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Other urls found in this thread:


>thought it was b8
>tfw it was real



>announces retirement after fantasy drafts are held





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gone too soon

The next Peyton Manning, they said



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Clots confirmed for 0-16?

Pin this shit mods. Show some damn respect


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Indiana on suicide watch

i give them 2-3 wins. Still dead last.


So much left on the table. F

thankfully I still won't have to hear people say he was still better than Russel Wilson.

biggest bust ever lmao

What a gigantic pussy

I remember watching Luck and RG3 get drafted never thought they would never even make a super bowl. Crazy world it can be.

the absolute STATE of the clots


This wtf

Thank you Andrew!
t. Jags fan


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Imagine facing jj watt with that oline



More like Andrew Cuck amirite?

>post yfw he comes out of retirement to the titans to torment Irsay twice a year

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>tfw you’re old enough to remember when Luck, RG3, and Kaepernick were the future of the NFL

Press S to spit on grave



F. Never was a fan but I hope he is ok


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what happen


has anyone ever retired like this?



Johnny Football will save the franchise, cap this


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Tank for Tua time?


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Legitimately thought RG3 would become Michael Vick that can throw and win at least 1 superbowl.
Crazy how injuries and terrible coaches ruin a player.

Rg3 is still in the league this man is not

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Is he the greatest wasted potential in history?

He had owl level skills and the clots blew it

he was too pure for the NFL


literally who

very good quarterback retired in his prime for seemingly no reason


And Tebow. Yet here we are with Big Ben, Brees and Brady.


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>wasted peyton
>wasted luck
Are the Colts the worst organization in the NFL?

Rg3 been dead for years, that shit is a corpse

He’s joining the XFL next year guaranteed.


The man who ruined a team and crushed a man’s dreams

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Come on, I wanted the eurofags to wake up, get on Yea Forums catalog and see nothing but Luck threads.

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How the fuck lmao

He actually seems like a pretty nice guy, and an Ivy League graduate. I'm sure he'll be ok but like... 500 grand a year hedge fund ok, not NFL Quarterback ok.

How the fuck does Brady survive BOTH Manning and Luck. Holy shit.

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Haha fuck the Colts for tanking for him



Barry Sanders

>suck for luck
>get nothing out of it except some cringey banner
Good job, Clots FO


K E L L Y ' S

Shefty's twitter is hacked right? Has there been comfirmation?

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Andrew Luck retired before Tom Brady

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Why couldn't he have retired before he blew out my BOYS

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This doesn't even matter, they'll just tank 2019 and draft Tua in April.

Colts are going full tank mode.

May as well be dead.

>tfw Brady outlived Manning and Luck

How can one man be so fucking based

Made the Redskins must see TV

indiana is a Bears state


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>Jim Irsay quite literally may be put on suicide watch

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Got hit too many times and went full charmin

no refunds

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>drafted into a team with a mentally retarded coach, egomaniacal GM and cokehead owner
>never had any protection or help whatsoever, team never even tried
>was forced to play an entire season injured, with a lacerated kidney and constantly aching arm
>so bad he had to have multiple surgeries offseason in Europe
>comes back to a team with no talent again
>gets injured again, and once again the organization doesn't manage it well
>tells them to fuck off

The Colts are the biggest cancer in the NFL. What Jim Irsay allowed to happen should land him in prison. Luck is honestly smart to run away from this dumpster fire organization. Frank Reich can't save it.


As a Titans fan, I'm conflicted. He was a really likeable guy and great player, but also QB of the division rival. Congratulations to the meth-addled bozo Jim Irsay for killing who could've been a HOF'er.

'F' to Andrew
'S' to the Colts

Countdown till Luck ends up in Denver?

As a longtime colts fan I'm glad he's gone. This will give some meth head the incentive to shank irsay.


Because Manning was drafted 3 years before Brady? and then nearly had his neck broken intentionally

So will the Colts tank for Tua or wait a year for Lawrence?

this sport is unforgiving

My life is over. This is is all I had, theres no reason to keep going

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>Kindest guy in NFL
>On terrible team
>Injury every week

Your 2021 Indianapolis Colts starting quarterback

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Seriously, Luck should've never eaten those fucking Tomatoes.

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Stickied thread and only 84 replies? Yea Forums is dead


Andrew Luck, a former number 1 pick QB that the Colts tanked a season to draft, has retired

>yfw they tank for tua

Luck is smart enough that he probably listens to his doctors and realized his life would be nothing but injuries from here on out, and he would never win an owl like that.

the colts aren't that dumb

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The right decision to be completely honest

The man is a Stanford graduate and has so much potential outside the sport. No need to sacrifice your body when you've still got most of your life ahead of you

this thread was literally just stickied

Meanwhile q t pie Brady is drinking Ensure and practicing for another bowl.

>this is andrew lucks prime

Ballard is a great GM and Reich is a great coach, Irsay is retarded but just keeps to his crack den mostly now. This was just the final remnant of Grigson/Pagano fucking everything up.

Rate my dinner bros

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But, why?

Be the change you want to see in the world, user.

happened about 5 mins ago

Confirmed for best class of QB steals.

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Its Tebow Time

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>an Ivy League graduate

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Colts got cucked by Luck

Bet you wish Peyton was still playin huh


CHECK THE ARCHIVE I told you back when he was being hailed as a guaranteed Hall of Famer before he ever played a snap in the NFL that he was a bust. And now I'm proven right. I win.

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Barry Sanders or Andrew Luck?

Which was more shocking?

Based and West Coastpilled

I thought this was a joke at first. The Colts are going to suck now kek.

He went through all that shit and now that finally he has a good GM, coach and the talent around him is getting better he quits. He must hiding some chronic injury or something, I can't believe in this mental fatigue

Are other 2012 QB's even trying?

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Im fucking pissed. Favre was basically a walking injury. T.O. played with a broken leg. Who knows what other injuries other players have played through. Guess he didnt love the game that much.

Fuck man I loved Luck but im so fucking mad rn.


>only 4 years after Peyton retired

I swear I was seeing threads about drafting this bloke a few years back. What the fuck happened?

daily reminder that white men just do not have the mental fortitude to handle being an NFL quarterback

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You've obviously never been to Indy. That whole state has a combined IQ of 8.

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That really is hilarious.


Fuck man F
Dude was a monster stuck on a fucking mess

Is that a girl? Would still be better than luck. Football is gay tho. Watching sports is for girls.

Wow, how fucking bad was it playing for the clots that they just made a dude say "fuck it" and quit HAHA

F andrew

Luck played through organ injuries, you can only deal with it for so long before you say fuck it

>the absolute shantytown of the Irsay family

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On a slightly better team that actually protected and supported him, Luck would have an owl or two and go down as one of the best ever

Because Brady be a beast, nigga

Animal style on the fries is terribly overrated.

>Nick Foles


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I'm in this epic thread give a (you) to show support.


>it’s real

Playing for the Colts can kill anyone's love for the game.

>Foles is the only SB MVP among them
Fucking crazy

that's what he gets for ducking the Panthers, he'd have won the owl with them instead of fucking $cam not knowing how to dive on a football

wtf lmao outta nowhere

He's gotten the utter shit beat out of him because a dipshit was his GM


Jesus. What a group of suck until you get to Wilson and BEWD.


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If you've followed the injury he has now it isn't that bad but it got misdiagnosed multiple times by team doctors and it was never taken care of. Luck clearly is spooked and wants out, I don't blame him.

>injury year after fucking year
"his prime"
>shitty FO that's mismanaged him and the team at every turn
"seemingly no reason"


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>hate the colts and am laughing at then right now but still feel sorry for Luck
Anyone else know this feel?

>Kaepernick was the most successful despite being blacklisted

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Wait wtf? Is it because of injuries?


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>tfw a shit offensive line literally ends your career
Feels bad

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The next Andrew Luck

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Tua FAGovailoa

I bet that shoulder was way more fucked than he let on and somehow made it through last season.

They better not fucking get Trevor Lawrence


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Posting in an F bread

Irsay is one of the worst owners to let his team reach this state

>implying anyone here were around for Barry

All colts fans know this feel

What is dead may never die

AFC is mine now

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I have respect for him. More than Cousins. The rest are now confirmed scrubs.

>colts release peyton and draft luck
>peyton goes to denver, breaks the td record and wins another owl
>luck only lasts 6 years (missed a whole year)

releasing peyton was always the wrong decision. they should have kept peyton and drafted luck and made him sit behind him

gg clots



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I just feel bad for him. The Colts should just be sold at this point.

wow lmao

>seemingly no reason

them niggas gon get Tua AND Trevor. And fuck up BOTH they careers Tbh


His dad's is commissioner.

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No one forced him to resign when his rookie contract was up. Don't act as if Luck was a victim

>very good quarterback

>they ruin another top tier QB
please no

*unretires after one year*

luck isn't good enough to pull an MJ, what is he doing

It's the fact that Brady survived them BOTH, that's the crazy part. Obviously Brady had a better chance of lasting longer than Manning, but the fact that Brady lasted longer than both of the colts best starting QBs in his tenure is mind blowing.

The Colts' offensive line improved quite a bit in 2018, but it was the worst in the NFL for the last 3 years before that. Too little too late I suppose.

If they kept Peyton he would have literally died with the shit team the Colts built for Luck.


Maybe he figured the team could change, they often do. But he was wrong.

Fuck the clots

What the actual fuck

Not really luck is an ugly faggot and I have always hated him. Only person in football I hate more is Jim irsay. Hope he ods tonight.

literally who

>Kaepernick was the most successful


Never will forget his comeback against the Chiefs.

