he's 100% right
Name one amazing hazard UCL moment. Just one.
le 3 good seasons lad
he only averaged a goal every 2 games in his 'peak' as well lmao
Hes not wrong, tardo
hazard has a juicy ass
ronaldinho played beautiful football
homosexuals: HAZARD IS BETTER
>ronaldinho played beautiful football
Yeah, for 2 weeks
Ronaldinho was just pure entertainment
which is why i love him
people take sports too seriously, they forget that this is just entertainment
it's not, the rest of the world doesn't share american costumer mentality
people are invested in sports in a way no movie or tv show could ever provide
>it’s literally called the beautiful game
>only Americans watch it as spectacle
Rent free.
it is a beautiful game, but it's much more, it's a deeply rooted part of a fan identity
i can't even imagine what would happen if a major european club got moved like american franchise do regularly
>twitter screencaps
hes right you know
It would be very unsettling. Just like seeing “sportsbet500” on my team’s jersey
yeah whos the real faggot, OP?
lol adverts on kits is far better than interrupting actual gameplay constantly showing real ads
The Turk is overrated. He wasn't even the best in Premier League. Ronaldinho was an amazing talent. He put in more amazing performances in the 3 years than Hazard did in 5
dumb motherfucker
That's two weeks more than Hazard.
Ronaldinho is extremely overrated by retarded boomers that need to be genocided, but there is no way that Hazard is better than him in any way
yeah the team you've supported your whole life disappearing is just as bad as sponsors on the shirt you can barely see during the match
Hazard is all hustle and bustle but with high leves of technique and skill.
Ronaldinho was an artist. A wizard. At his best he was better than Messi or Ronaldo at their best.
ronaldinho is both great and overrated at the same time, he wasnt even better than fenomeno, but comparing hazard to him is a joke