>the absolute state of this arena

Attached: construction.png (1540x916, 2.24M)


they are building more seats

1-0 ISAK


the weak must fear the strong

Isak future GOAT

Don't bully Faroe too much, Sweden

What's up with that stadium? Did they forget to build one of the stands?

kek this domination

>shitting on the faroe islands
Bore off sweden

What is a fär?
Did the misspell får?

Fairy Islands

Going to watch Finland's game tßh

*carries the national team*

Attached: aik.jpg (400x400, 25K)

>t. Fredrik Virtanen

>The Fucker of Faroe Islands


Fucking europoors

>Färöarna (färöiska Foroyar, svensk översättning "Fåröarna")
why don't we call them Fåröarna then?

not even watching

Attached: 1546199347876.png (420x420, 7K)

Fuck you fat fuck

Attached: ji6z8adtwsiy.png (339x332, 105K)

t. Zoomer
What do you mean? I call them Fåröarna.

me neither
imagine watching a team where marcus berg is a starter

perfect time to commit a crime considering 97% of the Faroe Islands population is there.

can they just fuck off. hejda senpai

what are you going to steal? a wool sweater and some fish?

Why would you build a stadium what fits the entire population?

Extremely comfy arena.

I stole your mum's fish last night and she was a right sweater haha