GOAT potential ruined by a garbage organization.



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>tfw you have a longer career than Luck

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Colts bring such a terrible org had to have been a major reason for his problems and decision to quit

At least his wasn't as bad as David Carrs line, I'm surprised he doesn't have visible brain damage.

Turns out having no O-line will fuck up any quarterback

Did you see him before the Colt's offensive line became shit?

its so sad he went to Indy instead of a real team

What are the chances Brissett can lead them to the playoff? I mean he is a Patriots drafted QB.

He got injured because he wouldn’t run out of bounds because he’s a brainlet track athlete

should be starting in baltimore anyway

I guess you can say his luck ran out

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Tied. Luck was nowhere near the player but at least he was playing for a contender. Carrying the shitshow Lions for years would make any GOAT-tier player want to quit

Meanwhile pic related is gonna get an owl or turn into YA Tittle trying

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mr irsay.........

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He's not wrong

Rams and Raiders could give them a run for their money

now the list of good qbs from the AFC has shortened to 2

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>giving up $50 million
pro football must really suck

what are the colts chances of making the playoffs now?

He was never good.

>Stud QB
>Shit Oline
>let's just chuck the ball downfield every play lol he's tough he'll be fine
>QB constantly playing hurt
>Finally start throwing the ball short and protecting your stud QB
>Too late
This is the biggest waste of a talent since Barry Sanders or Megatron. Indianapolis managed to equal fucking Detroit. Absolutely embarrassing.

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You mean Mike Shanahan is a boomer hack that didnt realize he shouldnt make his qb play against the Legion of Boom with an injured knee?

Dammit Carlos

His teammates can perfectly understand that the organization fucked Luck and don't blame him for wanting out

1. Watson is a meme.

He’s joining the XFL

its so sad to see them go at such a young age, F


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No one cares about lardcollide, mutt

Megatron was so god damn good. I loved watching him and I'm a Packers fan. Sad.

He took a garbage Colts team and dragged them to the AFC Championship in 2014. Luck on a decent team would have three rings now

>I knew I should have signed Tony Boselli along with Andre

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Can't really compare because two different positions and the former was a different era, but i would argue this just based on the magnitude of the position, how the colts went from contender to >JUST and how big sports media is today.

Also what the other user said, most here aren't even old enough to remember Barry.

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>Luck announces his retirement in the middle of a preseason game
What in tardation

WTF A STICKY? i'm shocked

Mike never liked RG3 and was forced to draft him. He ruined RG3 to spite Snyder.

Another day another dead american

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Imagine if detoilet had Berry Sanders, Megatron, and Stafford all during the same time. Would honestly be a god team.

>Luck retires
>Brisset performs admirably, but fails all the same
>Colts organization panics
>trades up to first overall, giving Cincinnati their 2020 and 2021 first, as well as a 2020 second
>this sets up a Bengals dynasty
All according to keikaku

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He’s retiring because he has a brain an realizes he’s earned so much another $50m won’t change anything and doesn’t have to get crushed play after play behind the clots’ catastrophe of an offensive line

A journalist broke the story; Luck is having a press conference tomorrow

omfg...the pats are gonna steamroll somehow a fucking gain. Restructure the damn league already.

tfw clots

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RG3 literally didn't know how to call a play in a huddle or what a route tree was. He is the epitome of a meme QB

Saw it first in the miami/florida thread and I thought it was just a shitpost

>drafting before preseason is over

What? What happened? He dead?

I'm a lions bro, it sucks but I'm glad Megatron won't be a crippled husk needing 50 pills to get out of bed every morning when he's older

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I know that feel Colts fans. I know that feel

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>AFC Finalist

What does that even mean?







can't lie, this guy got me into american football. I supported the colts because they had him and I thought there was a good chance of a long arc towards a possible championship. now, even though I hardly pay any attention to NFL and mostly shit on it on Yea Forums, I feel pretty sad. maybe it's the beer talking, but he had an arm that just wouldn't quit. hopefully he finds happiness elsewhere. hopefully we all do bros.

>be built like a stick
>try to truck the hardest hitting secondary in the NFL at the time
>blame your coach for not sliding or going out of bounds like literally and other QB would've done

Watch any Redskins game when RG3 was there, the guy was completely reckless with his body and never tried to play it safe. Plus Mike always wanted to have Kirk as his QB anyway but Dan the man Snyder didn't let it happen, Kirk fit his offensive scheme way better.

lol at your attempt of advertising your shitter page

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>Not a $3mm 1 year deal
>Implying they won't sign McCown when Sudfeld comes back

Retiring. He's had enough of the Clots bullshit.

I don't disagree. I'm just saying Shanahan knew exactly what he was doing.

>Based Adam outlasts another clots franchise QB


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RG3 was worthless outside of running



Why? RIP Colts btw

I feel terrible, for colts fans and the organization and fantasy owners

....but also a Pats fan who always hated the colts fucked with us and seeing as how they ran Peyton out of town for this guy...i gotta also gotta say......HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA

Saw it live during the game and literally ask myself if it was April 1st.

Not as long as the Browns exist

They killed him. The glue factory claims another life. Fuck Isray

>mfw learning Luck will be our starting QB in 2020.

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in n out is goat, nothing else comes close

but i must agree with colombia, well done fries or nothing

Post proof, he was objectively great
Injuries, partly due to the organization not protecting him, and not surrounding him with good help/wasting his talent

how the fuck do you retire at 29?
i want to retire too!!!

haha can I post this on reddit?

>advertising a discord on a sticky

What went wrong?

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2 rings and another sb blowout incoming

this, but unironically

Apparently he's "mentally worn down"

That's where I found it!

who is this?

Nah I was just scrolling down the search results for Kaepernick to see how many people would be instantly calling the Clots to sign him. So far not many.


Vontae Davis (former Colt) and now Andrew Luck, what's with the Colts locker room culture that these madmen just retire during a game?

i'm wondering if maybe the Colts should have gotten a better offensive line before putting him out there his first couple years


Fuck off tranny

Luck has shit tons of endorsement money so I'm pretty sure he isn't sweating 50 mil

sticky thread?

nobody knows who the fuck he is. fuck you all.

have six

Aka it's not fun anymore and he's done falling on his sword for the clots

Manning taught the franchise how to stop trying in the middle of a game.

well at least he has a ring


He made his millions and realized he'd rather kick back and chill instead of killing himself on the field for a flyover shithole

Very smart move on his part. Enjoy your retirement my man.

Sackorpick can’t join a team or his whole protest “movement” will fail

oh, wait

Funny thing is that Luck is still objectively a better QB than Russell Wilson

Did people forget when he was considering retiring last off season when he was injured? People are way too shocked, the Colts are just a shit franchise.

don't post him here

>mfw I saw the Texans as a good bet to win the AFC South at +275 but was to pussy to make it

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>have six
You don't even have six teeth Nigel

He is wrong. Kaepernick practically left the league in disgrace after his one stellar season

dude was crazy inaccurate and had bad decision making. His ill-advised scrambles made his line look shittier than it was. His lack of a quick pass made his line look shittier than it was.

Can you blame him? The Colts' offensive line was so bad I'm surprised he didn't die on the field. And the management...

Who is this sticky faggot? I'm too lazy to read the thread

We gave up Manning for this faggot



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This is legit sad and im a Bears fan. Fuck the clots though.

>Gronk didn't had a sticky but fucking Luck has one


Derrick Rose



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titans are winning that division

Luck took a team with literally Browns level talent, a horrid coach and retard GM to the AFC championship in his 3rd year. You're a retard

he's an NC State QB, so none. see Rivers

But didnt they go partying after the trade?

only the lake area

You didn't just give up Manning, you stabbed him in the back and purposefully burnt down your entire organization for him. No sympathy for the Clots.

Gronkowski was good, but the Patriots can replace anyone. Without Luck, the Clots are fucked.

fuckin a.

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Yeah that's gonna be an S from me dog

LMAOOO you wish dude. Luck was trash and you'll regret saying all this faggot shit when you wipe away your tears in the morning


Manning had his neck broken and no one even knew if he could even run again let alone play football, hindsight is 20/20 anyone would've started new.

Everyone knew Gronk was going to retire soon and it was right after the superbowl, the regular season starts like 2 weeks from now that's why this is huge.

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Gronk didn't retire in the middle of a game

Cosmic payback for deflategate continues.
Suspend Brady for 4 games?
Lose Luck forever.

Press S to spit on the Colts franchise.

Eli is gonna go to the colts mid season

I'm sorry Andrew fucked your crush in high school.

So long space cowboy!

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317 here.
No one NO ONE will forgive this amish looking faggot. FUCKING CUNT.


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wait what? they did what? story?
also burnt? or burned?
i am confused

The guy from Law and Order

You faggots never deserved Luck. You were gifted an elite QB after being gifted Peyton fucking Manning. You wasted Luck's talent and are reaping the rewards. I can't wait until he comes out of retirement to play for the Eagles after Wentz dies on the field and wins 3 owls in 4 years.


Remember when the Colts were good?

You LOVED that Andrew Luck fucked your crush in high school you fucking cuck

nobody truly likes the patriots. not even you.

46250 here
everyone will be mad at him here
mark my words

He won an NFC championship. What have Luck and RG3 done?

>drafting before preseason is over
never had a chance

Everyone knew he would be fine, especially in this era that you can't touch qbs. Only retards like you who fall for espn sensationalism believed that shit.


