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nothing to discuss

theyll finish in that order


in that order correct

Are Dortmund good this Season?

Only on paper, they will choke again

Poor little Czech boy

I'm travelling to Prague in November/December hope I can make it to a game

We played against Slavia in Europa League, I feel bad for them now.

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In surprising move Slavia will send their hockey team

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dont see why all the fuzz

slavia is /ourguy/

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if only you knew how bad things really are

dortmund are always GOAT in the group stage. then they choke in the knockouts

are these the slavia praha lads?

>Chokerussia Dirtmound
>Literal who team from checoslovakia
Easy peasy

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Tough group but we can beat Borussia for the second place

you got this Slaviabros

>slavia and barcelona go trough, inter EL bound once more


They have the cheapest squad in the tournament at 40 million euros. Even Inter Milans squad is worth 600 million euros.

ciao merda haha


Yes, but they were great last season and managed to choke out of all 3 tournaments in the span of a month. That said, they've been very busy in the transfer window.

Yeah but they have Marko "the next Messi" Marin, so whos laughing now?

so on 96 games, there is only 4-5 with interest.

group stage is useless.

ko as soon as september, old style please.

This is the hardest group

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>that one jobber team in the group.

Barcelona will get dabbed on and finish 3rd screencap this

>that one team that's clearly the worst, but still ends up affecting the final rankings by pulling off a jammy win against one of the better teams

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I wouldn't be surprised, it'd also probably finally be the kicker for them to get rid of Valverde

Especially if they bring in Neymar and still choke

nah, they dabbed on inter without messi last season

as a barca fan I genuinely hope this happens
Valverde is a spinless 30iq coward

Yeah he doesn't suit Barca at all, very pragmatic

They won't get rid of him unless they choke in La Liga which they most likely wont
This season's Inter is different

Patrician take

Atleteco is winning la liga this season

>as a barca fan

Meme team

Lovely city, enjoy.


Alexis Sanchez


It remains to be seen if Dortmund and Inter are any good
RIP Slavia

this would be my guess, too

What exactly is wrong with him?
He's had, what, 6 defeats in two consecutive leagues, he's reached the copa del rey final every year and his team was unbeaten in the CL last season until the semi final second leg.

>As a Barca fan

I'd much rather have a shit year once than have 2 more boring seasons where we choke mid-season
look back to 2011 barca and tell me this is a good version of the fucking thing

I think you mix something up here m8

So if the Barça manager doesn't win the UCL every year he's shit?

>Hon hon hon why so little faith, mon ami? Don't you know choking last season was the first half of the equation to solving football this season?

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Who is ready for a party in Prague??

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what did he mean by this??

Fuck off cuck

I was hoping you guys would draw a group you could realistically finish 3rd in. I visited Prague in spring and loved it and met a qt I'll never see again and I think it was the same time Praha was punching above its weight in the Europa League.

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I dont care about the champions, this version of the team is so fucking boring, and the only reason for that is because the coach has no idea what he's doing. They've forgotten their whole style of play and the only thing that made barca entertaining. Barca without messi and with Valverde is a mid-table team. That last win against Real Betis was solly because the team has brilliant players. They've spent like 600mil since they sold Naymar and they still haven't done shit. Simply because the coach is retarded. I can win the fucking triple with this barca team, but the coach makes dumb mistakes all around and has no real plan for barca.

Last year we drew Liverpool,PSG and Napoli
Still got 4 points and beat the later champion
It's not that bad

And what mistakes has he done? You haven't even mentioned one besides "style of play" which is subjective.

a lot of people don't watch games and just look at the results so they don't really see the problem and think everyone is being dramatic when they see people shit on Valverde. They think it's just 2 losses and that's why people don't like him

You don't get prize money for dabbing on the future champion, but ultimately getting bounced out of the continent. Sad but true.

you could have still qualified for the KO stage in the last group stage game. how god liverpool was so close to get eliminated

>Lucien Favre, Dortmund coach: "That really is a very tough group, which makes it an even bigger challenge for us. What can I say about Barcelona and Messi and co? Inter want to return to the top of Italian football and have invested a lot this summer to try and achieve that. Prague were also only knocked out in the quarter-finals of last season's Europa League by Chelsea. It's nice to play against these kinds of teams, and the away game destinations aren't bad either, but we will have to give our absolute best in every game to try and survive the group stage."

he already threw in the towel
like last season vs sppurs

What has he done wrong? He won 2 league titles, got to 2 copa del rey finals, won the Spanish super cup and then his team shits the bed at Anfield and Rome and somehow that's his fault?
Just give one actual criticism of the man. He even rotates players more since last season and rests the starting XI when needed.

