Why do they make serbs seethe at every sport?

Why do they make serbs seethe at every sport?

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Which sport is that? But seriously why are Albanians so bad at sports?

Attached: albania.png (315x443, 16K)

they dominate in pop culture apparently.


Some of my ancestors are Albanians and Turks.
Albanians have a lot of good footballers, and the nation qualified for euro2016. It's a small country, what do you expect

Even more reason to ask OP's question.

they don’t, we kill them on and off the ground

>the s*rbcuck actually believes this
cope more nigger

>Qualified for Euro 2016
>That means they are good at football

Yea they qualified after FIFA granted them 3 points for a match they didn't win and sabotaged. Albania got shit on 2:0 against Serbia, in Tirana.

how do you cope knowing we made your entire population scatter like ants and killed a generation. dont even try to cope, suffer

reminder that Serbs cried about this recent """incident"""

Attached: rashqiri.jpg (943x531, 83K)

stay seething, Igor Milicevic-Ignjovski

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>seething at what is basically a middle school fake gang hand gesture over here

hahaha Albanian sports lmaooo

Croatian butthurt border police don't let Serbian fans in the country if they flash the three-finger salute

harvesting organs and pimping out your relatives is not a sport

Good, you serb animals are just waiting to riot and take over any lands you see. God I really wish the Ustaše finished the job!

well howdy there bill clinton, I didn't think I'd see you on Yea Forums

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wait, spongebob is albanian? is that why he was trying to steal the secret box from Patrick?

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