What's wrong with him?

What's wrong with him?

Attached: skysports-jesse-lingard-manchester-united_4364519.jpg (800x600, 43K)

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ugly overhyped english mutt like all the others

literally too much swag

Just needs some more time to develop la

pogba 2.0 hypes himself up too much thinks he too sick

Jlingz dabbing at it again, acts like he some slowthai faggot


What's wrong with footballers these days?

imagine having to be on the same team and share the changing room with these cunts, it would be insufferable


his only problem is lack of age. when he reaches his late 20s he will be an absolute elite player, everyone can see his potential





this cunt actually has a youtube channel

Wasn’t this after a loss as well? Yikes


Attached: 1544987453627.webm (640x640, 1.14M)

Ruined by having too much expectation placed on his shoulders at a young age by a failing football club. Same thing is happening to Rashford. They should get out of that shithole club as soon as they can.

literally just some kid still with too much money

He still needs time to reach his full potential

I know this board jokes about it a lot but it feels like he somehow fooled everyone he's still 22 or something

it's because he looks and acts like a stupid kid

Why is it that he seems like the only United player who shows up in big games? Everyone else shits the bed, especially Pogba and Rashford.

holy cringe. at least here a lot of the black athletes here actually grew up ghetto as fuck. haven't these nerds been pampered since they were like 10?

Le runs around man

Attached: CF5869B8D8B442E79A740E085A409D7B.jpg (510x585, 58K)

I wish I could dance like that and have a good handshake....boomers in tatters

>2 lcd screens above each player's changing area
>your own password protected padlocked safe
>little plug sockets to charge your tablet and iphone at half time
Fucking hell. No wonder Man Utd play like shit and have no soul. They're pampered to fuck.

Wh*toids would never be able to come up with such great moves

>that yoga trainer
what are the odds he's piping her

Anyone know the yoga teacher'said name?

Pretty sure every big club is like that.

Abolutely based gentlemen

would abslutely detest being in the same locker room as these attention whores. How did Man utd go from Roy Keane and Paul Scholes to that?

absolutely disgraceful, where were the dabs

Attached: 789fc94a73b04b66ea652b6d313d223f.jpg (1080x1920, 124K)

>le 26 year old (soon to be 27) prospect


just give him more time la he's a wonderkid

he's a


>Got me feeling underrated like I'm Lingard

imagine SEETHING this hard because a bunch of successful young athletes are making money and having fun.

They have internet in townships these days?


I honestly don't understand Yea Forums's obsession with him.

Check your car, it might be stolen.

If I'd be you I'd check yours aswell

Minuscule chances of anyone touching my shitbox.
Everyone is either in the capital or abroad stealing latest german trash.

No gypsies in your area?

Segregated in the ghetto where they belong. Enjoying the occasional tyre burning.

They used to pickpocket, but they all moved out when the borders opened up.

mad jelly of his swag ennit

i came for the dabs

he looks peruvian

Literal retards in this aspect