Chinese VAR

Chinese VAR

Attached: botnet.webm (720x1278, 2.2M)

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what do the squares say about the people
like their distance or some shit?


what they taste like

person of interest did that shit a long time ago.

what kind of dog they just ate

Attached: poi.jpg (1280x711, 297K)

how big their penis is

this stuff is just scare tactics

they are definitely trying to get that level of tech but in the mean time they really want their people to be scared of them

they do this with everything when you live there, they will read your emails and then show up at your meetings to try to spook you. paper tigers as always

t. nsa


Is this China or Canada?

I'm surprised they take the effort to document people's individual lives when half of them die by traffic accidents/industrial explosions/escalators

a lot of them have the character for "person/human" after them. It's the one that looks like a wishbone. They're pretty much all just banal labels. Like things you can simply see with your own eyes, just expressed as visual keywords.

Looking closer one of the tabs just says the color white, while hovering over one of the cars. Actually, most of the cars include their color.

>t. took some chinese in high school

social credit score

this is some death note shit

this shit rules. fuck """""freedom""""". i just want a government that can get shit done.

t. american who has been to china and has seen how they can just decide to improve infrastructure practically overnight instead of fucking around for thirty fucking years passing pieces of paper around and not accomplishing shit

t. "Frank" Zhang the "transfer student"

I want to go to China to see what it's actually like. You get a lot of anti Chinese propaganda (some of it with good reason) in the west but apparently it's not so different from once you actually go there.

i am chinese-vietnamese born in america. never been to china until a couple years ago and saw how they can just fucking build a giant, modern, fast, efficient train system like it aint no thang. meanwhile literally every major american cities' infrastructure is antiquated and crumbling and the decision making process ensures it stays that way. rural areas are often even worse, despite having fewer infrastructure needs.

what happened to american shit like the TVA where the government can just decide to get shit done.

Fuck off chink

bootlicker statement of the year

it's completely normal. people mostly live like they do anywhere else. impoverished rural areas can be pretty bleak. it's the places that westerners freak out about being dystopian-1984-nightmare-hellscapes that are actually nice and have lots of cultural energy.

>i am chinese-vietnamese born in america
go back
>never been to china
I don't care

bootlicker who thinks the boot he's licking is steak statement of the year

nah im good :)
have a nice seethe!

>my week playing tourist is what living there is like
I'm pretty sure rural china is like going back in time compared to rural america what the fuck are you talking about? america has a hard time keeping up with it's infrastructure because it's incredibly spread out and not nearly as bad as it gets a rap for

i was there for 6 months and went back for 3 a year later. anyways youre missing the point. when the chinese gov't decides they need a highway or train or housing, they just fucking do it. they dont hobble along using analog rail switches from the fucking 1960s as the stations crumble, cars catch on fire, derail, leak or argue over petty shit like zoning for a decade because some bylaw states that apartments cant be over five stories when they are technically in a "business district."

wow imagine being this obvious.....

can someone translate? i don't speak canadian

It's for self driving cars.

yellow= person
Red= bike