>still seething 7 years later




Yes. I lived in northern Indiana (most people are bear fans there) when they stomped them in the super bowl. Greatest day ever.


Yea back when Bill Polian ran the team.

Not really, even when they were "good" with manning they were a paper tiger meme team.

You sound like a jealous woman. QBs have to play somewhere. How were the Colts "gifted" Manning?


1. Ryan Leaf
2. Andrew Luck
3. JaMarcus Russell

Vontae Davis

He's going to get murdered now isn't he??

I hope my sweet Carson won't follow the same path

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Suck Thanks To Luck

One retried at a younger but still decently good age and is one of the most dominant players at his position. First ballot HoF.

Luck was cut down way too soon compared to Gronk. He was suppose to be on his comeback tour, not permanent scarred from the pagano/grigs era

46205 here

>mad at him
Why don't you be mad at the shitty organization that misused and broke him


Reminder that Luck stayed at Stanford for another year to avoid being drafted by the Panthers

Hoo wee is this hilarious in hindsight now

RIP in peace Luck. He's going to get JUICED.

You guys wanna meet up at Kip's?

They deserve their trash fire organization. Hopefully Irsay leads them to irrelevance for decades.

RIP Geico caveman

Polian ran the team into the ground. His last 4 years were almost as bad as Grigson's and he was the reason the roster was literally Manning/Wayne/Mathis/Freeny and 49 replacement level players by the end.

Luck himself wasn't a bust. He played to the best of his ability and got fucked by having to play for the Clots.

Where’s Kyler?

Nah tank next season and get Lawrence


too soon charley

Holy fucking shit.

Are you trolling or just too young to remember? He had to have spinal fusion surgery and actual doctors doubted if he could ever return to the NFL.

this. fucking tards claim revision without even understanding the era.

youtube.com/watch?v=uqHTROHwFw4 OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

When Manning left the colts, it was like a broken marriage. The Colts had no faith in Manning being Manning anymore and they felt that his neck injury damaged his arm strength. Only they found out that would be much later in his career thus they tanked their very 8-8 team after manning left for Luck. "Suck for Luck" was one of the most obvious tanking seasons i had ever seen for a NFL sports franchise. They went back to being a playoff team just after.

I was kinda surprised that Manning went back so willingly to Jim Irsay after he retired but i guess he's just a dude who doesn't hold grudges that badly.

Based like saving what little brains and knee cartilage he has left

hahaha lol andrew suck andrew fuck andrew cuck

clots eternally btfo

He didn't meet the minimum height requirement for ranking.

If he didn't sign he would have been tagged over and over. He literally couldn't leave because the NFL is garbage.

Of course it's an afc team, one less competitor for Brady to deal with.

1. The Eagles are a better run Organization than the Colts
2. The Eagles have a competent Oline
3. His Injuries have not been a result of him trying to survive

No cus my boy Dwayne is a franchise QB. Just let him redshirt this season

Wow, had no idea the Colts were actually playing when the news broke.


Attached: 1511486621980.jpg (508x340, 64K)

This settles it. RG3 was the better pick in that draft.

This. Some people get fucking hyped, not realizing there are ALWAYS season ending injuries in pre season.

i hope he gets healthy

Is this real?

He's retiring because he's "mentally worn down". That's a fucking bust.

I would man but i'm staying in for the night.

Attached: Dm78nYXXoAIOPbq.jpg (656x656, 46K)

What de fuck

>Only they found out that would be much later in his career thus they tanked their very 8-8 team after manning left for Luck.
The tanking meme is the most retarded bullshit I've ever seen. Name literally anyone good on that 2011 team besides the ones I mentioned here. Half that fucking roster was out of the NFL the next year.

worst one that's had a decent amount of talent on it throughout the years

The iggles are a historically dumb franchise, but they aren't Clots tier. Don't worry.

That's a terrible equivalency because being tagged is better for a player financially than a contract because franchise tag money is 100% all guaranteed

A top 5 OLine?

Not sure how much better Luck would have fared with the Panthers. They have had a below avg O-line for years.

Luck has been through a lot, I feel kind of bad for him. But what kind of asshole quits right before the season starts?

>clots broke luck so hard he retires
He should have gone to a real team

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>Do you think 10 years from now you’ll view >your shoulder surgery as a blessing in >disguise?
>“I’ll say it right now—I think it was a blessing in >disguise,” Luck said. “Absolutely. It forced me >to reevaluate many, many things in my life. And >the result has been … yeah, really positive. >And I shudder to think of not having that. I don’t >think I’m married if that had not happened. I >think I eff that up. I truly do. I truly do.”


My sides are in orbit thinking about all the retards who drafted a fantasy team before the preseason was even over

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Are the Colts now officially bottom 5 team historically?



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>retiring at 29

bad look

>they tanked their very 8-8 team after manning left for Luck. "Suck for Luck" was one of the most obvious tanking seasons
I don't get this. Why do you think so?

they got rid of peyton for six years of this guy
in the four years peyton had left he lead the highest scoring offense of all time and won another ring (led by the D, sure, but those D players all came to play there because of him)

will go down as such a bad move
always remember - there are no sure things in the draft
wilson turns out to be the best from that draft, cousins probably second
even tannehill has outlasted luck, wow

he's joining the dallas renegades

Which one should I eat in honor of Andrew Luck first Yea Forums? Pumpkin cheesecake or chocolate chip muffin junior

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He obviously did it to spite someone in higher management, now they have to run with their heads cut off to try and find a replacement right before the season.

Okay, the debate officially begins now. How much of a bust was he? Reminder he did go to the conference finals, but he's gotta be top 10 yeah?

jesus christ clown world

Luck must be protected

Imagine having such inept trainers that you break your franchise QB, make him hate the sport, and force him to retire

Literally 2 of the best NFL quarterbacks ever back to back and they have one SB to show for it. Lucks biggest achievement was a 38 point loss in the AFCCG and they put up a banner for it.

fuck this shit. i am retiring too
telling my boss on monday.

> No foles to back your bitch boi

Yeah am thinking suicide is your best option

you should eat rat poison

>intentionally starting Painter for half the season
They were tanking user

u should cut the chocolate chip one horizontally and put the pumpkin in between the two pieces like a sandwich

The guy was right, Luck IS a bust LMAO

I like the fries regular and the onions grilled with no tomato, but based nonetheless.

Clean your fucking table you addict.

>tfw bet $20 on the Jags winning the South
Future's looking bright lads

>tfw so old you remember things 5 years ago

Rat poison


He got a normal injury that a lot of QBs get. Drew Brees had the exact same injury. Luck is just mentally soft, and probably legitimately autistic.

you can't get addicted to weed you fucking virgin

yeah retiring 2 weeks before the season is a really bad look, I agree.

You mean one of the greatest of all time in his position vs a fucking bust.(Not a Pats fan)
I really liked Luck, he was one of my favorite NFL players, but retiring really exposes how weak he was and that he couldn't stand the pressure of filling Manning boots.
Imagine if Brady retires, all the pressure that will be in his Patriots replacement.

Where's Cam Newton? Where's RG3? This list should be chock full of niggas

Because the year before they were 10-6 and as soon as Manning left they turned to 2-14 and the moment they got luck that draft the following season, they were play off bound.

Because the next season they went fucking 11-5 and the team wasn't even that bad and had Curtis fucking painter as their QB

>Literally 2 of the best NFL quarterbacks ever back to back

Pretty sure Joe Montana to Steve Young was much better, Andrew Luck was never top 3

You wanted them to start Kerry Collins instead?

>quarterbacks of African-American heritage
Yeah nah

Well. At least you floss


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I guess you could say his Luck finally ran out

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He's gonna unretire in a year and play for a huge contract with the niners or raiders. Maybe Bengals.


Why do we care about this career underachiever?

you can get psychologically addicted to anything you utter brainlet



ORotY: RG3 (1) Luck (0)
PFWA all rookie: RG3 (1) Luck (0)
Playoff record: RG3 (1.000) Luck (0.500)
Playoff QBR: RG3 (77.5) Luck (73.4)

Luck is a grade A+, 100% surefire BUST.

Attached: not a bust.jpg (204x250, 32K)

I have a bong and weed right beside me but i'm not a fucking ape who sprawls it all over his table


>Fans pretending they care about players' health



wtf i just drafted him
fuck him

wtf he is still very young and the brady is very old but the younug retires wtf what timeline is this?

He won an MVP
>herp derp Super Bowl fumble
Every player has shit plays

Please no we have enough shitty quarterbacks.



He can't keep getting away with it

Pathetic. He gave that shitpile organization way fucking more than they deserved. Imagine actually being such a cuck that you defend the Colts management. Clots fans are just sad.

Friendly reminder to laugh at the Colts.

Fuck the Colts.

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Just in time to tank for Lawrence

Luck goes to the Panthers and they win the 2015 owl.

Attached: KK.gif (621x365, 1.77M)

He doesn't need to, he hasn't done anything yet and will not because he's fucking overrated until he actually accomplishes something

Guys, guys, please. Which one first

Fuck forgot the YT link


Attached: edpiss.jpg (715x408, 47K)

>kek better put my weed in the pic so spee thinks im kewl

Wow I guess the Bears were tanking in 2017, and the Pats were tanking in 2000, and literally any team that goes from bad to good was tanking.
It couldnt at all be that they replaced one of the best QBs ever with one of the best QB prospects of all time and replaced half the roster after Bill Polian turned the entire organization into a 4 man team starved for talent at every position.
Now tell me shitposter, which players on that 2011 team were good besides the 4 I mentioned, 1 of which didn't play

No world in which Cam is a bust.

