The clock is ticking, arseNULL

the clock is ticking, arseNULL

Attached: ogimage.png (1200x630, 162K)

>gets raped by Bitoria

Attached: 2018-19 GUIMARAES.png (463x391, 195K)

we raped benfica lmao

literally whotoria

>the ϟϟ of Straßburg

Keep joking, we are coming for your ass

Attached: 9 Guimarães.png (535x512, 298K)

>a polish eagle as the club crest

>Brexit so bad they start importing American education


I don't need to have knowledge about some small german club.

Attached: 1510912674104.jpg (1462x1462, 288K)

>no Jovic
>no Haller
Yeah, sure.

both of them are Rebić babies desu

Honest question, are you the Portoposter pretending to be a Vitoria fan or does every Portuguese user on Yea Forums have a pepe folder for his club?

More like Kostic babies

more like hasebe-sensei babies

that doesn't sound like German humor at all

sorry lads but its for us

Attached: liege.png (1127x675, 1.03M)

Nah, it's me, just propagating my Pepes

Attached: Imagem37.png (908x914, 780K)

>sorry lads but its for us

Attached: lol.jpg (640x640, 60K)

Attached: 1550667408396.jpg (343x334, 9K)

dont forget our upgraded jovic, joveljic

Based. Fan of your work, keep doing what you do.

You're welcome, friend

Just improve Paciencia and sell him to a big team

Attached: EINTRACHT.png (790x870, 361K)


God damn immigrants are everywhere these days