Fuck American ""Football"".
Fuck every Mexican malinchista who hates real football and prefers to watch burgers colliding and touching their fat greasy black asses for 11 minutes plus 3 hours of commercials and replays.
Fuck every media outlet in this country for shilling the hell out of NFL and making it such a big deal when it's the most robotic, NPC-tier artificial "sport" to ever disgrace this planet.
I'd rather watch Potros UAEM vs Cafetaleros than their fucking shitty sport.
Fuck American ""Football""
okay but that's like your opinion
>He thinks Qatarball isn't more corporate then American sports
I like both football disciplines now what faggot?
Real Mexicans support Los Raiders. Fuck off guey
Mama mia you're mad!
I'd rather have my team's kit fully plastered with 50 corporate logos than having to bear one hundred 30-second long TV ads every time a nigger picks his nose during a footbawl gayme.
Que chingue su madre el Amiérdica, btw.
I mean, I hate the commercials too, but as a sport burgerball is bretty gud. Shame about the constant stoppages.
Why can't I like both
Liga MX is trash tho
It doesn't really matter if a sport has no stoppages if 90 percent of the fucking time absolutely fucking nothing happens.
Note that the commercials in games occur at specific times, and you can easily predict when they are going to happen if you follow the game. This allows you to leave and not have to experience the ads which aren't on during the game
Meanwhile, soccer provides entirely advertisements that you can't escape. That's why Fly Emirates will be flashing on the sideline the entire match
Hence, soccer has more noticeable ads then football
this guy obviously isnt ready for some football...
no mames los partidos de mexico los interrumpen a cada 5 minutos con anuncios de pinche telcel o de algun banco
assimilation, fuck off
What, the only thing that "happens" in football is touchdowns? How smooth is your brain?
You sawker fags literally can’t get away from fucking ads. Wasn’t always like this either but you know Arab money ruined the sport.
Im talking about soccer, nothing fucking happens for most of the game and then soccer fans come up here talking shit about how many commercial breaks we have
Merger when
New Mexico United champions of the continent when
>hate commerials
>want thrilling unpredictable gameplay
>want gameplay that isn't just the team runnings plays they practice every week
Once again, I ask if you think nothing happens in sports unless someone is actively scoring.
>football is more corporate than "football"
Do Americans actually believe this?
Fuck any and every American 'sport'. Keep fighting for what's right.
>nothing happens
Here is the sideline of an NFL stadium. As you can see there's no Fly Oil forced advertisements you cannot avoid during the game as they are flashed 24/7 during the match
Commercials only come on at times you can get up and actually do things
There are no advertisements on jerseys
Yes American football is less corporate then oilball
>bud light
>there's about 60 million of these Mexican assholes in the US
>you could have let Eastern Europeans and based Chinese/HKers immigrate instead
I have something to say
in soccer? usually not
You will not see that on tv nor is it immediately in front of the field
Nice try Huawei FC
>something that most people don't even notice because they're actually watching the game
>something that happens every 30 seconds that you literally can't avoid seeing
Fuck off chink
>football man throws ball
>man catches ball and is tackled
>game stops, 3 replays, cut to commercial
>entire sequence takes 20 minutes
>score is still 0-0
>soccer men passing ball, tackling, intercepting, committing fouls and performing set pieces, making shots on goal, deflecting or blocking shots
>20 solid minutes of this
>score is still 0-0
>something that most people don't even notice because they're actually watching the game
It's something that happens every second and you will be viewing them regardless, it's impossible not to especially with how it's usually extends the entire pitch
>something that happens every 30 seconds that you literally can't avoid seeing
It's not every 30 seconds and nigga just get up from your couch and do shit lmao you aren't missing anything
Funny that you still didn't answer his question ya seething brainlet
>Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan isn't based
>Chinese coastal cities aren't based
lol okay
>hurrrr go do something else
State of American sports fans, you probably sit on your phone the entire game
>dude it's fine, just get up from the TV every 5 minutes and stop watching the game!
>compared to two 45~ minutes of relatively uninterrupted sports
Don't get into sales, user.
>football man throws ball
>man catches ball and is tackled
>game stops, 3 replays, cut to commercial
doesn't happen
>soccer men passing ball, tackling, intercepting, committing fouls and performing set pieces, making shots on goal, deflecting or blocking shots
>20 solid minutes of this
>score is still 0-0
actually happens
can't just meme your way through this one bud.
