Are divegrass fans in other countries like this? Here every soccer fan is a woman or a soi-chugging antifa redditor faggot. Really makes it difficult to enjoy the sport.
Are divegrass fans in other countries like this...
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Isn’t MLS is 99% left wing, why would they be against antifa?
Because the suits are finally wising up to shit like this killing their growth.
It's presumably bad for growth, antifa is only supported by a marginal % of the left, they don't have main stream support by any means
once politics gets embedded into your club its VERY hard to get it out
dont think anything will happen tb h
for me its xboxfc
>tfw no qt Italian Nazi gf
For me it's Chevrolet United.
mainstream media supports all forms of the left that opposes Drumpf. Proven when they supported 100s of antifa attacking a few dozen right wingers many times over the last few years
>the land of the """"""""free"""""""""
Nah, over here its just a bunch of wogs who support there local club, no politics as far as I know
a handful of mongoloids doing nazi salutes does not a club define, same thing for antifa fanbois
problem is american media is hypercharged on bias, they just don't want to get caught in it but apparently nobody ever told them the streisand effect was a thing
Sure but the left in America is very fragmented. The mainstream likes people like Clinton and Harris, the antifa types despise them and sometimes think the likes of Warren are too centrist. They’re a clown show.
Most ultras here are radical right wingers / fascists.
main stream media supporting antifa 100%, they just try to be a bit subtle as antifa are just left-ring fascist
here in montreal is not like that. there are a few women in the ultras but they are not blue hair lesbians like in portland.
No, only antifa clubs are st. pauli, dortmund, livorno, marseille and AEK, Also rayo vallecano
rest are either right wing or apolitical
of course it does. Lazio fans are fascists. all of them, just in different degrees of intensity.
No, they're just of Southern/Eastern European descent. Politics isn't really a factor at all.
>He doesn't enjoy the underlying socio-political bantz of divegrass.
Rangers and Celtic fans have been beating the shit out of each other over politics for generations. Lazio fans are outright fascists. The whole Farca/Real rivalry has its base in how Real was Franco's team and Barca was le brave lefty catalan team. Athletic Bilbao are also out and out lefties, and I believe a lot of the rivalry between Partisan/Red Star goes back to some political shit that happened under Tito in Yugoslavia. The antifa flag bullshit is a pale imitation, but a lot of soccer is inherently political, even if that's not at the front and center of the fans minds every day.
My team (Celtic) has antifa ‘ultras’ unfortunately.
I don’t think Dortmund are left-wing.
no, latzio may have fascist fans but that doesnt mean the club is fascist
but the media loves to use this angle and portray them this way
>Lazio fans are fascists. all of them
you probably have this fantasy in your head, but the reality of it is much different
just because the club was close to the mussolini regime in the 30s and to a more conservative class nowadays doesn't mean they're fascist
the closest you have to a politicized club in italy is probably livorno and that's because the town is historically a gommie bastion
They're just corporate cock suckers, nothing more
>they don't have main stream support by any means
mainstream media loves antifa and ignores all their terrorism and violence though
This is how I picture MLS follwers
I would actually watch it if it became some retard political scuffling but that's not the point. if some far right wing group set up shop in the stands it's lead the national news nonstop until it was stopped. they hyperventilate like the world's ending when a white nationalist nerd sells vegetables at a farmers market in indiana
There's no bantz, though. Divegrass is 100% lefties sucking each other off here
If they let that shit fester it'll put people off to the league. MLS is looking to make a big push in the next decade and new TV contract negotiations start in 2022. They need to nip the hyper-left wing shit in the bud now before it hurts their wallet.
Yes have you seen the clubs in germany.
But the difference in the USA is that there no conservative groups to counter it. Conservatives dont give a damn about soccer
Germany has like 2 left wing clubs in the 2nd and 4th league respectively.
Italy or France are much worse
MLS started out as a super-hipster sport league in the US, so obviously the supporters groups/fans leaned more left-wing. Now that MLS wants to grow into a mainstream league focusing on American-growth they want to attract a more politically-central fanbase.
i fucking despise the left but this is a rare case of a reversal of a business entity trying to appear more conservative instead of the opposite to reach out to people who aren't going to watch regardless. mls needs to know it's role and embrace it. nobody doesn't watch mls cuz it's got a bunch of gay lefty niggers in the stands. they're only there because that's the only types the sport appeals to here
mls can have some 10 minute tribute to god emporer drumpf before each match and have magapede pepe banners in the stands saying fuck niggers jews trannies and jannies , im still not watching that shit
based honest poster
please nuke the PNW
Honestly thats the best way for them to grow. They have to do the corporate thing.
