I play football/soccer and I am a left and I have a mental block when playing soccer. I just don’t know wtf it is. I just can never score. My entire life I’ve been an alright player. Now I’ve gotten better but I can’t score. What do I have to do. Do I gotta wake up in the morning and train before games or what. I don’t like freeze up I just can score. I’m a LW and ST at times. Any tips and what should I do because this one kid in my team just carries us but he’s eventually gonna get man marked and we will be stuck. I know some professionals are on here. If you need any more details message back.
Advice on my game
I am a lefty*
And it’s not like a miss break always I just can’t score. Like there will be two good defenders in front of me and I’ll try to break them but I can’t. Also
my advice:
- train hard
- teamwork
- spirit of friendship
- just b urself
So should I practice after every game and perfect my craft.
I played baseball for a long time and all the sudden grounders scared me. I couldnt get over it and just stopped playing. Wish I could help .
If you cant score then look for pass rather than shoot until a comfy ball lands your way and just pass it in goal.
Try crosses and get good at it. When you get in the box with the ball, lift your head and look for an incoming team mate.
If you keep on sucking then play as LB.
slurped too much semen
Dont try breaking by yourself. One two passes are the easiest most effective way to break through defenses.
Good bait
So is it the positioning or the finishing?
I never get opportunities so it’s maybe positioning.
you should probably change positions to something like leftback
Git gud
Kinda hard to give you tips without analyzing your game. In your other post you said that you have a hard time breaking defenders with the ball on your feet so I'd give you the advice to look for runs that cross a defender instead of looking for positions in a clear passing lane. So instead of dropping back and offering yourself you look for space behind the opposite back line to make runs. You will need teamates that see your, though.
It's confidence. I was shit until I stopped being a faggot and started playing aggressively, trying to get into the head of my marker or in general being a cunt. Be vocal, be physical and don't wait for the ball to come to you by moving into space, making runs or tracking back and getting it yourself.
start playing on the right, spend all your practice time doing right footed crosses and recreating cutting inside arjen robben runs at full speed. at low levels you can have massive success figuring out a gimmick that the other team struggles with. just get really good at one or two moves/runs
*Move into space etc
Hope this helps.
I played striker for a couple of years and didn`t score once. Being taller and foreign made everyone mark and attack the shit out of me, but i got a lot of assists. Later I played as DM and scored three in the first game. If you can make a late run into the box, nobody knows who is supposed to pick you up, scoring can become much easier. It does depend on your teammates though too, if they are good passers and you are quick (i am not) you can surely score often as a well marked striker too.
Being physical in an unofficial game will result in fights most of the time. Well, at least that's how it is here.
It did sometimes when I played but the reason why I think it's important is because if you're not the best on the pitch technically, then you should be the best physically and vocally. It helps your confidence and you don't as OP said have that mental block because you're more involved. I used to lightly kick the back of people's ankles and back into them alot. You eventually gain the confidence to try different techniques and maybe be abit more selfish because you're more of a presence in the match and training.
Plus, I don't see it ending in fights in America. I imagine they'd be pretty soft.
>be bredy good basebol player as a kid
>take a fastball that reks my knee
>always hesitate from then on when I'm in the batters box
Just hav fun lad
No you'll just get shot.
Back when I was young, I spent like an hour everyday kicking the ball at targets on a wall. Also through a tire.
Aslong as you get shot in the box and get a pen, you're contributing