>all sports are the same
leaf "education"
in soccer? no
in american football? yes
Yeah, not a basement dweller means you can do things. Action isn't even occurring
>relatively uninterrupted sports
You mean uninterrupted Qatar Foundation advertisements. Soccer has lost all integrity it had decades ago
>football man throws ball
>man catches ball and is tackled
>game stops, 3 replays, cut to commercial
>doesn't happen
Dude, I actually watch football and this exact thing happens all the fucking time. Don't even get me started on every 3rd play getting contested by the coach to make sure a catch was legally a catch.
you keep repeating the same shit over and over man
>forced advertisements
cringe and bluepilled
lol even the announcers in NFL have to say advertisements. I think soccer is corporate as fuck, but is this really the hill you want to die on?
based Mexican bro
>Dude, I actually watch football
shouldn't even read the rest, fuck strawmen
The only thing that repeats more is the Fly Emirates ads during Arsenal matches
I'm repeating until you realize how corporate your sport is
Euros and imperialist South Americans like to pretend soccer is this non-corporate sport so yes, I like to show them it's even more so then the sport they say is corporate
>retard resorts to using a buzzword incorrectly
State of Americans, range ban when?
>It's not every 30 seconds and nigga just get up from your couch and do shit lmao you aren't missing anything
with this attitude you should be a fan of test cricket
so comfy to barbecue, drink, and have the cricket on nearby
It's time for you to stop posting.
This argument is dumb and the only reason this thread exists is to be "Seething and coping about the United States of America thread #98867"
stop being so obssesed with us, i promise the less you think about the things that make you mad the less mad you will be, don't have an unhealthy obsession with people you aren't involved with.
God bless anons.
This is an American website and you're free to head to Canada's imageboard website if you don't like that
Based and redpilled.
And the majority of soccer is pretending to dribble a ball and standing there what's your point
Plus the commercials would be 100% of the pie chart in soccer given they are on the side of the pitch
go on lad
>japanese owner
>copy of a japanese site
>servers in europe
>american website
I'm more angry at my fellow countrymen who despise their own culture and history and instead love bandwagoning the fucking Patriots or Raiders.
It's ironic how a lot of people who insist that "soccer is the Government's and Televisa's tool to keep people stupid" then go on posting how great the Patriots game was. Fuck malinchismo.
>Founded by American
>Owned by the owner of a website created in American
>Not American
who cares what sport some people watch.
another terrible argument, go back to r3ddit or stop posting.
>And the majority of soccer is pretending to dribble a ball and standing there what's your point
Weren't you complaining about strawmanning just a minute ago? I guess getting faced with cold hard data left you with no other option.
>Plus the commercials would be 100% of the pie chart in soccer given they are on the side of the pitch
And yet to not impede the flow of the game at all. I'm not going to argue that soccer isn't "corporate", but given that one sport's commercialism has to work around the sport and one sport has to work around commercialism, if you're going to try to argue which sport is MORE corporate, this isn't going to be a battle you're going to win user. You can either admit commercialism is worse in football than soccer in terms of impeding enjoyment of the game or you can continue with your delusional tantrum.
stop being a bitch and pick a team. being that youre mexican the logical choice would be a team in texas or california.
>liking more than one sport means despising your own culture and history
Fucking yikes, hombre.
Soccer is reddit
Your teams are nothing but brands on their own. They don't need that many advertisers because they rack up millions of dollars just by selling their logos to the masses. Of course they're as bad if not worse than P$G and Man $hitty. Your teams only exist to make money, and nothing else. A good sports club knows that money is important, but also they must also focus on respecting their traditions and providing to their community, be it big or small, rich or poor.
I love the Argentinian/Sudaca model because most clubs host several sports along with football and people from the community benefit from the services they offer.
Yea Forums civil war when?
I bet you think the nuke is an American invention too. Get a clue ya manlet nerd
I don't watch soccer
nono you have misunderstood
all football sports have advertising of some kind
think about the entire duration of the kickoff (say 1pm) and filltime (4pm)
how much actual ball-is-in-play actually happens?
this pie chart says 11minutes
I know in soccer they don't stop the clock when the ball is not in play, and I remember seeing a similar pie chart that said about 55 minutes of ball-in-play
but the remainder of the 90 minutes between kickoff and fulltime is a guaranteed not cutting away from the action in the stadium to a beer commercial
Tienes razon vamos a rezarle a la virgencita ahora sii va ganar el Cruz azul pancho.
That's where you're wrong. If you move to America, you become an American. You're not supposed to retain entirely the culture of your motherland.
>Weren't you complaining about strawmanning just a minute ago
That wasn't me, that was another user. America is large ya know
>You can either admit commercialism is worse in football than soccer in terms of impeding enjoyment of the game or you can continue with your delusional tantrum
Commercialism in soccer has lead to a few teams always dominating and stifling competition in any league. Commercialism in soccer has lead local teams like Bury to die because they either have to pay to stay up for those tv contracts to pay it off or die. One has turned every aspect about them about promoting things and makes it impossible to even view without ads
You're very disillusional in your tantrum. One isn't killing a sport and one already has killed a sport. And American football certainly isn't the one that got killed by commercialism
>he thinks moving to another country makes you that nationality
No, Achmed.
