Was he world class or just a passion merchant?

Was he world class or just a passion merchant?

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Who is this?

Robbie Keane

passion merchant, average footballer technically. however, he always gave his all and never backed down, which certainly helps

He scared footballers, which isn't hard. Would love to have seen him try it on a rugby pitch or whatever Gaelic sports they play in Ireland

Asking for an opinion on a Man U player is pointless lad, Ronaldo was considered a one trick show pony by most fans in the UK in 2008.. the same year he bagged 40 plus goals and won the Ballon d'Or.

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I think he was overrated as a player, but I tend to agree with his opinions about the teams he played with. Especially when he said that Scholes and Giggs were never world class.

Zoom Zoom Zoom

Michael Owen

jason statham in snatch

He wasn't world class, but he gave it everything he had and opponents were intimidated by him, which helped a lot.

He was probably one of the best captains ever, though.

not only world class, but a player I'd never want as a rival
and I'm quite the picapiedra, I have to say

>top 5 Ballon Dor 1999
>PFA and FWA player of the year 2001
>Most successful captain in Premier League history
>Literally dragged fucking Ireland out of a qualifying group with Portugal and Holland in it

He was a great midfielder. No sideways passing, mostly quick short passes into the forwards, rarely lost the ball, fantastic tackler, great stamina. It's trendy to shit on United players but Keane was great.

He was miles better than Scholes for sure. Up there with the best

Should check out the Off the Ball interview that him and Gary Neville just did, fucking hysterical watching him shittalking the club and SAF and Neville desperately trying to defend Fergie and the club brand.

Agreed. The one man shows he put on for Ireland were tremendous and are a true sign of a world class player.

Imagine him managing the current group of Instagram obsessed dab merchants
He might murder JLingz

A lot better than he's given credit for in regards to technique and ability. He's been retroactively downgraded in that regard in the popular viewpoint, for some reason.

He was both.

The Beast is a kind of CM which has been lost to the modern game, but yeah he was fantastic. Keane vs Viera was some real high IQ shit, and there isn't really much he wasn't good at, considering he won everything there was to win in the game and scored over 50 goals at ManYoo alone.

World class. Simple as.

Was he the last world class Irish player, Alan?

John O'Shea la.

He'd call pogba a nigger, punch Sanchez in the face, break Lingard's phone in half and get fired within a month

although if all 3 of those fucked off and they replaced them with actual professionals they might become a champions league team again

My personal example of a CM
Best Ive ever seen

Just wait

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Eric Cantona