RG3 yes.


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Fucking. Cope.

Cam is TRASH

go read a book, $cam

Attached: fuck scam newton.gif (500x279, 3.44M)

Luck doesn't owe an organization that practically destroyed his body ANY loyalty. Quitting right before the start of the season was probably the best revenge he could ever have because he just effectively fucked the entire Colts season

>He won an NFC championship
Next you're going to tell me that Donovan McNabb had a better career than Tony Romo.

>Brady's stats not even updated
Luck really was garbage

This was unironically one of the best things to ever happen to the Colts

Luck played extremely well when the Clots had an offensive line. Filling Peyton Manning's shoes had nothing to do with it.

That man suffered internal bleeding for playing on a garbage Oline and for pagans/Grigs and these fucking pieces of shit want to talk shit.

Of course they do. They did the same for Peyton. Rats. All of them

>tfw luck was really in pain all the time because irsay kept taking his meds

Not him but he unironically did, Romo won like two playoff games ever.

Fuck the Irsays. Colts should still be in Baltimore.

jesus what language is that?

Colts record this year?
They cant be winning more than 5 games

The kind who the Colts management let get destroyed on the field for years and gave him shit teams. The Colts organization earned this.

Literally all of his injuries were his own fault. He had it in his head that he was a running QB, and that shit can fly at Stanford. NFL linebackers put him out of his misery. This idiot is probably still pissing blood.

Oh and don't forget about his fucking snowboarding accident. Yeah, that's the Colt's fault.

>win MVP after playing through a cupcake schedule then get your ass handed to you when you play an actual good team.

Cam is one of the more pathetic MVP winners in the history of the league

Luck retired with a 4-4 playoff record.

Peyton Manning, the WORST playoff quarterback in NFL history, retired with a 14-13 playoff record.

Andrew Luck is literally, statistically, the worst playoff QB of all time. POTTERY!!!!!!

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What was the highlight of Luck's career?

Guarantee he's back next year with another team. He's just scared of literally fucking dying if he plays for the Clots one more year and they completely bungle a simple injury again.

>the city of you

Uhh he did. It’s not even controversial to say that.

Brady is autistic about his health conditioning. He also plays for a competent coach and GM.

about what you could expect from those meth head losers

Retiring since it means he no longer has to deal with the Colts.

>Literally all of his injuries were his own fault

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Chiefs comeback

i dunno finnish?
this is a better pic

Attached: boo.png (842x763, 991K)


holy shit, this might be it

Awards are given arbitrarily. Stats matter more and wins are a team stat. You're a delusional Redskins fan who is stuck in 2012.

This wouldn't have happened if the 49ers just sucked for luck instead we fed and seeded

*health and conditioning.

>Peyton Manning, the WORST playoff quarterback in NFL history
Nigga what?

Attached: 1528687298598.png (251x398, 95K)

they'll probably tank on purpose so they get the 1st overall pick
it's how they got luck

>Seething this hard
>Then becoming hilariously "bad"
>then go back to being good again
>Not tanking for a generational QB
No one cares anymore, you don't need to be so angry when people talk about it.


Attached: jags.png (500x500, 125K)

Have you been on drugs for the past few years?

Are you sure its gonna be on purpose when they wheel out some shit tier QB?

formerly Chuck

Same senpai

>sticky for literally who


>clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots

Fed and sneeded

lol remember when he held out another year to avoid playing for the punthers?

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twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1165448004884582400 holy fucking shit lmao

>defending Jim Irsay
Just embarrassing.

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>failing to refute any of my points
fuck off

I mean the snowboard is retardation in his part but snowboarding injuries doesn’t mentally break you. Playing for the colts is lethal and mentally taxing

>clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots >clots

With the way Carolina's OL is he probably wouldve died too

This dude is a legit autistic Jaguar fan who has literally been shitposting about Andrew Luck for 7 years now because the Jags were dumb enough to actually win the final game in 2011 and give us the #1 pick.

Attached: luck ahahaha faggot.png (339x306, 173K)

>that dutch divegrass fag didnt get a sticky when he died
>based football chads get a sticky for a shit player retiring
never forget who runs this board europoors

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Yeah, his o-line sure was great. He just decided to run away from all that protection they provided. They never let anyone through.

"We" would have won five straight superbowls. Very sad.

Feed and sneed pilled

If luck was on the yaguars they would’ve won at least one SB by now.

honestly alot of that shit has been on cam
he holds the ball for a million years and doesn't know how to move in the pocket

t. Jim Irsay

>tfw when TY Hilton and Ebron in my fantasy league

This is a North American board

Joke's on you, I'm actually a delusional Redskins fan stuck in 1991

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>t. man child

Ya jealous douche?

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Kek, fair enough.

>Luck's dad is commish of XFL

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Kaep came to within one throw or ref decision away from winning a bowl. He's easily the most successful of the lot.

Colts still have his contract if he unretires. There's no easy way back in for him

I guess he ran out of Luck, huh

He must of really hated the Colts to tell them before the season started. Must of planned for awhile.

No they wouldn't have because he would have dragged your shit squad to 10-6 every year like he did the Colts and you wouldn't have gotten 8 years of top 5 draft picks to get 1 (one!) winning season

Luck stabbed them in the back
>Muh injuries
And you couldn't decide this in April because?

Basically his entire career before getting blown the fuck out by the Pats in the 2014 AFC Championship game.
Pissed off the Tits got robbed of their chance to finally beat him.

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At least he isn't leafposting. Now that would be pathetic.

Good point but at least he would have a defense and a old Steve Smith. Might have brought him more play off appearances.

>The #Colts have known that QB Andrew Luck was seriously mulling retiring for at least two weeks. He’s married, he plans to travel the world, and once the love for the game waned, it sounds like he wanted to step away. So, he did.
from Rapoport

He's a fucking bust. I knew it all along. I am so fucking smart.

Jealous of who, fag?

He just re-injured himself during training camp. His body is just fucked, too many years of playing way too hurt takes it's toll.

You can't hold the ball for more than 2 seconds. That's not just for Luck, that's for all QBs now. Luck was indecisive and always looking to run first. His o-line wasn't that bad, Luck just couldn't handle the pressure. The o-line is good now anyways, so what's his excuse? Oh he's "mentally tired"? He's making on a fucking hundred million dollar contract, it should be mentally exhausting.

>once the love for the game waned, it sounds like he wanted to step away
what's stopping rodgers?

Run babbies dont last long

Reminder that Luck was the highest-rated prospect of the century. Doubtful that even Trevor Lawrence could come remotely close to how high his draft grade was no matter how the rest of his college career goes

Can we start a shitposting campaign to get the Irsays removed from the NFL?

you know who, bitch

Attached: 90.jpg (840x560, 80K)

based af

>two weeks

You thought it would be AB, but it was me, Andrew

I thought it was gonna be our year.

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Needs money to pay for Prep


Fuck Cotls





Rodgers loves sneaking peeks in the locker room too much to quit.

>He should be miserable and hate his life, but he should continue doing it because of the money, even though he has more than enough money to live off of for the rest of his life
That's some good insight.

And then he won 2 games in 2 seasons and was benched for all eternity FOR BLAINE GABBERT

Remember in 2011 when this guy was hyped up as the next jesus christ before the draft and how perfect he was.

Literally accomplished nothing in 7 years.


Kek, rip clots

>RGknee has a longer career than Luck
wew lads

Literally everything you post is retarded and proof you never even watch football.

My team isn’t In your conference, Cleveland scum muncher

he loves being sacked by big burley men


>1. Brady
>2. Mahomes

Good QBs in AFC

B-but what about the 2014 AFC Finalist banner?


Hey! That's my OC! Thanks for saving it dude.





Hiding homosexual indiscretions is expensive

who /retiring/ here?
what if everyone on Yea Forums retires on monday?
the entire job market will crash and burn

>he should quit his job because it's hard
Yea, he's a faggot. All jobs are hard. Working sucks. It sucks a lot less when you're making $20 million per year though.

Your mad. And now your bad

>Cleveland Browns future finally looking up
>Indianapolis Colts: "But there must always be a doormat."

Attached: New-Lich-King-Bolvar.jpg (640x1136, 129K)

The Raiders and Lions are both pretty fucking terrible - remember the Lions forced two HOFers out of football in their primes (Barry Sanders, Calvin Johnson).

What the fuck? His O-line was a fucking disaster. Everyone knows it's been a fucking disaster except you apparently. Keep crying about your dead team and organization that keeps destroying any good things it has. The Colts will be irrelevant until Irsay is dead, but continue to suck them off you pathetic creature.

Yet you refuted nothing.

Kill yourself literally.

what the absolute fuckity shitballs

Attached: wtf.gif (720x336, 2.57M)

but my job is shitposting on Yea Forums

>tfw you were drafted in the third round because you were too small
>tfw you're the only QB in your class with an Owl
>tfw RG3 and Luck were "sure things"
>tfw you just signed a $140 million contract in the offseason
>tfw still stylin on DBs with the dragon

Attached: russsmiles.jpg (840x472, 35K)

Stay pressed

Attached: odell-beckham-trolls-baker-mayfield-on-instagram.jpg (938x527, 56K)

Does your job have you get crushed by 330lb guys who run 4.8 40s every week?

