit up is not new for you. And yeah go play at HBCs, sure that will work out.

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For white people it certainly destroys everything, with how people seem to have their phones set to record 24/7 and media will ALWAYS roll with a white-guy-says-n-word story.
Then it's goodbye job and any future prospects

>it's okay to compare people to slave owners because they did something you don't like

It doesn't even have to be said. It could be some 115 lbs white woman who questioned whether the 6'4 black gentlemen hanging around outside her closed lobby apartment actually lives there.

negro please

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lel is this blue checkmark brigadeer acknowledging niggers have literally ruined everything they touch?

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while "cracker" doesn't have the same connotation as "nigger" itself, what about other racial slurs? If a white player called the GM a "darkie" or a "coon" then it still wouldn't get dismissed like this. I'm not exactly a /pol/tard but there is still a clear double standard here.

fucking kek


I don't see how white people can pretend to have any room to talk about racism.

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but he didnt apologize to the gm only his teammates. did you even listen to it?

Nigger doesn't mean slave you absolute fucking retard

Why not?

Whites have already racked up so many racism points that they can never come out from under the pile of debt no matter what black people do

AB = daddy issues, like many other black men that achieve something

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this has to be bait

What you are assuming by saying that is.

>1 being a slave owner is positive thing and holds no weight to be compared to

>2 All white people are not offended by being compared to people who treated other people like cattle.

Only a nigger would have logic this dumb.

This post is low IQ enough that I'm actually convinced it really is a black that wrote it


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AB headroom was best AB

>The zoomed in shot of a helmet
The fooking mad lad!!

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>white american cowboys
nigger do you know how many mexicans and native americans were riding around on horses out there? a fuck ton




Oh fuck off, you've already racked up so many faggot points that youll never get all the cum out of your ass.


And bisexual

How is AB so retarded at everything off the football field, but a genius on it. It's really weird, like a downie who's a genius composer. Or Beethoven.

are they gonna get rid of him, what does this mean for fantasy

They were gonna start him, then he releaseed a secret recording of his coach. Not only is this airing team business publically after they just got over him releasing the letter from mayock, but recording someone without their knowledge is illegal in california. He's either trying to get fired or legit retarded, cause he is giving the raiders the grounds to waive his contract guarantees entirely.