All of his interviews have been like that to be fair. His press conference for the upcoming Union Berlin game could be like "They're new to the league and have a lot to prove, we should be on our toes!" and still dab on them 5-0.

Style of play is not subjective, Barca has no game plan when they go on the pitch. Best Coaches in the world right now have their basic game plan which they rely on, eg klopp uses pressure and relys on the wingers, Simone has a defensive plan overall, Pep has the good ol pass the ball even though he does rely on wingers more. Barca has no idea what to do. The only thing I can think of is the Messi-jordi alba connection which was 70% of barca's goal last season. Look at arguably the most important match of Barcelona's season, Semi final against Liverpool. The players were obviously not planning on scoring goals and killing the game prematurely, and they weren't really planning on defending. They were lost in between and that was obvious from the starting XI.
He fucking played with Raki, vidal, and sergio busi, what the fuck was the plan? he didn't want to attacm because Arthur would've started. He didn't want to defend because Sergi Roberto would've started. He just used what worked in the first leg. There's so many other mistakes but that's probably the only Barca match that you watched if you think there are no problems.

>That last win against Real Betis was solly because the team has brilliant players
Isn't that the story of the Enrique era? The team was literally carried by MSN, so how is Valverde different? Now he's building MGN.

Typical Yea Forums shitters who have no idea what they're saying

>Barca has no game plan when they go on the pitch
There's no hope for retards like you.
They attacked all game and lost because the entire backline and midfield was shook. I remember the game vividly.

he's employed shitty, pragmatic, defensive, lackadaisical style of play at Barca. If you sat and watched literally any of the La Liga season you'd see how shit Barca perform as a team, and they get by solely through individual brilliance of their players as opposed to any tactical advantage or managerial masterclass. Messi bailed them out constantly and the games are a slog to watch for the most part, because the team plays like absolute shit. Before you go "oh but its the players playing!", don't start with that bullshit because this style of play came in with Valverde and if he's not responsible for the teams performance then literally what the hell is the point of a manager. The literal janny could win the league with the team Barca have, it is literally not hard. Atleti and Real have been choke city, neither of those wins are too difficult when you have Messi. 2 copa finals isn't an achievement, Barca have won the last however many anyway.
The two back to back CL chokes are shockingly bad for a team of Barca's quality. If you can't see how the manager is at fault you are a literal tard.

It doesn't seem like you're going to stop defending Valverde no matter what you hear anyway, so I'm not sure what your goal even is here. You're just gonna endlessly spout muh players and say it's not his fault while not actually watching any games so why bother?

Oh, you really must be retarded if you think this Barca plays like Enrique's Barca

Never said said Enrique was perfect, he was half-assed as well, but he had Xavi, Ineasta, busi, MSN. He still had the soul of the team. Xavi said Barca Is never wining the champions unless they go back to their play style, which is a 100% true.

For me, it's Athletic Club Sparta Praha

>They attacked all game and lost because the entire backline and midfield was shook. I remember the game vividly.
Are you actually retarded? the reason why the midfield was shook is because busi had no fucking idea what to do. He was literally torn out between covering for Langlet and building the attack. Not to mention Raki had no use on the pitch whatsoever, and the coach still wanted him to continue. Philppe was playing on a postion that he doesn't understand, and suarez had arguably his worst performance of the season because Rakishit was useless. The only player who did what he was supposed to do was Messi, and that's only because he's been doing it for 15 years.

1. Inter
2. Prague
3. Dortmund
4. Barcelona
You know Jesus would want it that way.

>not visiting based Bohemians instead

Imagine being a sweet innocent Czech milkmaid, when one morning you see three burly questing knights approaching your village- one German, one Spanish, and one Italian. Each looking upon you with the a hunger only a man has for a woman. Wh-what could you even do?

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What alternatives to champions league and the europe league recommend for someone who hates Europe, hates the uefa and hates European football?

Thanks. Now I have to listen to Bonnie Tyler

Premier League. Proper brexit footy, la.

How's the STC doing?

we're winning the treble again

you're in the Conte era now, fras

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I'm looking for something out of the fucking European continent

by the way, england premier league is bullshit
and I also hate South America football and also hate Costa Rica football

>Lanklet and Peekek are about to get dabbed on by this great Bahraini chad
nothing personnel kid

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wait are you shitting me

Bahrain and Qatar have the exact same flag

this one looks like an Old Spice anti-perspirant stick deodorant

Based, wish our players went to Europe instead of wasting their careers in here for money

But one of the niggers is also get fucked by the other two niggers haha you are gay.