Thanks outing yourself as an actual retard, dudes been hurt for years, he obviously doesn't care as much about 100 mill if hes in constant pain. Your values in life are not everybody elses.

Reminder Eli Manning missed one (1) game when he wasn't even injured and is on his sixteenth (16) NFL season when more than half of them he has had no offensive line for.

Last year he had flower pots as offensive lineman and still had his highest completion percentage, lowest INT rate and 4th most yards.

>tfw you're the only QB in your class with an Owl

Nope, Nick Foles

>One scene that sticks in my mind: Andrew Luck, exiting the locker room after the playoff loss in KC, with a huge smile on his face as he caught up with his fiancee. Asked him about it this spring, and his response is very telling tonight
per Zak Keefer

Attached: IMG_20190824_224549.jpg (1008x366, 63K)

> Luck was indecisive and always looking to run first. His o-line wasn't that bad
Watch a colts football game from 2012 to 2017. Theres you refutation, you obsessed autistic monkey.

>>tfw you're the only QB in your class with an Owl
Nick Foles was drafted in the same draft and same round too

>His O-line was a fucking disaster
It was sufficient. Luck couldn't decide when and where to throw the ball.

I'm not holding my breath but I swear if Sam Darnold is actually good and pulls this shit I will fucking destroy everything in my new house. You will die for the Jets, motherfucker.


Feel bad for clots but can't stop laughing

Attached: yyee.png (402x305, 338K)

>tfw people think you're good because you complete 7 passes for 60 yards and you defense and running game win you every game.
>tfw your most famous play is losing your team the super bowl and making every one of your teammates hate you because you're the coaches boy toy

>Andrew Luck on the booing he heard tonight from Colts’ fans: “It hurt...it hurt.”
per Schefter

fuck, I'm retarded. Russ is still the best QB of his class. Who could've known?

I don't make millions.

Literally who?

>RGIII blows a tire
>Andrew Luck retires
Seahawks win again.

The NFL is fucking ded.

I would let someone amputate one of my legs for 10 million dollars

I thought he said AFC South. I still believe in Foles.

Yeah but does your job pay you 120 million to take those hits and throw a ball?
I guess you can't blame luck his signing bonus was 44 mil so he can do whatever he wants so long as he's invests a fraction of that.

So what is he going to do? WWE?

Are you fucking kidding me. What the fuck?

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Of that was New York or Philly, he’d have things thrown at him

The problem was the line and the fact that the offense was designed around him hanging tough in the pocket and flinging it down the field. It was both of them. A QB with a shit line needs to be in an offense that is built around getting rid of the ball quickly.

Shockingly bad job from the organization top to bottom.

>Watch a colts football game from 2012 to 2017.
I did. That's where I'm getting my information from. Luck was indecisive and held the ball too long. That's the real reason why he got sacked all of the time.

How butthurt is he going to be on Monday?


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Anyone who boos him is an idiot.

There's a reason he became a success and you didn't. You don't seem like you're in a good position to tell him the best way to handle his life considering it got him to be 100x more successful than you will ever be. At 29 years old he has achieved more in his life than you ever will.

Meanwhile nigger qbs are still there playing and Luck who's actually elite retires
Niggers QBs will ruin the sport

no he isn't, Luck was better but had the worse FO

>some literal who retires
>mods sticky
>football legend Johan Cruyff dies
>mods dont sticky
Bunch of disgusting faggots

Jesus, I thought he was fucking dead

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Retire and travel the world, guy made like $100 million he doesn't have to come back and work as an analyst on ESPN like all of the people who didn't invest their money wisely did.


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Colts probably would have liked to have known this earlier, would have signed Mitchell out of the CFL. Decided not to offer him a contract over the winter.

I'm actually fucking speechless. what a start to the season
also, UrinatingTree is a goddamn prophet

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Two week is a long time doofus

Not dead, his career is ogre at a young age.

I actually want Irsay to get fucking shanked at this point
What a worthless cunt


He's more sad for him than angry

forgot the link

Good. I'm glad Luck got to fuck the clots over after they ruined his career.

He was talking about seriously retiring last off season as well did you guys forget?

We get it, you want to bottom for Luck. Most normal people (non-homos) will see this as a bitch move.

Clots deserve this, glad their season is fucked. Hopefully Irsay offs himself so the team can actually have a chance at succeeding.

It's cruel considering his reasons, but it's to be expected.

Luck owes the Colts absolutely nothing. It's a business. He could have gotten killed...

>I get all my football knowhow from Yea Forums shitposters and dont watch shit


Jacoby Brissett is a decent quarterback.

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the clots are one of the worst organizations in football and im glad Luck fucked them over.

>suck for luck
>get nothing in return

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Redskins still exist so no

that junkie Irsay almost got him killed, Luck doesn't owe anybody shit

>Luck was better
mental midget with a glass body

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Pats fan reporting in. He’s complete shit.

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Lol well the stats tell me Luck has more INTs than TDs in the playoffs

No one cares about your shit "sport" eurofag, seethe elsewhere

cmon bros he just want to read his books...

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Woke twatter absolutely chimping out with their Kaepernig to Indy fantasies

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If Jacoby leads them to a playoff berth, then this will be forgotten about in a year..until they need to pay him lmfao

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So, is the entire NFL season going to be cancelled because of this? This is serious shit. I don't think it is legal.

Luck is honestly based for screwing over the Clots' right before the season. The shitty organization and the shit eating fans that support it brought it on themselves.

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they were probably booing out of shock. They didn't know how to react

lol calm down, he just won't get paid

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But Facebook hates sakorpick

He retired two games before the start of the season and announced it during a game. What the fuck did he expect? A standing ovation from fans who just found out their entire season is fucked?

No duh. He fucked over the team, but they deserved it so the feeling is mutual for me anyway. Luck got fucked hard for the last 4 seasons so this was his final fuck you to them

nah, bro, booing fans know what they are doing.
it is shock and awe. i mean shock and anger. yeah, anger.

I better not see that piece of shit Pagano on TV on Monday with crocodile tears when his idiot system and Grigs elite draft garbage picking

>Indy begins talk with Kaep
>"$20 million a year."
>Indy says no
>"Wow omg ur so rasicst #kneeling #politicalactivistthatdoesn'tvote"

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so I guess it shouldn't hurt

super elite bro

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you're out of your mind desu

Yea Forums sucks off Wilson more than anyone else.

Has /our guy/ cowherd said shit yet?

who else could consistently complete 20 passes a game for barely 200 yards? thats right up there with legends like Andy Dalton

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>got fucked hard for the last 4 seasons
what do you mean exactly?


this desu

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>The life I want to live

Yeah, because every season he would almost fucking die due to how shit the Colts o-line was

If they can shovel out millions for the likes of petermeme to start games, teams better stop with the garbage excuses of “he was too expensive”

Doesn't hurt as much as suffering through Jim Irsay screwing the team for god knows how long. Far as the fans are concerned, this team wasn't winning a Super Bowl not with the Browns, Chiefs and Patriots in the conference.

Last two season Luck literally suffered from perforated organs due to the offensive line's inability to protect him

>equating the military to a kids game
Militaryfaga are retarded

What a nice guy.

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>muh military muh manliness

I do and lived through Bledsoe

Lmao this is exactly the kind of stupidity I'd expect from a grunt in the military.

>being a cuck signing over your life to the government

his own fault

Of course the media is going to fellate him for quitting over a minor injury a week before the season starts. Brave isn’t saying fuck you and bailing before the season.


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Literally every quarterback in the history of the NFL prior to Dan Marino?

>Signs with the XFL
>Becomes the GOAT

you nigs are playing 2d chess

Actually you can "quit" the military, they'll fuck you so hard you'll shit blood for the rest of your life but you can technically quit.

If the military paid him like they paid Luck he'd walk too

Stop memeing Kaepernick, he isn't even good.

so he is basically saying i am retiring because this team is so shit it is dangerous for me to continue playing? lmao

Is the life he wants to live going to pay him $30 million a year? Because being an NFL QB definitely does

-no oline help
-no good weapons

They've had years to fix their problems, guys been banged up so much and had internal bleeding. Anyone crying about him walking away is fucking stupid why would you feel obligated to suit up when you're losing years of your life because dumb fuck higher ups can't do their job.


>free market sports vs govt contract
man, the state of cowtipping retards in the military never ceases to amaze me.

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half the military should desert in protest lmao


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>Russell Willson would be an average QB in the 70s NFL
Damn wheres the Canton bust

2018 was the first year he actually had a team though. The o-line was top five in the league by any metric and #1 in least sacks given up.
If he had walked away between 2012-2017, I’d understand. But why walk away when the organization and team are finally decent?

Right, because Colts could do any shit against Patriots

this is stupid, military personnel often get medically retired

Life is a difficult process.

He's lucky he isn't already in a wheelchair. He has a enough more that he does not need to ruin his body for more.

I would take Peterman over Kaep

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Fucking soldiers. Imagine getting blown up by Arabs while some chad fucks your wife because you're lost in the desert all for shit pay and no real benefits if you get home alive. Meanwhile some guy retires with millions because he doesn't want to play football anymore.

Jealous, self-important macho faggots

Yeah, this is the kind of idiot that would willingly throw his life away for politicians.

Luck suffered a shoulder injury following the 2016 season (which he played through it). He then had surgery done but of course that turns out to not be enough so he goes to fucking Europe to get further treatment. What throw oil onto the fire was Jim Irsay saying all of the pain was in Luck's head. That isn't even accounting for the the pathetic O-line that Ryan Grigson failed to fucking build to protect Luck.

who here /roughluck/

He probably has that saved up in the bank and can easily pull 2 mill a year as an analyst

It's amazing how many soi sipping faggots are mad at this post.

