

Attached: 456949852.gif (311x395, 33K)

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This is it


Attached: 1549649834271.jpg (960x960, 52K)

Chicago Blackhawks returning to and winning Lord Stanley's cup once again.

don't get the spaghetti sauce meme, but ok

>don't get the spaghetti sauce meme, but ok
marina is loved, name gets misspelled to marinara

Attached: 1557391669899.png (800x1200, 934K)

body/face 5/10
music 1/10 *absolute dogshit music holy fuck

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Attached: 001780565054.jpg (640x465, 68K)

basé et rougepillulé

Attached: 1541124322903.jpg (200x200, 33K)

some hockey heems

Attached: 1564562253142.gif (320x180, 1.79M)

one for you too

Attached: 67524227_189642478709124_7144664503382018158_n.jpg (1080x1333, 248K)

people don't legitimately find that attractive, do they?

i agree 4 /hoc/ threads is ugly

My heart belongs to thunderfu

Attached: 1566713069953.png (1232x1080, 1.96M)

much better than an Ayyyyyy

Shut the fuck up, worst cooks is on

One of my top 3 NES games.

Original Ice Hockey > BoS

Attached: Kyle_Dubas.jpg (1200x1285, 301K)