Ok I am sorry. I was just thinking about St Pauli
>33 fucking minute silence
>references to 30s political groups is non-political
Why are American leftists in particular so fucked in the head?
Why are all Americans so fucked in the head?
Is there unironically something in the water/air?
Or just years and years of brainwashing the old fashioned way?
Love her.
also people saying they are a small minority and mainstream left people don't like them is false evidenced by the fact that almost the entire crowd observed this shit
They're american left wing. Which is lile euro söy wing
right fuckery is blowback from constant cradle to grave experience with leftist fuckery. I can't imagine anyone giving less of a shit about politics than me but the whole leftist mentality is so incredibly fucking grating, insincere, and unlikeable it's hard not to sperg out about the shit constantly
and leltic
Bad public education system coupled with being spoonfed only local media with very little knowledge of the outside world outside of general stereotypes.
Also good old fashioned nationalism and hero worship cultivated by the military since the Vietnam war.
It's a very insular nation that still believes in American exceptionalism despite lagging behind in several developmental and quality of life indices.
Season ticket owner here. We've had them since 2009. The answer is very simple. The regular people started complaining. Those literal faggots in the cheap seats(less money) will start shouting fuck trump or some nonsense, and then the family of 5, with 3 little kids in the good(expensive) seats complains to someone working at the stadium. I've seen in happen right in front of me.
This is just about money, always has been. Like everything else here. A large family buys several tickets, more food, and of course merchandise. MLS wants big, safe crowds.
I think the bigger issue for MLS is that the fans were leaning so far left it was a turnoff to potential fans and other corporate interests.
They don't mind being left sports league in the US. They just don't want to be super far left, because that will dissuade more central-minded people from wanting to watch.
Portland spent years being mostly ignored in the political sphere while lefties from northern california migrated north for cheaper living. The natural areas also attracted a lot of hippies. So they became super liberal and now that's all the city is known for, so the resudents bought in to it.
it's also the depression, suicide and cuckoldry capital of the US
The 5000y Fagsickans have managed to successfully transformed the city into a carbon copy of their own, complete with homelessness in residential front yards and human waste for all the human eye to see.
The west coast has been heavily brainwashed for a while now
>bella ciao
It's usually the opposite spectrum in Europe
When did you realize that radical centrism is the only way to go? Whites only socialist state when?
Murifans get rekt by Yurofans in every simple sport
especially east Yuro football hooligans are a special breed
These antifa larpers are cringe as hell. Do these people think they are actually freedom fighters on the level of anti facist groups from the 30's and 40's?
They unironically people outside their echo chamber admire and listen to them because lefties that dont agree with them are too timid to express their displeasure.
can you imagine those crazy polish fans which look more like street gangs going up against MLS fans aka low test beta cucks lol! ... i'd pay to see those polish crack some skulls
your team has a massively left-wing identity and takes pride in representing an immigrant population that refuses to assimilate. no shit faggot, if you don't like it stop supporting them
Yeah we found that out with the women's world cup. I just hope your mens team don't get any better or they will shit up the men's world cup too. You guys should stick to watching tall black men throw a ball in a hoop.
Just look at this video, the mindless American football fan bringing politics to a beautiful European past time.
The whole of TA would be killed by Polish ultras
The average women's fan doesn't understand that the men bring in better ratings and ticket revenue per-game than the women do, they're just obsessed because they think being a top women's player means something.
That and the WNBA are so fucking stupid.
Americans are tribal monkeys that's why we fight over stupid shit like whose billionaire pedo is the lesser evil
yes yes
Why do people care about flags at sport events?
I go to sporting events to watch sporting events because I like sports.
In fact people should be banned for not being into the sport enough to come along to these things with crap irrelevant to sports.
Fucking retards.
Tbh the Xbox sponsor was pretty cool for them. Wish they still had it.
Before Atlanta United started their mockups jerseys had Coca-cola as the sponsor and they looked fantastic
>left wing
They are pseudo right. Not even anarchists at all.
>no capos
wtf, who do I give my beer fund to?
I may require hospitalization after being jolted by this gigantic amount of cringe.
this might be the cringiest shit ive ever seen
the best part was them still protesting despite the team cucking, then losing lmao
>fans who you will never meet being obnoxious hundreds or thousands of miles away from you makes it hard for you to watch 22 men kick a ball around on tv
Weak mind.
Exact same clothes as the little kid behind him seems like your right about
wtf why would you name a team that
Political correct basedboys is about the last thing i'd associate with Belgian football supporters.
That guy is packing some heat.
What the fuck is this body shape? Why is his right lower leg bigger than the left?