Kyler Murray lowkey wishing he could switch to baseball now.

>Be Clots
>Literally Suck for Luck
>Put mediocre talent around him
>Dismantle his OLine year after year
>Rush him back from his injuries until he just says Fuck this I'm out
>He retires because his long term health is more important than dealing with the Clots organization any longer

good goy, sacrifice yourself for Israel

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He literally doesn't need anymore money, he got a $50 million signing bonus for his contract alone not even thinking of the extra money from endorsements and actually playing last year and his dad is rich as well.

It's literally a woman's thinking. That's why women and homos are supporting his decision.

Sorry Andy, we were just the gravediggers. Now post yfwdbwdsb

Israel demands your service, goy

Ugliest "man" in the NFL

What a fucking timeline.

Forgot pic

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Totally unnecessary reminder that Eli Manning sucks balls

thanks for the explanation. i am /hoc/ not following the nfl that closely so i didn't know how bad things really were. i don't know if that ever happened in the professional sports that a start player would retire in similar circumstances.

For a bad attitude mystery meat cunt Mina Kimes somehow is pretty fuckable

Thank God I went Chair Force

Probably to spite the organization that waited 6 years to help you out and caused you to hate the game that was part of your life since you were a kid. That's why it makes sense on what he did and why he waited a week before the regular season, not saying he's right or wrong for doing it though.

why the FUCK would ANYONE of drafted luck FUCKING EVER!!?!

Seriously fantasy isnt that hard, how stupid. The only acceptable excuse is autodraft


Except you can. You really can. It's voluntary service you absolute cuck.

Because if you assumed he was coming back at any point he was clearly going to jump right back into being elite like he was last year. Draft him in the 11th and be happy with it.

and thanks to you, buddy, too


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Luck has to give that $50 mil back

Other QBs have had his injuries. Luck is a pussy.

Meanwhile, Super macho fags want players to die on the football field for their teams or continue to sustain CTE For their amusement like the savages they are.

You may only reply to this post if your team ended up with the best first round pick in the 2012 Draft in the end.


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lol guarantee this retard is going to bitch about every hangnail he ever got during his ETS physical trying to milk that disability pay
>they'll fuck you so hard you'll shit blood for the rest of your life but you can technically quit
Nah, they can't afford to do that to people these days. I know drug addicts who got kicked out with all their benefits intact.

I legit wonder if some figure at the end of the season will come out with how much Luck cost the Clots by doing it this way. Surely they’ll lose more than they would have paid him over this. It has the potential to cost them a few hundred million long term, depending on how much they suck.

>posting ancient retarded memes
>low effort, no value

Go fuck yourself retard. This shit stopped being funny a decade ago. Catch up.

Does this greasy piece of shit even have a job on this league still?

This. If you draft before preseason is over you deserve what happens to you.

That's why he has 2 Superbowl MVPs and is only one of 5 players ever to do so and Luck never even sniffed a Superbowl appearance.

oh man, i'm so drunk

What happened? Did that guy die?

>is carted off crying bitch tears because of a cuntcushion in your path

Nice one faggot. Why should I give a fuck about the players well being? They don’t care about mine. They take care of their own shit and I take care of mine. As someone who likes watching sports I want to see players play.

Someone redpill me on why is this a sticky


how can you hate him?

>one player retires

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>isn't even the best LB in his class


Did Trump tweet about that yet?

Fletcher Cox was a better pick tbqh

It just dawned on me.

Josh McDaniels was right the whole fucking time.


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He got a minor calf strain and it was so mentally exhausting that he retired at age of 29. He wants to travel the world with his wife or something.

Imagine if a top 10 semen slurper in his prime years abruptly announced his retirement days before the divegrass season started


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They're definitely going to lose millions in ticket sales but merchandise and ad revenues are shared s it won't be a massive financial hit

Who do teams dangle out there as trade bait?

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That nigga quit

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This is devastating new for the Colts. Holy shit I can't even imagine.

Luck actually did sniff at an appearance considering he was in the 2014 AFCC

I wish I could quit my job

CJ Beathard

kys turkroach, real men are talking

I want to lick Mina Kimes' asshole and Katie Nolan's feet. Debate me.


Any particular reason?

this would be like if harry kane announced his retirement

>implying the XFL has money to sign actually talented players

The league is going to fold again within a few years. No one will choose to make less in the XFL than they will in the NFL.


Have enough money saved up like he did and you can.

Josh McCown ;)

>Cruyff didn’t get a sticky when he retired

This is what goy slaves ACTUALLY, LITERALLY BELIEVE. Jesus....

I dont make millions a year

Marcus sends his regards

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His career has been riddled with injuries, I think it's quite possible he simply doesn't give enough of a shit about the game anymore, he was always a very cerebral personality coming out of college so I figure he made more than enough money and decided the brain damage and overall damage to his body wasn't worth it any longer
Smart move desu

Physical toll on Andrew Luck through 6 NFL seasons:
» Torn cartilage in 2 ribs
» partially torn abdomen
» a lacerated kidney that left him peeing blood
» at least 1 concussion
» a torn labrum in his throwing shoulder
» and this mysterious calf/ankle issue that led to this

>That subtle watch flex
mad lad

or if australia bowled underarm?
on a similar scale?

>White linebacker bad. No athletic. Too slow
>Black linebacker good. Athletic!

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Garett GilBASED

Too bad poorfag

Colts literally destroyed his soul

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cox is easily the best pick in the 2012 draft

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Man, this reminds me of Van Basten.


fuck off election tourist


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Wagner is statistically better than him over their careers and isn't as injury prone, he'll probably have a longer career since the whole world saw how soft the white boi was when he cried on national TV

Why did Colts let him decline physically and mentally to such a lowly state? Are they a shitty team or their owners are greedy?

>tfw Luck ends his career 0-6 against the Pats

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>crayon eater
lol not surprised

no that was a bigger scale at least in nz, like if kaepernick set fire to the stars & stripes in the endzone

If they don't sign kap they racist!

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it is a bit worse than he described

BREAKING NEWS- Eli Manning traded to the Indianapolis Colts for T.Y. Hilton, Colts also receive 2nd round 2020 pick.

>ywn wake up to this absolute qt3.14 sucking your cock in the morning

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I honestly thought he'd be Ben's replacement, the Steelers would trade for him one day, but I guess not

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if you didnt run out and put a bet on the tits winning division after this and miller tearing his ACL you are retarded

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Okay one sniff that he himself can't even remember the smell. Eli 2 Owl MVPs and top 10 all time in TDs, yards and completions.

Another victim of Barry Sanders disease... his spirit completely rotted away.

I would rather lick Mina Kimes feet

but Lamar is shit tho

The entire organization is a dumpster fire. Fuck them, I'm glad this happened to them.

QT and based.

Josh probably knew that Luck was going to retire because of the injury history and knew that he would need to rebuild short afterwards. Not worth the headache desu

I have been saying he should retire for several years now. He sucks and he’s a head case

Is he , dare is say it, the GOAT?

>yfw Brady gets knocked out of league this year
>next season Bellichick signs Luke, wins 8 owls in a row

>Not surrounding a franchise QB with a top O-line
>Letting him get knocked around like a pinata

Fucking Irsay...

Wagner has never played on a bad defense in his entire career. The Seahawks have ALWAYS been loaded on defense. Last season there were games where Kuechly may as well have been on the field by himself.

Call me a pussy but I probably would have done the same since there is no option to fuck off to China/Arabia and earn easy milions like in football

You done good bros, have some prime Croatian slag

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was the Corvette worth it?

That's a weird way of spelling Tank for Trevor.

its okay they will tank for lawrence in two years

They had Peyton Manning and only won 1 BIG time against Tom Gaydy

Cope, clots fan. Thats a bullshit excuse for Luck

Don't worry once you move on from Big Benny, you will have based Juju and Conner so you are better off just waiting it out.

>yfw sportscasters saying the Colts had the "best" Oline in the league
>Luck retires weeks before Week 1

Stafford hasn't had an o-line for over ten years and he's still in the league

That one Owl was against a Bears defense that carried Rex 'Going in Deep' Grossman. If he didn't win that chip then Manning would have been a laughing stock.

That sounds based. What exactly are you doing here, leafcuck?

James Conner is nothing more than the second coming of Mike Anderson

>Terrell Davis retires after years of running behind the league's best O-Line
>Rookie takes over for him
>Is so effective and nearly identical in his production that people actually start wondering if Davis wasn't just a product of his O-Line

Honestly this is great. The Colt's were an 8 win team that year and pulled off the most blatant tank in NFL history to draft Luck. Can't wait to see this complete dumpster of a franchise suck ass for a decade or more.

Serious question. Can they sign Kapernick or he is done as a player? He probably hasn't practiced for years

enjoy the rest of your life Luck...

