Would you rather see your team win the league or spend an entire day with Lana?

Would you rather see your team win the league or spend an entire day with Lana?

Attached: F0420C24-5A07-40EA-BB22-5119D95955E3.jpg (1125x1314, 566K)

I'm not sure I want to have sex with her but if it was Remy I'd take it.

>22 going on 42

oof. guess that's what worlds of dick makeup and surgery do to you

Well the pats are a safe bet anyway so I'll take my day with lana

why is this always some disgusting woman?


What does the tattoo say?

>arabic script tattoo

If you can read this you're too close

"me very special, notice me sempai"


Lana is used up slut woth burnt out dopamine channels

Damn, I'd probably go with the league one since the second option would automatically require me to turn black

You don't support Arsenal then

i can't afford orange juice so i'd go for the world cup

burned mine too

Only if the day comes with orange juice too

No human being does

Attached: dunks on you.jpg (1440x1799, 125K)


I dont want an STD so team

True. I don't think her and kendra Sunderland will make it to 30. Both use too much drugs, and lhana has a husband who is much much older than her and basically is bad for her brain. Trash attracts trash. Sunderland is happy now as a stripper and semi relevant porn actress, but in 3-5y she will be replaced by another 20 year old. She better try to survive and get a milf look going.

t. Incel

I am a museum full of art but you have shut your eyes

She is cleaner than your mom

i wonder what people that post shit like this look like

There's no Incels on sp lad, i was just fkjn pissed that a good looking trash August ames killed herself because some pozzed out faggot complained. Those other young ones are going same route, they're all unstable af

kek this

Who's that qt athlete?

''i rate zidane''

>Sunderland is happy now as a stripper and semi relevant porn actress
damn relegation really hit them hard

her bottom half is 10/10

league please, she is too skinny.

>shitty tattoos

Attached: lmaourlife.jpg (968x726, 38K)

"thanks for buying me an orange juice"

We have a good idea on how you look bananinha

is the arabic her slave mark?

"pee pee poo poo"


I'm used to my team never winning so I'll take the whore

I did everyone but the bassist

I think she married a white dude. I've seen his pic. He's kinda big too.

By big, I mean he looks fat. Maybe she likes dad bodies or something. Might be a daddy issue thing

Someone give me a quick rundown on this orange juice meme

all tattoos are shitty

How do I have sex? I’m 27 and still a virgin

"96 wasn't enough"

me next year

we are all gonna make it bros

No idea who this is but the answer is gonna be I'd rather see my team win the league regardless

lurk moar