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>unironically watching this garbage show

Shannon can you take just one second away from stuffing your fat lips with popeyes and koolaid to perhaps WATCH THE GAME!?

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>American Yea Forums

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Pretty cringe worthy isn't it

>let me post ronaldo vs messi for the 23rd time today
>is he a meme thread with the subject being a pacey nog (dembele, lingard, rashford, mbappe, etc.) for the 500th time
fuck off

you sure showed him with this high quality thread


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Kys colombian subhuman

>leaf can't into IP count


Didn't know i had a personal stalker on this board, wow what a creep

*bangs desk*

So are they going to talk about wrestling now that it's on Fox?

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Kys donkey fucker,

Go talk about fifa in another thread you European homo

Real nigga hours

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Imagine being a 'Nation of immigrants' and stealing every sports idea from us Bongs. Then twisting that idea into something incredibly shit that is made for (((advertisers))).
>The 4 hour nigger egg carry game
>The nigger throw ball in hoop and sell shoes game
>The 3 and a half hour watch spics hit ball with wood occasionally game where you can pay to see the same teams play each other 5 days in a row

skipposting is based though,

I can gauge and usually be correct about someone’s intelligence if the ever utter that they watch some type of “embrace debate” sports show on TV. It’s a low intelligence too.

The mayor of London is a fucking Muslim. Shut the fuck up.

I can gauge and usually be correct about someone’s intelligence if the ever utter that they're above some type of “embrace debate” sports show on TV. It’s a low intelligence too.

>divegrass has 90 minutes of people walking at a brisk pace
>"non stop action" according to bongs because the clock is running