Why did this get people angry again?

Why did this get people angry again?

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They have Albanian heritage but play for Switzerland(?) Albanian eagle pissed them of for some reason, I don't know.

They used this celebration to wind up the serbs. It worked.

Oh yeah Serbs. But why did they get mad again? How is it insulting


no one wants to look at Albanians, simple as

Both albanians playing against serbs

Albanians and Serbs don't get along due to a couple political reasons, and some bad history in the past. There isn't anything offensive about the celebration, since it's just a way to represent the double headed eagle which is on Albanias flag, but they knew it would trigger the serbian fans, which if I remember correctly did shout some offensive shit themselves all game long. Basically just banter. The kind that would get you stabbed if you lived in the Balkans.

There's some serious gaps in my knowledge regarding the subject, but yeah conflict and something happened. So it was just serbs being butthurt when they showed their heritage, or is there a bigger meaning?

Roger that m8

because serbs know they are the scum of the earth

It's pretty much the same as if Germans celebrated a goal with Nazi salutes while playing against Israelis/Poles/Russians.

You do realise Albanians are taking over your streets right?

Attached: C59F4441-EB93-4DEB-A99D-84E03A8A9B3F.jpg (634x620, 73K)

Because Serbs got BTFOD lmao
I still remember that night, as my team won

Aren't there notorious Nazis among russian supporters?

>It's pretty much the same as if Germans celebrated a goal with Nazi salutes while playing against Israelis/Poles/Russians.
It's their national symbol, while nazi symbol has to do with a political party, you Russian retard
And I think everyone would do the same if they got booed only because of their ethnicity.
You Serbs and Russians are actually pathetic scumbags.

Apparently I'm supposed to be part Albanian I'm told.

The hand gesture is just to mimic the shqiptar flag, that's all. I think people got offended because they are supposed to represent only Switzerland apparently. And Serbs hate anything that reminds them of Albania

Who hates who in the Balkans?
Bosnians, Croats and Albanian hate Serbs?
Serbs hate Bosnians Croats and Albanians?
Albanians hate Serbs and Greek?
Greek hates Albanians and Bosnians?
Croats hate Serbs but do they hate Albanian?

Muh heritage

The general rule as far as football hooligans go is that Greeks and Serbs are orthodox brothers and hate Albanians, Croats and Bosnians. Relationships among subhumans should not be taken seriously though.

Serb diaspora seem to fume at the slightest provocation. There'll probably be a Canadian who comes into this tread and rages at some point


Explains why you're a retard then. Everyone hates albanians, but serbs and croats also hate eachother for whatever reason. Croats are as usual pretending they'd rather live with albos than serbs for the bantz. What they have in common with albanians is that they leave their country and then act nationalist. Serbs on the other hand always get triggered because they are delusional in thinking their country is and was somewhat great and that everything is rightful clay. They are also the only ones able to take a joke on themselves, just not Albanian nationalism. All in all other Yugoslavs can't really stomach Serbian or Croatian nationalism (Jasenovac and 6 gazillion Boshnaks), but objectively, Albanian is worse.
Albanian is basically a short muslim Serb with a 20% lower IQ, runespeak language and 10 more family members.
It's insulting that you remind someone of how they got dirty bombed to shreds for answering with force to higher birthrate policy among an opposing ethnicity living on your land. Imagine your Turks start rioting and causing problems among finns and your army puts them in place but then B2s throw radioactive waste on your villages. But before that you also need to imagine having expansionist endeavors in which you worship a criminal as your legitimate leader, allow your general to kill way too many Swedish civilians and lose 40% of the land where Finns live. You'd be mad too. It's funny when you look at it actually.

It's not their land tho, tell Serbs and you too, all Slavs for that matter, to go back to the tundra of Siberia. Subhuman Slavs.

Albanians are native Balkans and descend in part from the ancient greeks

Are you saying Serbs are completely innocent there? Serious question, again not my area of expertise

I don't know why these albanian nationalists aren't playing for albania

Nobody got angry. Serbs have their own little retarded hand sign as well. We just thought it was ironic to display Albanian patriotism under the flag of Switzerland. It's kind of pathetic when you think about it and only goes to show you how fucked Albania is.

People absolutely got angry. There were threads about it full of people raging for days on here

oh and shakira got an offer to play for kosovo but he turned them down because they wouldn't pay him lol.

There was outrage because of double standards, too. Serbian fans and athletes get punished drastically at any political display while everybody else gets a slap on the wrist.