Learn to read, you goddamn idiot. I hate malinchismo. I hate people who disregard soccer as being for dumb apolitical people and then go and suck the NFL corporate dick. I hate that people wear their fucking Patriots beanies to protests and shit. I hate American football as a whole, but I don't hate people who like both American and Association football. I hate people who like to shill the NFL; I hate people who hate being Mexicans and would rather ride the burger train and feel superior; I hate Mexicans who openly hate soccer.
Nah, I do think it's another aspect that we completely dominate at though
I'm talking about Mexicans living in Mexico. Nigel, look at my fucking flag, I'm a Mexican posting from Mexico.
That would depend on how much time is taken away by fouls and set pieces, which varies by game. I'm sure the extra minutes tacked onto each half doesn't fully compensate the amount of time wasted by the ball being out of play, but compared to the pace of a NFL game, the difference is night and day.
>Your teams are nothing but brands on their own
TIL colleges are a brand
We're talking NFL, not college football, moron. That's a whole different deal.
palabras fuertes, palabras fuertes para un hombre extraño
That's more of a criticism of the league system than the sport itself, which I share by the way. One of the few virtues of the franchise system is that it safeguards against money causing a power imbalance, but we're arguing about commercialism, not league structure, are we user?
>american english
He uses the language correctly ya fat cunt
Blessed digits confirm that everyone should use "kit" instead of "uniform".
We're talking explicitly about NFL, try to keep up.
Okay, bud. Tell me what nationality Barron Trump is or any American. You could give multiple nationalities of these guys but I'm not an autist so I just say American.
Nigga, who gives a shit about Mexico? Fuck Mexico. Your only claim to fame is that you have immigrants in the US.
fuck amerifats, fuck malinchistas and fuck trump
>He uses the language correctly
Oi! Ya fookin wanka!!!!
He was born in America and raised you retard, how is that the same as a Mexican moving there after growing up in another country?
>Nigga, who gives a shit about Mexico?
Then what the fuck are you doing in my thread? This whole shit is about /cum/ matters. If you're not interested, fuck off.
If we're allowed to talk about the hundreds of teams further down a soccer league we can talk about college sports, no? Football is football.
Why do soccer fans think because their teams were created by people going to a bar and saying they are forming a company club 100 years they are not corporate? The Bears, Cardinals, Packers and other NFL teams were created this way so I can use this same argument. Soccer teams are not different from NFL teams other then more exist on their level
this meme is going too far
>i heard this in a movie once so all english people speak like this haha
Cringe, why do yanks always do this?
Anything below 5'11 makes you a manlet tbqhwyf
t. xuang the selfhating manlet
This is my thread. Britain just claims anything it wants. That's how we work. Get the fuck out my thread, nigga.
How is my dick and the Titanic similar. Neither could be raised by viagra, even after I saw your mother naked. Fuck you, Canada: you're a cunt, you always have been.
>The Bears, Cardinals, Packers and other NFL teams were created this way so I can use this same argument.
They have all been incorporated as franchises. They have become brands. They're a shell of what they were. This is also a problem in soccer. My own league is struggling; it doesn't know if it wants to become a franchise-based league or keep the European-style promotion and relegation system.
Your teams can be shit for literal centuries yet they will still stay on the top.
>not even 5'9
I'm 6'1 little guy, no need to be upset.
ya seethe?
I'm 6'2 but don't consider 175cm people to be manlets
You already admitted you're 175cm pal
187cm checking in
He is absolutely is a manlet
t. Wu chang
Dios mio...
Just being objective, 175cm is normal height
I wish I was a bit shorter tho, it's hard to find shoes in my size in this country
Chill your nips and stop being a baby back bitch. Soccer was not born in Mexico and its tradition is mediocre at best. I'd rather watch any preseason NFL game than sit trough 90 mins of twinks flopping and playing to get global points instead of winning games.
Soccer is the most anticlimactic sport ever. Now shut your ass pendejo brayan.
Just because it's an average height doesn't mean it isn't manlet territory, do you also think 5 inch dicks aren't small because that's an average length?
I don't know, I haven't seen many erect dicks in my life to compare
Síguele chupando la verga a tu vecino.
Why would you have to compare? Nigga accept reality, 175cm is short.
>but compared to the pace of a NFL game, the difference is night and day.
what do you mean by this?
soccer doesn't stop every 15 seconds and american football does
of course the extra 5 minutes added onto each half doesn't make up for anything
but remember when I mentioned a 1pm kickoff and a 4pm fulltime? more ball-in-play minutes for soccer happens than american football!
The average male height in Canada is 174cm, how the fuck do you consider 175cm people to be short? You can't be "taller than the average" and "short" at the same time, these terms are mutually exclusive. That's fucking basic logic
Yes I agree, you must have me confused with another American.