Who is your favorite gymnast? For me, it's Shawn Johnson

Who is your favorite gymnast? For me, it's Shawn Johnson.

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mirin alien pregnancy

Had sex with a 6 month pregnant girl, was weird but hot.


was it your wife?

if not that girl is an absolute whore of the highest magnitude.

She's a big girl

Being able to fill her hard all the way in with no concerns makes it for me. Not to mention that dripping wet pussy wanting a dick so bad.


Want to do this, dunno why - some primal thing?

so a girl was 6 months pregnant and still fucking random guys? imagine putting your dick anywher near that



>what is a condom?

Why does she have a black dude name?

You chose the wrong one in 2008. Nastia Liukin still going strong.

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North American virgins

why would i wear a condom? she can't get pregnant while already pregnant. that's the whole point of fucking pregnant chicks

Daily reminder that you'll never have sex.

>putting your dick anywhere near a slut so degenerate she gets knocked up by random guys then continues fucking them while pregnant
get help incels

Go away Magic.

because she fucks everyone

>not putting your dick everywhere near a slut so degenerate she gets knocked up by random guys then continues fucking them while pregnant
get help incels

Man her milkers are milky now. Bueno

>that's the whole pint of fucking pregnant chicks

I thought it was sucking milk out her tits while fucking her but what do i know

if you're fucking a pregnant girl and you have a massive cock i mean like a mandingo pornstar tier dick is it possible to crush the fetus to death?


Damn, her husband looks like the Chad from the meme

Every time I see a pregnant slut I just know she is a whore, contributing to the continuation of this retarded species, sluts and whores should be murdered

have sex

on what

Just pikey things


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I'm pretty some chicks can get pregnant while pregnant

that's how you make twins


begone thot, shawn threads are pure

it just depends

thats what planned parenthood is in america and why conservatives hate it. the abortions they perform is a huge dicked black man fucking the woman on the table until the fetus skull caves in then they suck it out

you have to go back

I like Maddie.

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2019 I am forgotten.

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Who else was here in 2008?

i was on Yea Forums mostly


>It's the men who AREN'T pathetically desperate that are the virgins.

She had a baby and is working on her comeback

read her wiki

>met some guy in late 2015 when she was 21
>married november 2016
>had baby june 2017
>divorced april 2018, now single mother at 24

based russians

still have my SJ folder

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bring back eternal gymnast threads

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genes of a gymnast i dunno bro. short, probably been diddled so u get the crazy

Jesus just imagine the loud and constant BRAPs

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>even the baby bump is bigger
Is there anything the BLVCK BVLL isnt superior at against the european-descended "men"?

>Get molested
>End up getting pregnant

Umm I’m starting to think the Anti-Pedo thing goes deeper than just moral outrage.

Only damaged people and country folk want kids nowadays

Whorefuckers are so much more pathetic than virgins. My new roommate’s a whore and the guys who pay her are so fucking cringe, this one guy fucking brought her roses and has the physique and accent of tommy wiseau. I fucking almost lost my dinner laughing about it.

You’re better off accepting yourself as social garbage than propping yourself up with whores. Sex doesn’t remove the incellery


Well I can't top that (not sure I want to), but I did have sex with a girl that just gave birth some months before we fucked once.
I didn't realize it until I found her on facebook where she posted it.

I was disgusted as fuck but didn't tell her that I knew and still kept texting with her for some weeks after.
Eventually she told me and the first thing I wrote her is that I'm not able to take care of her and her baby (I was a student back then) and she got mad as fuck for suggesting she expected that of me, which was good because it gave me an excuse to end it right there kek

You should never trust sluts.

but user. you're a slut.