You now remember Jay Cutler

You now remember Jay Cutler

Attached: jay-cutler-bears.jpg (2949x2229, 1.13M)

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Attached: SMOKIN JAY.gif (500x281, 605K)

jokes on you. I'll never forget

*wins the bears the super bowl*

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Fuck it, I'm going deep.

Baker Mayfield 1.0

I remember when he was the qb for vanderbilt 15 years ago
Didn't pay attention to his nfl career
t. vandy fag

never forgotten, literally our guy

Someone post his bum. I’d google it but my wife checks my history *_*

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Imagine him getting tackled
Every muscle in his body would tear

I haven't forgotten

that was rex grossman

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He was quite literally ESPN's test subject to see if they could manufacture hate for a person out of nothing. And judging by his perception and votes in the player polls, the answer was yes
If I used images this is where I would post that screencap of First Take seriously blaming him for RGKnee's (first) injury

based apathetic qb

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He's such a dork

Attached: cutlerlzy.jpg (750x907, 172K)

He beat Tom Brady he's based

>you now remember that the Cutty Broncos were viewed as such a serious threat to the future that he sent the McDaniels boomerang to go blow it all up and then come scurrying back

jay cutler

jay cutler

The only reason i know him is because of the perfect freeze cut in this video that still makes me laugh 6 years later

>not watching Based Cutler BTFO roasties on his wife's reality show

>Dolphins players aka one of the shittiest locker rooms literally stood up for him when he was getting shat on in Miami

Tells you what kind of guy he is

Nice catch

>he doesn't know rax

>You now remember Jay Cutler
From the office?

How could I ever forget

He's literally living the dream