Ban Brazil from the FIFA World Cup

Ban Brazil from the FIFA World Cup until Bolsonaro does something to fight Amazon fires.

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when we won the world cup the fires were at its peak lmao

Based, fuck the Amazon and fuck the other retarded nations trying to distract from their own fucking massive pollution problems by shifting everyone's attention and blame onto poor 'oul Brazil (bless them)

Oi m8, stop believing and spreading fake news. Also, your own country has bigger problems, such as turning into a caliphate. Educate yourself, it's shameful as fuck to see people more uneducated than the standard brazillian.

Attached: you are an imbecile, 5 seconds in your favorite searching tool shows the truth, kill yourself leftis (1769x845, 130K)

What's your source on that image?
Please, please, please don't say /pol/...

Attached: 1566612800090.png (1099x523, 58K)

>monkeys burning down habitats of other monkeys

Literally, who gives a shit about Brazil? They don't even care about Brazil.


Attached: i'm growing stronger.jpg (861x428, 50K)

Macaco barbecue party !

INPE, the National Institute for Space Research. Says right in the picture.
Source? Is it even an official one or... ?


Stop being dishonest, and stop following dishonest medias. I know it's hard for a chilean, but you can also learn.

not like it would change anything to the world cup , brazil isnt a big contender to the trophy anymore

I trust you Brazil bros, not the globalist commie media. do the same when we tell you we aren't all SJW pussies here!!!! some fat chick on twitter doesn't represent us!

Funny since when we won the WC the wildfires were at its peak.

So why not ban Bolivia because Evo Morales start the fire in bolivian amazona for "controlled fires for farmlands" and the shit lose control?

This is a huge media Shenanigans of marxism cultural blaming Bolsonaro and capitalism with old photos and retard brainlets spreading Greenpeace tier speechess for Twitter likes.

tbqh their players having been working on it for them anyway

Based as fuck, I believe you Brazilbro, the retarded kike loving lefty media purposely refused to report on the issue just to get dumbass npc to whine about it

A country where there isn't a single fucking tree in should probably shut the fuck up about this subject

No fires are good fires lad, just because it's under average, doesn't mean its good

I am missing something, why are white people blaming brazil?

Based retard

It's something that can't really be predicted, nobody knew that these wildfires wouldn't spread this much.
And now it came the news that in Bolivia they were burning the rainforest deliberately and nobody seems to give a shit.

1500 till 2018


Is this Kony 2012 again?
>Le let's be outraged for a month and then forget it ever happened

Not just ban Brazil, but we must invade them with a coalition of the willing.

don't be mad to him. neither do you have the right to say bullshit about this. my neighbourhood park has more trees than your biggest "forest"

They burn forests to make room for cattle farming/logging it's just for greed.

Even NASA had an article about it where they used satellite imagery. It’s just the perfect time for the environment fanatics to pretend that HueTrump is personally responsible for an increase in fires, when in fact there is none.

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Not for long lmao

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is this amazon thing the new Kony 2012?