Why was this allowed

Why was this allowed

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Becasue he's a Muslim and he can get away with anything really

Blah blah, something about Europe being overrun by Muslims, blah blah..

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Please respect our traditions

Yeah, we had the joke several times now. Thanks for playing.

Is it true or is it over blown?

What happened here?

big if true

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Overblown, it's a racist lie to distract people from their class consciousness. Most people who believe this live in suburbs or places with low immigration so they're reacting to a distorted media bogey-man.
Most 2nd generation muslims (children of immigrants) are literally the people you want in your country - hard working, well-education, family values. I'd take them over mouth-breathing materialistic white niggers and retired boomers any day.

But that being said, the import of foreign born fighting aged men into the country that don't assimilate IS a problem right?

>Most 2nd generation muslims (children of immigrants) are literally the people you want in your country - hard working, well-education,
t. grew up around 3rd generation t*rks


Mashallah brother Salah taught that kuffar dog a lesson.

t. Englpaki in denial

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Have you looked at the census lately mate?

is this the full kit wanker general?

What are you actually talking about, who is importing anyone? We have immigration laws in our countries those are set by governments to fill labour requirements. We also all follow international rules we follow regarding accepting refugees.

You're a dumb Indian micro-dick edgelord - most people in Europe can't tell the difference between Hindus and Muslims. Free Kashmir and tidy up your fucking city, wherever you are I guarantee it looks like shit.

And you've met all of them, have you? There are, of course, disruptive thick cunts in every ethnic group. You've obviously been bullied by them and I'm sorry that you responded by becoming a resentful race-bait posting wasteman as a result.

Context pls

based + redpilled

Give me a quick rundown - what are the most alarming findings for you?

Absolute state of your delusions, mate. Assuming you're a white wankboi you should stay a night in Marxloh, Kinderhaus or Gelsenkirchen. Might put your perspective in place.
Though there've been cases of rape victims falling in love with their assailants so we can't know for sure.

its also 8 years old, 2021 is going to be a real eye opener

Cucked and bluepilled.

The kid hit Salah's fist with his nose, after he apologized Salah agreed to take a pic together.

>full kit wanker
Salah literally did nothing wrong

good lad

salah prowled the streets for infidels as he often does, found a poor lad eating bacon.

I lived in Neukolln for 6 months. Yes Turks are noisy, proud and emotional people and yes there are few people who, like you, need to "have sex" who make life difficult for other people. But honestly, unless you're a thin-skinned cry-baby who scrolls through /pol/ -

he was chasing salah but ran into pogba

>Most 2nd generation muslims (children of immigrants) are literally the people you want in your country - hard working, well-education, family values.
Imagine non ironically believing this.

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Despite the flag I'm originally from Luton England, where white Brits are the minority.

They're pretty bad the Pakis. Drug dealing, grooming gangs, inbreeding. Though I'm gonna say no to your answer because they're mostly concentrated in ghettos. Once you get to the good areas of England it's still mostly white.

Oh and the stabbing thing is overblown. Pakis dont really do it, it's mostly blacks doing it to other blacks.

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Literally new yuppie central. You haven't experienced the power of diversity until your classmate gets stabbed by an Afghani who walks out of court laughing, your uncle moves out of his apartment after gypsies kept defacating in the building's staircase and you get beat up by an extended Turkish family in broad daylight for greeting the wrong person.
Tell me more about the utopia I live in, pal.

>not wanting to your neighboring countries to lose at sports
further proof yanks cant into banter

right wingers blown out as per usual

the guy is a muslim larping as a homegrown white Brit. it should be very obvious by now.

the fact he used the term "wasteman" unironically kinda gave it away desu

He definitely a mozzie. The free Kashmir shit gives it away. No white brit cares about kashmir.

he's just white with working class consciousness. I know it's hard for you yanks to understand, never having had any working class movements, but a lot of working class people in britain are proud of their class, regardless of colour. you just lick the boots of upper class whites.

You mean (You)?

Would rather have Turkish immigrants than Pakistanis.

>referring to yourself in the third person

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Probably, yeah.

our posts are formatted very differently, and there are plenty of leftists on Yea Forums, conspiracy theorist.

Plenty of samefagging muzzies too.

fucking embarrassing mate, go back to Yea Forums

one single shred of proof please.

Well white british will be a lot lower but white will stay pretty high due to the polish

keep digging lad

Brexit means brexit, mate. By 2021all the Poles in Britain will be back in Germany harvesting asparagus and tiling floors.

As someone from a very Muslim neighbourhood, it is hit or miss.
About half become modest and hard working, and the other half become run-of-the-mill overcompensating normies



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keep trying, my thick bamboozled friend :^)

In that case.
London Birmingham and Manchester probably minority white.

A few shitty northern and commute towns minority white.

Rest of country mostly white.

Immigration is anti working class. If a business can't survive in the existing labor pool then it's simply not competitive enough to be allowed to survive. Employers should compete for employees not the other way.

The english don't care about you m8. It's time to let go of the past.

London and Birmingham sure, but Manchester is still pretty white minus some parts of the north and south of the city

Do you lot cheer on Canada and Mexico during sporting events?

Canada and Mexico are seperate nations than us. Why would we care about them?

Manchester is only 59.3% white british

He mentioned white not white british, still 60% isnt too bad considering the size

and we are different countries with different FA's

I knew you'd play that card. I was there >10 years ago, you were probably playing Playstation 3 when I was living it up in Neukolln you fanny. Cities are tough places and there are cunts in all races - generalising a whole race or a population in a city of the basis of a few cunts is not a very logical thing to do though, but right-wing thrives on suggestible angry people like you.

>different countries
Not til you win that referendum Nicola.

Sovereignty isnt quite the same as nationality

Your still far more linked to England than we are with Mexico. Even in sports sometimes you lot play as Great Britain. We never play as north America

Reddit, the post.

immigrants are working class, and they create jobs more than they take jobs, in this country as it stands. also the state can very easily regulate the job market how it likes to produce results that are more favourable to workers. it's just a matter of political will.

True, though were mostly talking about football here, Scotland and England have the oldest FA's in the world, If the tables were reversed and Scotland was good at football and England shite there would be much more seething on Englands part.

I personally like seeing England do well however, alot of the hate is from the massive Celtic Irish larpers from the central belt however.

>free poosmir
can fucking smell the brown hands that typed this through my screen...