With Andrew Luck and Megatron retiring in their primes...

With Andrew Luck and Megatron retiring in their primes, which of the major American sports are the most talented athletes going to go into?

Football has been king, but the retirements just make me think that the sport is going to have fewer and fewer white guys killing themselves to play it.

Baseball has the biggest contracts and the best union, but has to deal with the longest scheduled, the minor league system, and the fact that mexicans are uncultured (somehow despite mexican baseball existing) and the blacks and zoomers don't have dads so they don't like Basedball.

Apehoop has the next biggest contracts, but really small rosters. It would need to expand, but like half the league doesn't make money because not having a dad makes you a bandwagoner apparently.

Yiffskate is the rich man's sport (seriously did your parents ever have to buy you hockey equipment). It is the hardest to pick up later in life and is as dangerous as football. Plus the contracts are smaller.


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Have Sneed

>most talented athletes play cteball

just make basketball a 10v10 shitfest on an expanded court, safer than football and more parity than current NBA thanks to individual stars having less impact on every play, problem solved

>ctepuck is somehow better than cteball
Doesn't hockey cause more concussions per minute than football?

For now, Football is still the easiest/most logical due to the large amount of team rosters. 53 men + 10 practice squad members x 32 = 2016 players. Tack on things like the XFL, and that's even more. Minor league baseball has an awful pay scale, which is partially facilitating baseball's downturn. Basketball's rosters are too small, and their minor league system isn't that big either. The NHL is too niche too and has small rosters as well. Football's shelf life is limited though, it will completely destroy a top athletes body in most cases. players like Joe Montana is literally in constant pain because of his injuries.

Once the MLS and US soccer figure shit out in general, soccer will become the predominant recruiter of talent in the United States. It's safer than American football and doesn't suffer from the problems Basketball and Hockey suffer from. Plus, it's literally a global game, so a decent American athlete could find work on every continent besides Antarctica. Still, the development side of things needs to get fixed, pay to play needs to go away, and the NCAA needs to fuck off because college soccer players will never become the predominant source of development even though they desperately want it to be. I'd say give it 20-25 years and Soccer will rake in most of the top American athletes.

Sounds like hell

hokki mentioned!!!

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>the NCAA needs to fuck off because college soccer players will never become the predominant source of development even though they desperately want it to be.
Redpilled answer: Abolish the draft, but let universities professionalize their soccer programs and let them compete in the pyramid like they do in Latin America, making their college players an extension of their youth programs.

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Combat sports

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>saging a sports thread on a sports board


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That's a completely logical solution, which is why the NCAA will never do it.

the kids and parents that go enter a sport with safety as a main basis of entry are never going to be the type with the dogmatic commitment it takes to be an elite athlete. nobody that ever achieves greatness or the elite level of their field ever had safety that predominately on their mind


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hopefully one day there is a State in USA, whose only major professional sports franchise is an MLS Soccer Team

how are you fernando?

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Will most likely never happen since MLS teams want people to attend their games and every state with a good population already has a team from some major sport.

Football is still objectively the best sport to go into if you're just randomly superathletic and American and want to make money even though everything else is objectively much better to play

Baseball's union is actually shitty and you have to go play in the minors for millions of years before you can get paid. You have to be tall to be good at basketball, hockey is hockey, and soccer is hard to develop for in America.

There's a shitload of football players on every team and you can still make a ton of money if you play 5-6 years


MMA, based Greg Hardy is going to show everyone how to become a UFC champion in 1.5 years and everyone will follow suit

>watching divegrass


>Baseball's union is actually shitty and you have to go play in the minors for millions of years before you can get paid.
Minor leaguers aren't covered by the MLB players union if that is what you think. MLB is the league with the highest contracts, no hard salary cap, every contract is guaranteed, and players routinely have no trade clauses.

Only parts that suck about baseball are the minors, which once again is a different union, and the 6+ years of service time thing

Yes, but two basketballs should be in play at once.

NHL, NFL and MLS look like club logos. NBA and MLB have the right idea going on

You mean mexico?

What would be my ideal team in Major League Soccer?
I search.
> winning team
> Team with an excellent and very healthy fan base
> team that is the most popular and important in your entire city
> Team with very high attendance in your stadium (let it be the team with the most assistance in your entire city)
> Team with soccer specific stadium
> Team that wins MLS Cup
> Team that is in a city where Soccer is the most popular sport
> team that is almost always in the playoffs

Soccer isn't the most popular sport in any city

Basketball and Soccer.

Both are much bigger amongst young people than the general population which is a huge hint about where things are heading.

Soccer is still years from being a major sport in the US, but it has tons of participation thanks to low barriers to entry and the stigma of it being a girls sport seems to be slowly disappearing.

There are only 450 ape hoop roster spots in the league.
Soccer is really only played by children.

People don't decide what to dedicate themselves to based on "roster slots".

Soccer will never catch on
My friend's cousin is a starter for the USC soccer team (USC is a big sports school for the yuros itt) and he and his teammates occasionally practice at community fields. Invariably, they get absolutely shit on by a couple Somalians who are there fucking around. It is ridiculously expensive to put your kid in soccer, so most black parents just tell them to go to basketball.


What city full of retards likes divegrass?

Redneck spotted

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Don't you have some debt to bitch about?

He's calling you a newfag because you don't recognize the autistic costa rican autist who goes in every american soccer thread asking for a "city or state where only soccer is played) and who has been doing this for years on Yea Forums

I haven't been on Yea Forums much since they made all the gay as shit generals and gave Yea Forums a mod

>concussions per minute
Now that's a useless stat if I ever heard one.