>the "city" of Indianapolis
i had a dream i got robbed there one time SO FUCK THE COLTS

um, sweety, that's not a pic of Bobby Wagner

Stafford is also a dogshit QB who has never done anything in his career besides throwing 45 times a game into triple coverage to Calvin and having him catch it while being down 31-10

>suck ass for a decade or more.
they've done that already...
another decade?

they wont sign Kap in to play in the racist state of Indiana

Cox has been on average to below-average teams for most of his career. He's only become so effective now because the Eagles got hot with Wentz in 2017 and now every single ring chaser in the league signed to join that defensive line

Grossman was in that Owl? Fucking hell lmao. Peyton was so lucky for getting his second in Denver, he got ragged by Seattle the first time.

ah it is mike pence's home town right

>8 win team

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Luck is live right now on nfl network

List quarterbacks that haven't been injured this past decade
Eli Manning
Matthew Stafford
Drew Brees
Russell Wilson

I can't think of anyone else

Kap will need to play for a new york or california team or vegas

>Andrew Luck will finally be the one to overtake Tom Brady

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Stafford and Eli have most certainly been injured lately they simply just played through their injuries.

So with Lamar Miller tearing his ACL and now this the Jags are winning the division arent they?

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If Andrew Luck ended up literally anywhere but the colts? Would he have gone on to be a HoF/ Top 5 QB by now?

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Holy fucking shit. HIS DAD RUNS THE XFL. Andrew lucks dad RUNS THE XFL.

REPEAT. LUCK JUST WORKED THE NFL INTO A SHOOT. This is like when those guys went to wcw publicly .

Brett Favre.
Oh yeah, clots should sign him.

Yeah I realized my mistake. It is all political

Kind of funny that Luck could have had a better career if he hadn't gone back to Stanford and gotten drafted by the Panthers.

Fucking whaaaaaaaaaaaat

Colts on 2015 Panthers wins that superbowl

i drafted Luck three days ago...pass up mayfield and deshauwn

God I hope so. One of the three Florida teams needs to be at least decent.

>get married
>lose all drive and quit your team leaving everyone completely and irreversibly FUCKED for the next two years at least


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Kaep is shit, no team would sign him even if it wasn't political

only turkisky and cousins left to chose from with one guys...fuck you luck good luck on your future

Jacoby isn't that bad of a backup, I don't know why you're all acting like this is Painter/Collins v2

Yes, the Colts are the NFL's Oilers

Like you fags are better off, you're still pretending Cam is a good qb

Eli is a legit Iron Man compared to Rodgers or something

nah...go back to /pol/ gay homo faggot

Brady, last time he had a big injury was like 2008

>the media will finally stop talking about this autistic retard in a week after years of propping him up just to be average at best

Mitrione easily KO'd prime Fedor.

Schaub easily KO'd prime Mitrione.

Really makes you think.

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Pats and Brady specifically are/is coddled and they even have to deflate balls

you must be retarded but its okay

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Wrong thread kill me plz.

Luck's balls got deflated today
No balls...

Jim Irsay deserves to be tied to a street light pole in Gary, Indiana.

Better coach
Questionable QB (we haven’t seen him play a full season in a long time. Back ups are back ups for a reason).
Defence is monstrous.
Fournette must stay healthy.
Idiot coach
Bad Oline
Stud QB with nasty weapons
Acceptable Defence

It’s close. Reminds me of Vikings vs Bears last year. I say Texans will take it but won’t be shocked if Jags make it back to the AFCCG

Why would he mind that, where do you think he gets all his crack?

what sport? soccer?

>cheatriots shoehorning their shit into a thread

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tits are going to win easily. Jags looked like hot garbage

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never a wrong thread for schaub posting

Traded his spurs for wings

damn I though this goofy fucker had died

>A fuckign sticky
>Still 20 threads about this

Luck retiring ensures that he's THE definition of wasted potential. "M-maybe next year" is the phrase Clotsfags have been saying most often under the Luck Era.

He won't be missed.

remember when Kaepernick ran for like 250 yards against the packers (I think) in the NFC championship game?

literally who

They are getting paid handsomely in return for hurting themselves for our enjoyment. What's the problem?

Adam tackled Herschel Walker, this fucker is old enough to remember Bledsoe being good

It's crazy as fuck. Somebody at his caliber retiring before 30. There's no precedent.

Guess the next supposedly (((elite))) quarterback to retire

My guess is fraudgers

Honestly clots fans deserve worse than this, what a bunch of hillbilly niggers

>de phonepost

Who gives a shit, he wasn't even that good

>be the Colts

>have top 2 picks in 1992 draft and both bust

>luck into Peyton Manning for 13 years, only gets one SB title against a horrible Bears team

>start the massive rule changes to favor the offense by whining

>he goes down for one year, intentionally lose to get the best QB prospect since Manning in Andrew Luck

>Luck gets injured one year and you tank again to get the best guard prospect in a very long time

>now he retires

Thank God. Fuck the Colts. Someone tell me why I should care.

Isn't Rosen the only jewish qb in the league?

what does this have to do with my post?

He will be joining the XFL. His dad is President of the XFL.

You must not have been born at that point.

Brah he was one of the best, just dealt a bad team.

>Raiders trade Carr to Colts for a fortune of picks
>yfw Nathan Peterman wins the owl in 2021


you dont leave $64 million on the table to join the XFL lmao

Holy fucking shit. HIS DAD RUNS THE XFL. Andrew lucks dad RUNS THE XFL.

REPEAT. LUCK JUST WORKED THE NFL INTO A SHOOT. This is like when those guys went to wcw publicly .

This .
Only high IQ posters impervious to Jewish lies are aware.

I didn't watch that one with interest

imagine this being your franchise qb

It means you made it to the AFC Championship game but obviously lost.

You don't leave 64 million to ensure you're family makes 100 million

Huh. This is why the Jews control you fucking idiots so easily.

This nigga has more than enough money. He and his dad want to build an empire with Vince.

The 92 draft is probably the worst in the history of any professional sport to be fair.

So older than like 15?

>the Jews

very appropriate low-IQ wignat response

>waiting two fucking weeks before the season starts

Lmfao based

>Ben Shapiro Retweeted

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Not sure who they will tank for
Tua=has at least 2-3 teams eyeing on him
Laurence=7-8 teams eyeing on him
Risks be risk man.

They Don't Think It Be Like It Is But It Do

>booing andrew luck

how fucking classless can you be

yeah man no idea why people would be upset at their franchise QB walking out on the team two weeks before kickoff

Dude was the king of mediocre. Don’t (You) me

He didn't announce it during the game, he planned to hold a press conference tomorrow but that faggot Schefter got his sources to talk so Luck had to respond tonight

New hear, huh?

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

Is that normal in other arenas

who is this?

You mean Shane Falco?


Those season tickets are already paid for. No refunds, goyim.

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Okay but if luck joins the xfl.
Every single person ITT has to accept the fact the Freemasons are a Zionist organization used to establish Jewish control of a one world order of mulatto slaves in a borderless world. Except Israel of course. They get to keep borders.

Luck goes to xfl.
Jews and Freemasons destroy nation's and create a new world order of mulatto slaves.

The majority of football fans are some combination of inbred, below-average IQ, boorish, bigoted, ignorant, and all other qualities of knuckle-dragging troglodytes.

I want to go search on Twitter for reactions to Luck's retirement like "Well, THE TROOPS never retire because they're hurt and banged up and can't take it anymore unlike crybaby athlete!!!" but I'm almost afraid to confront the fact that soldier sniffing brainlet fans actually think that way.

>the absolute state of fantasytards that already drafted

>Regular season hasn't even started
>Clots season already over
I'm glad football Yea Forums is back. I missed you guys

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Boomers will be dead soon and what's coming after them is even worse

He quit on the franchise a couple weeks before the start of the season. Fuck him.

Think they will find different SNF/MNF games for those two weeks?

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Jags games will replace them when Foles starts out the season 4-0

So who on AFC can stop Brady now?

That's funny. I figured Brady would outlast Luck in the league (though I thought it'd be like 4 years from now) but I didn't think even Big Ben would.

>Lucky Ducky kept talking shit about how Andrew Luck was gonna be a hall of famer when everyone on the board knew he was a bust
Get fucked, Lucky. I hope you don't ever come back to spee

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Colts/Chiefs comes before the point Sunday night games can be flexed.

Monday night games cannot be flexed.

I thought they couldn't flex games until after week 10 or something.

>Kaepernick was the most successful during his career and after

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NFL is fucking trash

you have to be older than 24 to post here

>when some bimbo pours a glass of semen on your torso


Spee was born from NFL, Alejandro! You have to go back!

>get treated like dogshit by your owner, gm, and coach
>insulted as you recover from injuries suffered behind an abysmal oline
>constantly lacking talent in all other positions due to the grigson/pagano/irsay trinity of retardation
Anyone but a bitter Colts fan sympathizes with Luck

Dude is 29 and probably feels like he's 40 every time he wakes up, his body is fucked

It's espee ya nonce

Um yeah he was good as fuck. If you don't recognize that you're probably some clueless bandwagon faggot lol

If Kurt Warner could do it then Peyton can. I'm waiting for the his out of retirement announcement.

>Boo hoo Andrew Duck was restrained
Look at Wilson, he was playing behind arguably the worst Oline in the NFL and yet hasn't had a losing season. Duck shouldn't have ran those stupid fucking runs and sat his ass in the pocket in his rookie year. Get fucked

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His ankle has been fucked for 4 years and it's not getting better.

Damn it Rogelio

Yeah you guys really feel no empathy for him. Dude was ruined by all these injuries. Football is a gruesome sport.

I bet you guys never felt any mental tiredness after a long day of work.

Oh I will bitch

>Ya nonce
Oh, I see your a s o i b o i. Only s o i s like poorball and talk in British slang. Go have a mocha latte, Kayden.

colts are flushed, relocation when?


>"Andrew said what?"

