Is he unironically the highest IQ Ngubu ever?

Attached: sadio-maine.jpg (2500x1742, 357K)

Other urls found in this thread:

His hair is not receeding. His forebrain is advancing.


>completely misunderstanding the ngubu shit
Ngubu doesn't mean black player ya gypsy simp. Get a clue

uh, yes it does

His IQ is as high as his hairline

shut the fuck up snownigger

what does it mean then, you fucking leaf?

go back to angola

lose weight
get shot

ok Franklin Everton Fernandes

ok Isaiah Jonestown Prince IV

I'm not Angolan or Brazilian bro

neither am I fatfuck

shouldnt you be raping some cute Portuguese girl Franklin?

yanks on suicide watch

Shouldn't you be getting shot, Isaiah Jonestown Prince IV?

lots of niggers in this thread

Mane is pretty based, meant to be really humble and quiet off the pitch

Attached: Sadio-Mane-AsdaPNG.png (615x1138, 1.45M)

legitimately amazing post

lets bomb them my kike brother

Shit players that are nothing but pace and power, you fucking virgin.

i.e niggers, retard

shouldn't you be getting shot at a food fair after almost dying from a stroke due to your eating disorder habits that turned you into a morbid obese uncultured pig?

Based Mane cleans toilets at his mosque

האל איתך, אחי

yes a solid 87


t. canadian who wishes he was european

please stop being a leaf
ngubu is literally pacy blacks that play for norf fc
stop being retarded

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It's just a generic African footballer name

he's an african genius (90+ IQ)

I hate this meme but tThe leaf is right here. "Ngubu" would refer to the following players

>Gervihnio when he was at Arsenal
>El Hadji Djouf for his entire career
>Jordan Ayew literally all the time
>Ahmed Musa at Leicester
>Nile Ranger
>Ali Dia

I.e. a player who either offers a shitload of pace and nothing else, or a player whose just an utter dolt.

Ayew is doing pretty well considering how shite Palace are, arguebly better than zaha


every player you listed is a nig

ngubu is just a meme african sounding name to poke fun at the amount of black players in the sport. its got nothing to do with pace and power

also mane definitely falls into the pacey nig category so he's an ngubu either way.


you forgot Christian Ngubisic

>big dick clutch game scorer
>can singlehandedly play hold up against 4 defenders for hoofball tictocs
>good at free kick
>good in the air
>dives when necessary
>both feet + headers, perfect striker
>works well with all managers on various tactics

Didier is undoubtedly high IQ ngubu

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fuck off greaseball

ngubu is just meme slang for nigger you retard


that's his son? looks like he got cucked

t. (((Drake)))

No, it's just a misconception you've picked up on, since it's used so frequently to refer to players like that.
Pogba is a Ngubu, for example.

what are you doing?

Aye, it's shit. It's testament to the imagination of this board that another word to nigga has become a meme.

It means hyped up black/mixed pacebabby from a majority white country that flames out by 23.


>using racially charged terms that dehumanise and gesture to a past we have yet to overcome

>Ngubov - Slav
>Ngubusson - Nordic
>Ngubulainen - Finnish
>Ngubuvić - Balkan
>Nguboğlu - Turkey
>Ngubicec - Czech
>Ngubuwicz - Polish
>Ben Ngubu - North Africa
>Al Ngubu - Middle East
>van Ngubu - Netherlands
>Ngubu - France
>Ngubu-Ngubu - England
>McNgubu - Scotland
>O'Ngubu - Ireland
>Ngubio - Italy
>Ñgubez- Spain/Latinamerica
>Ngubirraiz - Basque
>Jordi - Catalan
>Pedro - Portugal
>Kevin - Germany
>Ngubiakos - Greece
>Ngubinho - Brazil
>JaNgubu - USA
>Ngubeau - Canada
>Nguybu - Vietnam
>Chingubu - China
>Kimbugu - Korea
>Ngubushima - Japan
>Ngubeet - India
>Nuguburanivo - Madagascar
>Ngieuwbu - South Afrika
>Ngubu - Rest of sub saharan Africa
>Ngubustein - Jew
>Pingubu - Antarctica

based and Ngubu pilled

>>Ngubu-Ngubu - England

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Mane is wholesome, you cant hate him even though he plays for liverslip.
trying too hard. also, makes me feel irrelevant.

Inteligent black player are OP.

Shouldn't have started an era of neo-colonialism where the third world floods into the first then you racist swine

>Ngu Bu - Canada*

>Ngubuvskis - Latvia
>Ngubauskas - Lithuania

Reminded me of this

Attached: tesla.png (1402x710, 106K)

He's Jew among the Ngubus. Science still can't explain how he ascended to such intellectual heights coming from that race.


NAs educating this thread, I woulda never guessed it...

It means african pacebabby that needs time to never develop.

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In orbit

Sadio is based.

First world continuously robs wealth from the third world, the erects walls to 'deal with' the inevitable flow of migrants. Pathetic 99% of African players


Sounds more like based. Why don't you flee to iceland who totally wrecked you in the fishing wars and took advantage of your third world shithole?

big brain post

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>already forgot the wc

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Britain has a far stronger economy and culture. You should come here if you want, my friend!

Kek'd more than I should

I bet you're the type for chicken little screaming in other threads about how Brexit is going to destroy the economy too ya ethnomasochist bigot.

Yeah, I'll just wait for the wealth to trickle down heh

Nguuboq - Greenland

this post is very good


Based Al Ngubu

>clubs a seal in your path

No Weah was and still is.

>not Ngubu Barbosa

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>not nguyen for vietnam
Missed opportunity

Somebody stop him


wtf I love Americans now



>Ngubescu - Romanian

Best post I've seen in weeks. Congratulations


Subtle Ngubeau lol

The dude just went into a store to buy some cakes for teatime and a fan gives him his baby girl to take a pic.

no that's kante

Ngubu is a generic term for mercenary black African players. How retarded can you redditqueers get

Ngybwyn -Wales


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This is the ultimate dialectic. Yea Forums’s ironic racism vs the actual racists who feel comfortable here

I really hate the fappening and Trump. They were funny for 5 minutes before they brought in every fat white contrarian from Nevada to Pennsylvania

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>Addressing the incident post-match, Klopp said: ‘Sadio is an emotional guy. It’s good, we are all individuals and we are all like this. Something didn’t go exactly as he wanted obviously, it was not the substitution!’ When it was suggested to him that it could have been in relation to Salah not passing to him, Klopp replied: ‘Yeah but we clarified that as we always do in the dressing room, of course, so that’s all that we want to say about that.’

Attached: sadio-mane-liverpool-2018-19_1f0xpxjrgmc8z16yz53yvyfcuf.jpg (1920x1080, 314K)

Racism not welcome



kill yourself

Good post for a burger

Already lost

agreed. kick all the non-whites out the game so there's no more racism.

>from a majority white country
Not true. Any nigger pacebabby is a ngubu. Otherwise correct.

I agree, Ngubuluskaite

>Ngubu - France
>Ngubu-Ngubu - England

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utterly cringy

>american “banter”

>Daniel James - Wales

Nguubuu - Estonian

also kino post, Sven

das it

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