What if Americans win the 2022 world cup?

What if Americans win the 2022 world cup?

Attached: average american.webm (368x640, 1.18M)

Attached: 1493976907361.png (709x462, 660K)

wtf is that a mushroom?

2 squirrels


How can one man be so based?

No thats a squid

Attached: goncern.png (253x199, 6K)

took me ages to realize it was 2 snails and not some weird sea shell creature

nah bro thats an eel

kek that's gross... but smart at the same time


how sanitary is that?


Probably cleaner than putting it in some roastie

Jesus christ how can I unsee this please

brb gonna go in the yard and look for some snails.

it will make your dick fall off

>thread is still up
I get a ban for posting anime but this shit stays up.

maybe you should post quality content like this then gayboy

jannies are still puking