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So Jags confirmed winning the division?

thanks for the 3rd owl Luck but goddamn we be fucked this year

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>got rid of peyton manning, one of the best QB's of all time for this neckbeard faggot

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Fuck that bust

>6-10 makes it to playoffs
I hope to God this happens

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>peypey our of retirement

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>the city of you

>Drafting a Mizzou qb
Never go full retard

For the talent they've had, yes. There are worse organizations, but the Colts were inexplicably blessed with 2 of the best QB talents we've ever seen, and completely shit the bed. Just absolutely shit the bed.

Grigson should be blacklisted from the NFL.

believe me we’re just happy elway was able to get peyton but hes a complete retard when evaluating young qbs

9.5/10, onions aren't grilled

I acknowledge your concession. :)

manlets. not even once

Hourly reminder the nfl is a slave labour league, this is just the first sign of a plater rebellion. Ezekiel Elliot, mr big chest etc they've had enough.

Das rite!

“Mr. big chest” is on notice tho. If you’re not in this 100% get the fuck out.

so whos fantasy team if fucked

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why the fuck is this stickied

>mfw my league doesn't draft till Sep 1st
And I definitely would've picked him too

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Because this is big news.

that's not how the meme works lurk more

How many wins will the Colts have this season?

>last game is humiliating playoff blowout revenge for 44-45

>sabotages his scummy headhunting team with last second retirement

And they all lived happily ever after

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>Peyton Manning retires
>Peyton Manning's replacement retires
>Tom Brady still going strong

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He can't keep getting away with this!

I am half-convinced that Tom Brady is a real life version of Dracula. Eternally young, otherworldly powerful, and won't die.


>oj simpson

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How do you guys not see he's going to the xfl?
How do you not see something so obvious

What boards are here to see Irsay and the Clots getting BTFO?

Yea Forums and Yea Forums reporting

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Hey guys
I got this crazy idea
Let's draft a Generational QB and never get him an O-line
Let's constantly draft random WRs who don't pan out

What do you mean the QB is dead?

>boo’d off the field during a preseason game

Went out like a true cuck. I hope some black thug is ravaging his wife

is this Irsay or Snyder speaking?

Stanford is academically superior to many of the Ivies so his comment isn't that stupid, nigger

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Post your favorite Colts plays in honor of Luck :(

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The fact this is applies to both of them is depressing.

Who would win?

>Some the NFL's niggest nogs
>2 shifty whyte bois

imagine thinking this

no wonder Luck could never win an owl.

He actually listened to his doctors and said I want to still be able to walk right when I'm 50 years old.

Aside from handegg, he's a pretty talented man outside of the sport as well. Heard he's pretty into architecture.

has a star qb ever done something like this before
I guess you could compare it to barry sanders or calvin johnson

Also he couldn't audible to save his life. Defenses started figuring him out. Still a tragedy doe


Yea Forums and /vg/ reporting in.

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Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and here

Nogs fear the big white cock

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>only 1000 replies

Yea Forums is dead confirmed

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I hate the shithawks too but this is a brainlet opinion

This is. Sanders had more rushing yards sideways and backwards in his career than Luck had passing yards.

>just saw the news
He’s only 29

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look at how nasty gronk's two step off the snap is, then just bags some goofy nigga

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>Heard he's pretty into architecture.
Ah his retirement is because of playing in that shitty barn.

>some goofy nigga
He's a big guy.

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kys leaf


They didn't just break his body, they broke his soul.

The man's dead on the inside already

idk why but I kek'd at this

Clots schadenfreude is p good right now

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How were the Colts supposed to know Manning would be allowed to have HGH mailed to his wife and be allowed to run illegal pick plays all season? Well they should know, since that cheater was gifted so many phantom P.I. calls along with piping noise into his dome to distract the other QB. biggest cheater in the sport and somehow people hate Brady more.

>to the AFC championship in his 3rd year
Yeah, that might actually mean something if his division wasn't a dumpster fire and neither were the teams he faced in the playoffs. I bet you also think Manning deserved all his MVPs.

why would he go to the colts when that lil bitch wouldn't even go to San Diego?

Should have sold us Greenland. This is on you.

like losing the first playoff game ever season good? Yeah, I remember when they played in a dumpster fire division that gifted them an easy playoff spot every year. Texans still going 8-8?

Based and right on time pilled

>mfw I didn't screencap my "Luck is done, he will retire soon. Screencap this post" post one year ago

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What the fuck
He had 59 million guaranteed left

mcvay is so kino

Not only did they give Painter the fucking starting job, instead getting plenty of servicable free agent QBs available, they went out and got a drunk retired fucking Kerry Collins to replace him, and even still, were up every game after half and just stop playing to lose their games. Blatant tanking.

>yfw he goes to the XFL

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Jets, Lions, Browns, Texans, Bungals, Vikings, Toronto Bills, Falcants, Cardinals. Nope

No way wtf

DESU this probably hurts Hilton drafters more based on the opportunity cost, anyone who invested a highish pick in Luck with his ankle situation being up in the air deserves it

Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn

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kek a sticjy

>yuros fw they are waking up to the news

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What's ANDY LUCK doing in the XFL zone?!

>trent richardson
>matt kalil
>justin blackmon

has there ever been a more cursed first 5?

i'd still fuck britta

Matt Kalil became the Sam Bradford of offensive linemen. Not a bad deal tbqh

Who is he and what happened?

brainlet question here, how does an NFL player retire actually? Do they have to submit some kind of form or can they just tell the team they don't want to play anymore and just leave?

a young and extremely talented football player who shocked everyone and announced his retirement today

The man's got no soul!

Imagine Mesit Ozil retired tomorrow. That's kinda what is happening.

He's retiring because he got re-injured. If spent all year nursing an injury you still weren't winning shit so his retirement really isn't depriving you of some championship window.

You guys were DOA the second he started sitting out practices after already taking a year off. If you can't even get thought practice after 12 months of recovery yer fucked.

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They basically tell the team fuck you I'm done. The issue is since the team still holds their contract if they want to play in the NFL they have to play for that team since they haven't finished out the contract or some weird shit.

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>The majority of football fans are some combination of inbred, below-average IQ, boorish, bigoted, ignorant, and all other qualities of knuckle-dragging troglodytes.

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29-year-old QB who was seen as a generational talent when he was drafted. QBs often stay in the NFL until they are about 40

Had many injury problems, but was generally played well when he was healthy

It's like Neymar would announce his retirement tomorrow. Luck wasn't as good, but the closest comparison I could think of

I picked Ozil. He's about the same age and has been going through weird shit.

Think of how many games the Gnats could have won had he NOT played!

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>be manlet PG
>shoot 45%
>still shoot more than you pass because that's what a PG does, rite?
>brainlets jizz over athleticism while failing to notice the futility of your playstyle
Dude was basically Iverson but lazier and completely lacking any leadership skills. He had the potential to get overpaid while losing to LeBron every year but that's about it.

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My sides
Thanks for that

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are you saying that padding is just for show and doesn't work?!

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>two fan voted awards mean something when Tuck and Toomer had better games
Get a load of this smooth brain

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Statut : K.I.A.

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Colts tanking again!

Who are the Colts going to tank for this time?

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The first thing is tell them I quit then file the formal paperwork.


>Johan Cruyff
never heard of him

>If he didn't win that chip then Manning would have been a laughing stock.
The NFL gifted him that AFC championship for that very reason. Biggest farce game I've ever seen and the NFL has had plenty.
>roughing the passer for tapping Mannings helmet with a hand
>Pass interference call for a CB not making any contact on an uncatchable pass but his hands were near the WR's eyes.
>12 men in huddle penalty during a time out when players are just strolling around the field
>Brady's WR gets tackled in the endzone before the ball gets there and gets no call
all that and the Dolts still needed Reche Caldwell to drop a wide open pass in the flat to win.

Feel bad for Andrew Luck.
But we still got YANG2020!

feels good



indy killed him with their terrible o-line for all those years.

Such a goddamn shame but I don’t blame the man. It’s obvious he’s been going through some heavy shit and he wants to save his health. I almost quit college football my junior year because of a prior torn ACL that was still healing and coaching issues. Ended up staying, having a great senior year, then tore the other one. It’s truly a hard choice to step away like this. I have so much respect for Luck for making this statement.

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Sounds like a based and redpilled dude desu

I literally want to beat a soldier to the brink of death just because of this post

>t. jew

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He got beat the fuck up every year. He's probably going to be a cripple in a decade or so.

I think he'll be back in two year or so though.

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even with that id put farve and rodgers above them too with sf duo #1

Why are Patriot fans so insecure that they're still literally obsessed with a team that isn't even in their own division?


Cancer literally added two more years to this dude's tenure. If if wasn't for that he would've been axed a very very long time ago.

>Almost unanimously viewed as the greatest ever at his position
>Retired in his prime despite being completely healthy.

Colts should try to sign Farve...

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>they're still literally obsessed with a team
says the clotsfag who cries cheat everytime the clots lose to the pats

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I’ve been a Colts fan for 25 years but literally fuck this autistic dumb fuck. Fuck him and fuck his ugly fucking whore wife. Go back to Houston or California or whatever autistic village you plan to retire to. Fuck off! What a waste of time and money.

Have sex

>luck is brave for qqing and jettisoning just before season to torpedo his franchise
>rb's are scum for demanding guarantees before their franchises run them into the ground in a manner that make luck look like a fucking pussy

Big Ben


*clears throat*

Fuck the military

> Brady vs Steelers = 11:3
> In Post Season = 3:0
> Big Ben