Why do people disregard american opinions on soccer yet accept canadian opinions, despite them being even more shit?

why do people disregard american opinions on soccer yet accept canadian opinions, despite them being even more shit?

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soccer is absolutely gay

>accept canadian opinions
>on any subject


>implying anyone accepts leaf opinions on anything

some based posts right here

nobody accepts canadian opinions

>accept canadian opinions
ITT: Things that never happened

People have more respect for Canadian opinions than American opinions on everything.

I don't accept Canadian opinions on anything

canada is an authority on s/o/y topics and soccer is s/o/y: the sport

this board is infested with disgusting foreigners and useless nonwhites

this is a crinfe thread if i ever saw one

Did you keep a straight face when typing that?

Haha! good troll, bro

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Canadians are literally just more retarded Americans and everyone sees them as such.


>Accepting Canadian opinions
this doesn't happen for any subject

>have one shot at life
>born canadian

The only Canadian posts about soccer I care to even listen to are Sosa’s redpills on the TURK system

me on the left

just like first day at school

Canadians arent even people desu.

>yet accept canadian opinions

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i only don't accept english opinions. you with cucknada are good to go bro

Very mean.


Who actually accepts a canadian's opinion on football?


poor form
Based this user gets it
flyover countries
Monkey eating turbo-mutt
incoherent polack

I don't think it's that people accept Canadian opinions on football, they just don't listen to them and ignore them. Where Americans will get shit for what they say.

your country is a gayer and more pozzed version of Canada

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Did someone hear something? Must have been the wind.

Shut up

anglo defender bootlicker. slityour fat obese throat

more like poeple just ignore the leafs

watch the blood pressure fatty

Just because you can't come and sit on the dole here after Brexit, don't be mad at us. I'm sure you can become a baker or something in Poland.

lmao, bolsonaro is literally the south american trump

more like people just ignore the hue hues unless they're posting webms of big booty bitches


but i am baker in poland. wtf you talkin about

leafs are less common and aren't often as self-important and uneducated as burgers
they also aren't as fat which is reason enough alone


very few people actually like that faggot anymore. college liberals and women are his voter base, but even that is petering out. we have an election in the fall , Max Bernier is the great white hope

You know you're a cuck nation when someone named Max is taken seriously

wind your neck in, Deyshaun

I thought canadians only played that curling sport