Brady literally broke him

Brady literally broke him

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Based Brady

he sucked his vital force dry

Belichick actually, he couldn't do shit in that game

>Luck retires due to injuries, doesn't want to end up permanently damaged and has a solid career to fall back on
>Dick riding tranny loving faggots need to shove their /makes out with his son, married a tranny/ idol into the narrative
Hang yourselves you bandwagoning scumbags

He never beat Brady
Fuck man that sucks

Luck of the Draw.

our new starting qb is a black third round pick


he beat brady

yeah. beat him to retirement

>Wearing my number, huh?
Fuck he's ruthless

If only the truth were so innocent.

On the night he was drafted, Andrew Luck went out to celebrate with family and friends. No doubt believing he had a great career in front of him. On that very night while safe and warm in his bed he was awoken to a strange scratching sound on his window. This was very odd indeed, as he was on the 6th floor at an expensive hotel in New York. He turned in the pitch black to see an dark shape with dark red blood eyes apparently floating in midair outside of his room. Slowly the window unlocked from the inside as if turned by some invisible force. Once opened the dark sharp ever so slowly floated over until it was directly above him. Only then did he realize it was none other than Tom Brady.

Luck tried to move but discovered he couldn't. Some oppressive force held him in place. Then he felt what could only be described as his very life force being pulled from his body as Brady continuously sucked in the air around him for 5 minutes without exhaling a single time. Those demonic red eyes growing ever more crimson with each passing second.

He felt himself pass out. Only to come awake in a start. Bolting straight up in an empty hotel room with the windows locked. A strong headache and hurting joints his only company. He curled back inside bed, telling himself over and over that it was all a dream. The weird thing is.. he has the same dream. Every single year before the start of the season.

Attached: evil tom brady.jpg (900x1200, 131K)

Retiring at 29 because of calf pain is simply not baller behavior. Grigson’s incompetence aside, Andrew Cuck really screwed my Colts here. We missed 4 more Manning years for this guy.

>Tore his shoulder apart
>Laceration on kidney and peeing blood
>Tore abdomen
>Tore cartlidge in chest
>Implied his calf had more then one injury
The dude just wanted out before he was a cripple at 50. And who's to blame him he already had millions.

The calf injury was supposed to only take a few weeks to heal but it's been months without it getting better. Guys today meet and see plenty of old pros now and see how fucked up some of them are along with all the info available everywhere so I don't blame them for getting out.

Exactly, so now you can have some fun with it.

Why not pick up Favre and TO?

Attached: 1200px-Brett_Favre_Super_Bowl_50[1].jpg (1200x1706, 833K)

>brady literally broke him
so which position brady plays in defense?

The position that doesn't give them the ball back in scoring position.

but Luck was literally broken. Did Brady hit him?

Andrew Luck has absolutely fucked my fantasy draft board

>implying any one on this board has felt these type of injuries

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You remember Luck getting reamed his rookie year? Manning would have immediately retired after that with his body in thar shape coming off neck surgery.

Fuck Luck and his injuries, the guy is a bitch. A fucking calf muscle..

Luck isn’t retiring because someone hit him, Cumbrian. He’s retiring because he’s mentally weak

I play american football but without the millions of dollars. Can't blame him, would give up the sport if I was a permacrock too

I really believed he was the next great in the making like manning or favre the day he was drafted. This was a real turn of events