Where is the national team coach of your count from?

Our one is from Portugal

He's so ugly hahaha

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Jokes on you gooks. We tricked you good hahahaha

I thought he had been sacked.
He's a mediocre manager at best

Pia Sundhage from Sweden
she fucked us once at Equal Pay world cup and 2 times at Olympics. now she become our coach.

The other is Tite. but he should be sacked imo. i would like to see a foreigner as coach of our nt

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Jorge Jesus will take over when he inevitably wins the championship, libertadores and club world cup with Flamengo

From Russia
Arrogance and obstinate bald fraud who was carried by good players in WC2018. He put Golovin on wing and Dzagoev as 10. But Dzagoev got injured so Golovin moved to his good position as 10 and Cheryshev played on wing. If there wasnt Dzagoev's injury Russia wouldn't be so good.

>Dzagoev as 10
the fuck, isnt Dagoev a 10?
Also I liked Russia's effort in the WC, you played with heart and I thought many of those players would go to better clubs after the cup

Disregard that, I suck cocks

I'll put u asleep within 10 seconds u littlle girl. Don't say stuff and not follow up on it. I'll be waiting

>tfw managed by a dead guy.

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We've only ever had Croats as managers.

>having foreigners manage your national team

That's pretty cucked desu.

Yes he was but I mentioned it to say that Golovin replaced him and it was good very good for team.
Also Dzaga played as CB in my FIFA 15 CSKA team.
>many of those players would go to better clubs after the cup
its limit on foreighn players. Because of it russian players have very good salary and the place in the team so don't want to leave the league. And clubs don't want to sold good russian players.

This was all me btw

I'll take some good russian players for Cruz Azul senpai

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Is there anything more soulless than not having a native NT coach?

Hey man fuck you, Tata Martino is based

Non native NT maybe?

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>He's so ugly hahaha

that's why he went to your country

Based Nakajima nuking Worst Korea

Marega's goal was for your child

Croydon so basically France

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Scolari was soulful af. To compensate his tactical incompetence.

why even bring up the womens coach, who the fuck cares?
also why do hue monkeys unironically care about the olympics? literally the only team that takes it seriouisly, fucking cringe

One of our own, legend led us to our first world Cup final but is tactically questionable, we play like shit at the moment

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Dzagoev assisted against us which almost knocked us out ahhah
I rate that player highly since

Canada lel.

Lol. I forget he played after 1st game.
I always rated him. I knew him since he was 18yo and wanted him to play at some top leauge. Now he is eternal injured boomer.

Holland of course. We never had a foreign coach ever because we are known tactical geniuses.

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>portuguese humor


>portuguese hip hop

I spy 3 honkys out of 11 desu, still massively disproportionate but France are completely shameless when it comes to poaching talent. They probably picked half of those up from a camp of refugees who actually wanted to come here in the 1st place.

Not sure if Pole, but 100% silesian (texas or catalonia for you gaijins)

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