No, how did you get that from what I wrote? Did you not read the part where I mentioned they literally committed the biggest war crimes while also contributing to downfall of Yugoslavia? Disregarding Turkey who fucked this whole shit up, they are the least innocent, historically speaking with Croats being the close second. But for the past 20 years and predictably in the future, it's the Albanians who are the most expansionist, agressive and problematic.
Sure thing buddy. That's why they are a literal 3rd world country with medieval laws and a subsaharan IQ and birthrate. Totally not l turk rapebabies, I'm sure as you've probably been there and met people and stuff. It's definitely not just the christian minority that is actually bearable.

Albanians hate Serbians and Serbians hate Albanians. This OC was made by a serbian

Attached: mcQdUyM_d.jpg (640x452, 20K)

Pardon my french. I'm tired af and maybe shouldn't try to think. Was confused who did what etc.

Stay based, pukki

Because they're Albanian "nationalists" who love their country so much they run away from it and pledge allegiance to a different country. Would have no problem with an actual Albanian doing this, but faux nationalists deserve the rope.

Why do Albanian patriots prefer to live in countries with least amount of Albanians? How do you call that

there is also some swedish chick frm womens soccer, though she is CUTE

Switzerland is full of Albanians tho

why Albright and other jews hate Slavs?

>"muh heritage"
>not important enough go play for the country of their fathers though
Truly pathetic


Xhaka was born in Switzerland and Shaqiri moved when he was a 1 year old, they hardly abandoned Albania

It's pretty exaggerated really. I think if you put together all eastern European groups they'd be the largest foreign group in the country. But as it is I think Albanians are the largest out of those groups, but still like fifth for foreign nationals, behind Germans, French, Italians and Portuguese

Attached: switzerland national team.png (194x503, 13K)

Don't forget about proud Albanian nationalist, Stephan Lichtsteiner!

Attached: lichtsteiner eagle.jpg (749x686, 40K)

Fun fact: There are at least two Swiss Dominican footballers playing at an acceptable level. I have a theory you can find a Swiss dual citizen footballer for almost any other nationality.

Because false-flagging albodijaspora has nothing better to do than pretend they are butthurt serbs online

Probably more true for America than any other country, possibly Brazil too. Switzerland would definitely be very high on this list.

i'm SO mad right now, you have no idea

Croatians and albanians love eachother. Scum loves another scum, of course they love eachother just because of common hatred towards based Serbs.

This one's for you fag.

Attached: evo ti kurac siptare.jpg (830x1021, 75K)

It didn't get people angry. It got Serves angry.

Attached: servi.jpg (733x54, 16K)

literal Balkan/African mercenaries kek

they are supposed to be swiss, it only pisses off brainlets that believe in extremely mild civic nationalism. It's obvious they are albanians, no point getting mad about them not being swiss.

This spoke more about the state of Switzerland than it did of anyone else. The native Swiss were up in arms about this.

According to wikipedia there are 200k Albanians living in Switz to an entire population of 8.5mil people, wouldn't say that's insignificant.

Why are you gas lighting him?

What got people riled up wasn't these two monkeys it was the clear penal that should have happened if the ref wasn't a corrupt German.


Important bit starts at 1:10, but see the rest also.

how is that gaslighting? He said no one got angry but there clearly were people who were mad about it

I was frequenting sp then and there was maybe one serb who was making threads specifically about the gestures, Like I said above most of the rage came from the refball that happened. Saying otherwise lying.

All balkan groups are diaspora-niggers who are too proud for absolutely nothing.

i love how a croatian poster was quicker to post in this thread then any serbian poster. Really tells a lot

t. 30% Irish 50% Sicilian 18%Somali...

You can look through the archives of you want, there was way more talk about the celebrations and for much longer than the penalty.

Even if you take the highest estimate they're still behind Germans, Italians and Portuguese, with the way people talk about it you'd think they made up half of all the foreigners. They're just heavily overrepresented in the national team, because they're heavily overrepresented in the working classes. Though even that's starting to change with the second and third generation moving up socially and being replaced by African immigrants in a fair few areas, again reflected in the number of recent players with African heritage (even if some of them also have partial Swiss heritage and Akanji at least comes from a fairly well off background).

Why are Croats speaking Serbian language?

N-no they don't, they speak Croatian language! I just checked it on wikipedia.

Who created the Croatian language?

>"Croatian" language
>same as Serbian
>no Croatian literature in it before mass migrations of Serbs
Really fires up your neutrons hmmmmmm

Yugo-cultists. It was called "Serbo-Croatian" even though it's literally just Serbian. Real Croatian spoken by real Croats (Chakavian) is barely intelligible.

