Manure fags unironically thought this mindless clown would be their Van Dijk

>Manure fags unironically thought this mindless clown would be their Van Dijk
>ynr Rodgers being happy in an interview once the sale went through and how it was "amazing business" to get that much money for that mong.

Attached: harry-maguire-mufc.jpg (767x431, 54K)

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pretty sure van dyke is black and not english

he could've been. But United is a shitshow and they are sucking the life out of players. Their squad is not that bad but so many players play below their level. De gay, Sanchez, Pogba, Rashford, Matic, the list goes on.

He has been great, what are you talking about? The first goal is on Lindelof and the second is on Pogba & De Gay.

He has shown he can be a leader, but I wanna see him yell at Pogba & De Gay and give them a kick up the ass. The players tolerate anything Pogba does ffs. He's been dogshit for the first 3 games.

Are you stupid? He left Lindelof exposed in that goal.

Exposed to being beaten in the air by a guy 5 inches shorter than him.

>The first goal is on Lindelof
fuck off, he should have been tracking that runner.

shit happens in football, it's up to maguire not to be mong and anticipate accordingly.

He's mediocre, he got exposed for England in a back 4 too and most Leicester fans didn't really care about losing him

Did Leicester use the maguire cash yet?

Yeah, it is down to Maguire to clean up for Lindelof fucking up, and he didn't.
But Lindelof is still primarily at fault for fucking up.
No, they bought his replacement last year.

isnt the transfer window closed for EPL? They will probably use it during winter window...

>leaving gaps in the defence is okay when you're EBHM

Celtic fan here: Rodgers is a fucking terrible manager when it comes to actually signing people. Only good signing he made at Celtic was Dembele, which was 90% Ronny Deila's signing anyway

Was the same at Liverpool, Rodgers' friends in the media tried to put the blame on the "transfer committee", but he routinely wasted money on utter shit every season, and funnily enough since he left the club became great in the market

Everyone already knew this from BR's Liverpoo days.

Is there anything more cringe than calling Man United "manure"? How old are you guys?

Call them Poonited, Jewnited, Womanchester United for all I care, but "Manure"? Are You 12?

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>g*rman humor

Manure triggers United fans because they say it's a reference to the Munich plane crash about a chant WBA/Bolton fans sung at them

>all these poo customers

The croat is completely right Maguire was their best player in these last games

>sell drinkwater to Chelsea
>sell Maguire to United
How do Lestah get away with such robberies?

They balance their karma with expensive deadwood shitters like Slimani and Iheanacho.

occasionally gets flashbacks to being destroyed by chris o'grady in the summery spring of 2012

Can't believe these blind fags, Maguire has a position to be in, he can't babysit every defensive action, tracking a runner also leaves your defence open in way that can be exploited. Comparisons with VD are not fair because he's got another solid CB to work with - Maguire is far from being in that situation.

>Chris O'Grady
Now we're talking real Leicester legends

He left Lindelof with a guy known for being a shitty header of the ball and Lindelof lost the duel. That attack should've been stopped there.

He was already covering for Shaw, who was injured and still hadn't left the pitch

he's mixed

>Poonited, Jewnited, Womanchester United

Those are waaay, way cringier. Manure is perfect desu


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calm down Mehmet

why the fuck is Pogba still even there? didn't he want out of the club already months ago

>Unware of danager
>Shit at marking
>Prone to being beat in the air by manlets

I fucking warned you manure cunts. Stop falling for media hype

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Yeah, on Praet and Tielemans.

>*improves your defense*

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The fact that people still think the player matters is what is laughable. They have plenty of quality players that could, in a good group, produce quality performances. It should be perfectly obvious by now that United's issue is mostly found in the general management of the club.
