Why do they like an yank sport?

Why do they like an yank sport?

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neighbor countries, the US affects them culturally, even if they don't want to. don't they only like baseball though?
>inb4 counterexample that doesn't prove otherwise

Commies can't invent sports besides gulaging and starving people so they stick to western ones.

Attached: 5af5abc415e9f92872154764.jpg (850x478, 198K)

Why do they pretend to be a country?

Because before the revolution, Cuba was America's shithole.

Baseball was already huge for like 100 years before the revolution
Countries usually doesn't stop countries from adopting sports that were popular in the west first. See the Soviets and ice hockey

Yes, they only like baseball
Some people says Fidel tried to change basketball for football, but didn't work

*wins in Berlin spectacularly*
Nothing personnel, Franco

And now it's an even worse shithole

Why is Guantanamo Bay in Cuba?

Do you mean why does the U.S. own the base? It was established by the Navy during the Spanish-American war and formally annexed afterwards.
If you mean the prison, that was built in 2002 explicitly to indefinitely detain enemy combatants away from public or judicial scrutiny.

basedball predates most American imperialism

it's like our Gibraltar

>Actually believing this

Joke’s on you, i’m a Uefalonafag and 2015 was best year of my life.

Rounders is originally Irish and British not American.

It is senpai. Every city outside of Havana is Somalia tier.

Cuba was an American colony before the Revolution, it was literally part of the USA



Fuck off /int/ commies
I went to cuba. The downtown is nice but the whole country is very poor and the infrastructure is pretty bad. The coolest thing about cuba is that they still use a bunch of cool retro soviet cars and some ancient bicycles that I never saw in any other country

Baseball is not rounders, not the same rules.

Che, is that you?

>the whole country is very poor and the infrastructure is pretty bad.
Did anyone deny that? Cuba is indeed a poor country, but it doesn't mean it's a shithole or "Somalia-tier", at least it has peace, no crime, good climate and equality

But you are brainwashed to think your life is hell if you don't drive a brand new Dodge Ram and wear an apple watch

That isn't true retarded argenchino. They weren't a part of the usa since 1902 and that was way before the revolution. Sure their ruler was pro usa but they weren't part of america

You know what I mean, it's the same reason Phillipines has basketball as their main sport, they were both colonoies of the USA at the time team sports became a thing

Before 1900 people didn't care about sports besides maybe some fights and horse racing, but no team sports

Simple life isn't always a happy life as you think. Humanity is supposed to be ambitious.

There are other ways to want to grow besides money. And simple life is good when everyone else also has a simple life

As Cubans say, I don't care if this year I don't have oranges this year, Fidel also doesn't have them. In shot, the problem is inequality, some people having it all and some people having nothing, but living together. That's what generates violence

Lmao fidel did have all the oranages tho

>As Cubans say, I don't care if this year I don't have oranges this year, Fidel also doesn't have them.
Are Cubans and Argentinos really this retarded?

Baseball is derived from Rounders, it's like how ten pin bowling is derived from Skittles or whatever the Germans call it, and Gridiron Football is from Rugby.
They're American versions of those sports, not American sports inventions, those are Lacrosse and Basketball.

Fidel lived a very simple life, he wore the same track pants from the 70s until his death

Cuban inequality coefficient is only 3 points lower than america

Fidel loved baseball. They wanted him to sign with the Giants, but he decided to become a dictator instead.

Well duh. Soccer’s trash. Why would anyone adopt it unless they had literally nothing else?

Steve jobs also wear shitty clothes all the time. That doesn't mean shit. Fidel castro is fucking rich. Just look at his family. You are a delduded communist apologist

Because it's international, Maduro also tried to promote soccer over baseball in Venezuela

And it didn’t work because, again, soccer sucks.

Zuckerberg wears wallmart clothes, drives a prius and married a 4/10, you can be rich and live a simple life kek

It sadly did. Another reason to hate Maduro. Based chavez liked baseball

Attached: new-chavez-baseball-0305.jpg (560x1000, 130K)

And of course >you put a prison/military base in there

What else would we do with it

Stalin left a relatively modest life too you know

You can be a genocider and live a modest live, none of your examples are mutually exclusive

Fidel lived a modest life, wasn't corrupt and wasn't crazy

That's pretty badass desu

Chavez is my best commie. Too bad he depended too much on petrol. If he wanted to challenge >us, he shouldlve deversified the economy

Learn to spell you fucking loser

No u

Cause soccer is fucking gay and they are too poor for hockey, and not athletic enough for Rugby?

They do play my football. My team has a player from Cuba.

>he shouldlve deversified the economy
no country in latin america is diversified, you just expect more of commies

>literally using "muh envy" as a critique of capitalism
>literally advocating for cutting down successful people because others are insecure and jealous.

I thought Castro killed all the gays?

They love him. He has a street named after him in SF.

the ideal would be all the people being rich, but that's impossible, you can only be rich if you exploit other people and make them poor

all african countries are poorer than the usa, and almost all of them have a lower crime rate than your country, and way lower suicide rate and mental dissease rate

inequality makes people ill

this is actually false.
For starters African countries simply have less of a legal framework or law enforcement, they don't have less violence. Africa lacks the actual medical professionals, tools or infrastructure to diagnose mental illness. the rate of mental illness in the US could hit zero if they just pretended it didn't exist.
Also the poorest Americans have a way higher standard of living than most Africans.



>how come chad gets all the sex--it isn't fair
>if only we could keep everyone else chaste then I wouldn't feel so insecure!
You are basically the economic equivalent of an incel.

Have income.

Yes, so good!
It´s not like people risk their lives in rafts to leave the country or run away as soon as they get a chance

>wagies are retarded normies
>commies are incels
>NEETs are Chad volcels


>canadian banter

pretty sure a country that still gives out rations books for shit like rice and coffee in current year is an unmitigated shithole

>at least it has peace, no crime, good climate and equality
Laugh at this delusional Che-loving marxist college retard

Who's gonna tell this guy about Steve Jobs then?

You've never been to Cuba. It's a wonderful country with wonderful people.