Serbs think that the entire Balkan is their clay and they're basically the tumblrinas of Southern Europe

No we don't. Only outrageous Serbian nationalist claim is Macedonia (which is Bulgarian), but most don't even claim whole Macedonia, just parts of it.

By the way, this is what remains of actual Croats. Pathetic.

Attached: Croatia_Dialects_Cakavian.svg.png (1024x987, 144K)

Funny how they survived on the islands and not on the mainland, why is that?

Islands and coast weren't a battleground between Turks and Austrians, it was owned by Venetians. Croats in the eastern regions virtually all moved away or perished in 15th, 16th and 17th century. That area was later settled by Serbs and Vlachs (some came with Ottomans, most came later escaping from Ottomans). Much of those Serbs were either forced into Catholicism or adopted it due to beneficiary status.
That's the reality of Croatian nation lmao. Most of them are literally Catholic Serbs LARPing as some barely alive nation that lost any political significance in 11th century when Hungarians conquered them. That's why they hate Serbs so much. ''Father'' of their nation literally had a Serbian mother, and Serbian roots from fathers side lmao, and also declared as a Serb while trying to get a job in Belgrade. It's all a pathetic charade.

Here is the ''father'' of Croatian nation writing in Cyrillic and begging to be accepted as a mathematics professor at Belgrade Gymnasium.

Attached: starcevic.jpg (593x564, 119K)

Attached: starcevic2-768x363.jpg (768x363, 44K)

This shit reads like Hitler and his art school lol.

Attached: starcevic3-681x127.jpg (681x127, 23K)

Much of this shit was suppressed or ignored in the last half a century because of communist dogmas of ''brotherhood and unity'' and what not.
First it started slowly, now it mutated into some Twilight Zone-tier mass psychosis where even many Montenegrins claim we were never Serb and that we have nothing to do with Serbs (even though literally every leader of Montenegro before 1945 was an outspoken Serbian nationalist or proto-nationalist if you want).
When you see how it works in real time, you really get a grasp on how it worked historically.

Disgrace for my country. We should deport all albanians

Who will clean your toilets then? Please think rationally.


Istra is rightful Slovenian clay

Why does this """Montenegrin""" deny his heritage? Why does he hate who he is???

Attached: redcroatia.jpg (1637x282, 130K)

This was one of the biggest games in national team history. On the world stage. And they abuse it for "Albania".

Macedonia is Greek

Please read that article lmao

They're rich and famous, they are good footballers. If they love Albania so much, why don't they live a comfortable life playing for the Albanian team?

Because the Serbs activated their Turk genes and went full genocide and there was no opportunity in Kosovo for them so they or their parents left. Serbs are genetic and human trash. They are not human in any way. They are bestial. When they hit you they cry out in pain: "we dindu nuffin." There is no recourse left, but to spray them with Serbicide.

Attached: innocentserbiansoldiers.jpg (1381x205, 133K)

*opens concentration camps for children*

To try and teach Serbian children how to read...

Attached: literacyrates.jpg (1000x919, 427K)

Because they don't love Albania but they love triggering Serbs

who were the muslims?

based captain

because that was a clear reminder to them - they should've finished the job

Real Croatian is Kajkavian, bre.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

based Crnogorac

We don't hate albanians
Like 1000 albanians fighted for Croatia in the 1990s against serb occupators

Sho Sho kajkavian peasant

I will never understand all these retarded slav nation larpings considering their history as just a bunch of serbo-croats with a serbo-croat language that split into dialects which led to them chimping out over minor differences.

American education.

You're the same retard from here
and yet I know more about these stupid slavs than you.

>Twilight Zone-tier mass psychosis where even many Montenegrins claim we were never Serb and that we have nothing to do with Serbs (even though literally every leader of Montenegro before 1945 was an outspoken Serbian nationalist or proto-nationalist if you want).
austrians are the same with regards to germany

Sigh. Have you ever read a book about the Yugoslavia wars? Visited those countries?

>retarded slavs chimping out against each other because one faction tried to take over everything and other retarded slavs wanted to break away and continue larping as their own separate nations means that their shared cultural heritage should be ignored - especially their unifying language Serbo-Croatian and older predecessors like Old church slavonic
Just stop.

Hey Serbs

Attached: 53061_900.jpg (900x674, 92K)

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Yep, clear as day you know fuck all. Thanks for embarrassing yourself.

