Lindsey Vonn engaged to NHL star P.K. Subban, sources say.

Attached: vonn.jpg (2048x1496, 299K)

Other urls found in this thread:


List of boyfriend:
Thomas Vonn
Tiger Woods
Alexander Ludwig
Kenan Smith
P.K Subban

What's wrong with her?

She hungry, mate.

>Still wonder who runs this website?

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Blonde white women are literally built for bbc

>ice hockey nigger

>marrying some absolute ran raw 45yo roastie
only a nigger could be this stupid

YIKES, why Mikaela Shiffrin is the REAL ski queen!

Attached: mikaela happy.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

honestly its kinda gross

First TaybTay and now this? Is the last week of August the official white demorilization week?

The Chads took her

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somebody revoke her citizenship before she contracts american brain-disease


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>giving a shit what whore celebrities do
My girlfriend believes miscegenation is a sin, and out of the girls in my friend group only one has ever dated a non-white, and she gets shat on constantly for it


look at your 'princess' or whoever the fuck she is lmao

I’ll take things that never happened for $1000. Also, your girlfriend is retarded. Kek, nothing screams hypocrite like a a Christ-cuck/ette

she's ugly and a terrible person
she's cute and i'm guessing a wonderful person

lmao ngl whitebois keep taking L's bruh

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she looks like she

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White trash you posted.


nigga you have smoked yourself retarded.

cooks a mean steak

my TayTay :(

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t. nigger-loving faggot

wonder if her real white boyfriend ever asked her why she chose a black actor for the video

How do you go from dating a master like Tiger woods to marrying a token nigga like PK Subban? I mean I understand why he’s laughing. Dude is making millions, have a Norris trophy and he can’t even skate.

When did every board became /pol/

it's been that way since i started browsing, Yea Forums is the worst case, literally every fucking thread there is /pol/

Yes because they took a photo with the token nigger they are all coalburners.

half of these people are shitposting, the other half I imagine are serious.

>she’s ugly
Holy cope.

All boards are /pol/ if you're a sensitive faggot


It's Taywhore now

When politics started getting infused into every subject. The lines have been drawn, you're either on one side or the other. No escape now.

wait there is a black guy playing in NHL?

Is that hairstyle an attractive look? She looks more like a dark wizard.

>implying no one ever had a problem with white girls dating blacks before

why is there a thread for it? saged and hidden

Because we're discussing an athlete's personal life, just like when Yea Forums discuss an actor's personal life


mass immigration

When every bit of media has forced diversity and other far left ideologies pushed into it

me on the far left

election tourists killed this place
1/2chan is filled with edgelord wannabes from plebbit

They let monkeys play hockey? Wow, strange world..

he's been a good player for a long time. He also pledged $10 million to the children's hospital of Montreal and has been delivering on it even though he was traded from the team. PK is a good dude and he deserves nothing but happiness

She is fucking BUILT for trains to be run on her

Did she practice taking a BBC balls deep for this video?

I can't be the only cuck in here that would love see there sex tapes

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Probably just a lot of facesitting with both sets of their giant muscled thighs and all

What did he mean by this?

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Yall obsess over this shit way too much, especially when white dudes are fucking asians and latinas all the time nowadays and at a way higher rate

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>prime male athlete super marketable black man in a white man's sport settles for a 34 year old fridge mode used up whore after she's been pumped and dumped by 100 dicks

fuking KEK. This is like a good looking white guy who settles for some mongoloid gook

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It's not enough that's she's a top athlete, she also has to be incredibly attractive

Why do some people get so damn lucky

Why are you so angry?

Maybe they enjoy each other's company, and take turns seeing who can crush the most watermelons between their massive thighs in under a minute

Vonn was always overrated. She was ok in her prime, but the wall spares no thot.

You have need the girth of a soup can to fill this slot

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its not that they're lucky its that most of us are inadequate subhumans

the world should be full of chads and intelligent stacies, but we breed for misguided mediocrity

She's like 40 with no kids .... DO you think i fucking care?

only the Anglo ones
every other Yuro culture laughs at the extent of Anglosphere coalburning

>She's like 40 with no kids
You know she spent her life being a top athlete and olympian. She will have kids eventually.

twinks and bearded basedboys are not chads mohammed


disgusting mutt kids


Looks like he has done some really bad stuff as well to be stranded with this rancid cunt.

She really is.

Are you stupid?

I'm in Montreal comfy in my bed. It's well known here that PK donated that money because it ultimately allowed him to keep more money after tax cuts. No one just donates that amount of money unless you're Bill Gates.