You're the one embarassing yourself mate

Do you even history, serbs love russians

Serbia is the England of the balkans

That's a USAF boomer you stupid amerimutt


Why would u.s even bother with balkan affairs you lazy fuck and the one i responded to is from russia

Because proxy wars exist? Because it's fucking US interests to go in every single war possible that ever happened on this planet of earth? Because of there's a nation whose capital is located at Jerusalem? Fucking get educated you retarded redneck.

>mfw balk threads

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You stupid mother fucker, how would america benefit from proxy wars in the balkans

Holy shit you are the most dense faggot I've met all year and its only August. End of discussion. I felt my iq dropped 50 pts just to read your nonsense response. Go fuck yourself. Kys. Have sex. In that order.

Shh, no tears now Slobodan.

Give me your address and i'll mail you a revolver to kys easy. I'm sure your cunt whore mother regreted not having that abortion the poor slut

Sure buddy, do it, after I fuck your mother in the ass and take a dump on your dad's face. Then I will personally kick your ass and beat you to death in your face with that revolver you send me. Fucking limp wrist faggot.

Are you joking? You are total fucking retard if not

From what I observed, Serbian women are tall and beautiful. The men have small heads and are good at basketball. Horvats are /fit/ nation per capita, Albanians are subhuman mussie trash. So many Albanians here, some aren't bad but from what I observed they are physically inferior to serbs/croats. I have no idea why so many albanians are such manlets, was there some mandate in Serbia to fuck only tall people? Albania is proxy turk state.

Never met a Bosnian


Your whore mother told me you were the worst thing to come out of her cunt and theres been an awful lot of shit coming out there. Just face it you were a mistake worst then the worst defect please kys you'll do that whore a favor. And don't bother replying to this post cause you're finished

I'm not finished. Post a fucking address, you stupid cunt. Cuz I'm gonna fucking fuck you up good. You fucking retarded kid.


>mutts retort with >your mom
>Balkanians throw around literacy rates and obscure history people only larp about

yet the amerimutts call others subhuman lmao

Attached: 1563480334738.jpg (240x240, 18K)

>Muh dick
How's the celiphate of britain

>t. 5'6 120kg fedora wearing neckbeard faggot

>muh dick n shit

21864 your mother's cunt avenue

And I'm at 1234 your mom's anus st. Come and get me, I dare you, you fucking mouth breathing, shit eating, dick riding faggot. Fuck you.

Wow this escalated waayyy more than I though
t. First reply

the brit is right. I'm american so dont pay attention to divegrass but I remember a lot of sperging over this shit.

That's why I find it funny when Albanians claim we are related, when we're literally 10cm taller on average.

We don't.

90% of Croats speak kajkavski or čakavski, something probably Serbs don't understand. The language you think of was made in Yugoslavia and stayed here.

If yugoslavia was created in the 1800s, every balkan slav would consider themselves simply Yugoslavian and maybe croatian/serbian second
Happened to Germany, Spain Italy, Russia and now they consider themselves one nation despite previous national and religious differences

>90% of Croats speak kajkavski or čakavski
>lying this brazenly
Most of Croats speak Shtokavian. "Croats" I speak of always spoke Shtokavian, because they are literally Serbs. Before Serb/Vlach migrations to present-day Croatia none of you spoke Shtokavian. Most of Croats spoke Chakavian, and about a third was Kajkavian.
Why should us Serbs lose our identity for the benefit of irrelevant groups?
Would you like it if Poles disappeared, for a "West Slavic" nation, in order to accomodate Slovaks (nothing against them, but compared to Poles they are irrelevant)?

Oh, and you're also lying it happened in Yugoslavia. It didn't. Shtokavian was adopted exactly because like 80% of the population spoke it.
There is literally zero Croatian literature in Shtokavian before 16th century (when Serbs migrated there). Quite a coincidence.

>There is literally zero Croatian literature in Shtokavian before 16th century (when Serbs migrated there). Quite a coincidence.
Yeah, you mean there is zero literature before the printing press and when only 1% of the populatiin could read? I agree with you.

That's not the reason. Croatian literature in Chakavian and Kajkavian exists. Mostly in Chakavian. That's the actual language of the Croats, and those are the actual Croats.

The eternal Serb. It's why we can't have good things in Balkan

>Would you like it if Poles disappeared, for a "West Slavic" nation, in order to accomodate Slovaks (nothing against them, but compared to Poles they are irrelevant)?
I'm just stating what would happen just like it happened to those other nations and ethnicities mentioned before, I don't see what Poles have to do with it

>good things
Sucking foreign dick and beating up 70 year old disabled people? Yeah.

Well, I don't speak Stokavian and I don't live near Serbs whatsoever so I can't care less. And I have sex on regular basis

you all literally speak dialects of the same slavic language, stop being autistic retards

Fuck off, it's not even close

It wouldn't happen. Serbs were simply too dominant for it ever to happen. It was attempted (even by Serbian king, who outright banned Cyrillic among other things), but it's just unnatural. It was attempted in second Yugoslavia, and it failed again. You can't build a nation by mutilating the biggest group and the only group that has any desire for it to succeed.

m8 if the Serbs are so great why don't you rule the world already? What is stopping you?

of course it didn't happen when most of the land was either austrian or hungarian or ottoman, that's why I said
>If yugoslavia was created in the 1800s

>Toddlers ran away

only old boomers got angry, it was based af

Attached: frogo1.jpg (1500x1192, 354K)

I wasn't speaking about you. You were lying when you said 90% of Croats speak Chakavian and Kajkavian. Maybe 90% of actual Croats. Shtokavians are mostly Serbs by origin.
It's highly important because these liberal-commie dogmas constitute a cultural genocide of Serbian nation.
Like how Croats are now trying to force through the notion how Tesla was a Croat...ideological (and physical) descendants of those who exterminated most of his family.

I never said Serbs are great. We are simply better than you, that's all.

If Yugoslavia was created in 1800s everyone would just be Serb man. The ideological "infrastructure" of Croatian nation developed in late 19th century.

Balkan ethno nationalism is so pathetic. Ethno nationalism is pathetic in general, but even more pathetic when it comes from some underdeveloped, corrupt and war-torn territory.

/pol/ got BTFO

same difference. my point is that you'd be one nation nation and ehtnicity nowadays if you were under one state back when common nationalism was getting popular. ethnic identity is a product of culture and politics.

Well that's true.

>If Yugoslavia was created in 1800s everyone would just be Serb man.
Se*bia didn't existed

Serbia absolutely existed in 19th century, is your knowledge really so limited? Serbian revolt was in 1804. One of many, unlike non-existent Croatian revolts.

Lmao can't care less about irrelevant countries we BTFO'ed

So is Tvrtko Kotromanić a Croat?

Tvrtko called himself king of Serbs and wrote in Serbian.

Why did he call himself that? Was it because his grandmother was a Nemanjić and the last Nemanjić ruler died? He wanted to rule more land. That's it kek.

Sure thing man.

Is any of this fake news? Please tell me so I know what your mental state is.

Attached: tvrtko.jpg (1630x237, 176K)

It's not but nothing in your picture contradicts what I said: Tvrtko was a Serb, called himself a king of Serbs, and wrote Serbian.

>posts literacy statistics
>doesn't know how to read

Good morning guys, Kosovo is Serbia.

lmao way to address the irrelevant

chakavian is not “real croatian” if you are interested in how croatian came to be read about the illirian movement, these are the people that wrote the language most of them being kajkavian


>And I have sex on regular basis
yeah your local priest gives you a good miropomazanje after every sunday mass
just like every other good šokac

What a white bunch of European fellows

Srbe na vrbe

I had a croatian buddy who was particularly displeased with slovenians

This video might have already been posted here but it's so fucking good. I actually think it's art.


Attached: serbia albania.jpg (1024x576, 84K)

Retards almost died "protecting" a greater Albania flag. Truly pure blooded Illyrians.

>Russian flag
>bagging on Serbs

Serbia is essentially a Russian proxy state in the Balkans which was fed munitions and arms during the Yugoslav wars as a way for Russia to enter the area. Why do you think the US backed Serbia's enemies?

This line of thinking is no different than Kim Jong Uns gospel. Name a more ironic duo than Americans and Russophobia. Fucking idiot.

While America doesn't have much to gain, Russia does. The only reason the US declared on Vietnamese communists is to halt Russia's advance in Asia. Why do you think the US is pressuring Venezuela as we speak?

The Balkan Wars provided Russia with a chance to enter the area by providing assistance to Serbia, which, if they had annexed the rest of the Balkans, would give Russia a strong ally in an area with access to the Mediterranean and Black seas. The United States, which has historically fought proxy wars with Russia in the past, backed all of Serbia's enemies and by extension weakened Russia's position to gain a hold of the Balkans. You need to turn off the computer and head down to the local university library, this shit is much more complicated than you think

That's strange, you sound like you're shilling for Russia without making a strong argument that would counter my own. Are you on here blatantly shilling for Russia, Dmitrislav?

4 more years

Cause there’s nothing that makes Western media cum like pointing out Balkan chimpouts