/heem/ - Hired escorts edition


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fights starting soon

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foh nigga

ill see you after colby becomes undisputed.

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Spain ruined your life

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hired escorts as a title reminds me an rpg quest log or smth


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> secretly hired saboteurs edition

>It is your fault

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>imagine going broke paying for escorts to take selfies with you

Schaub just ended your man's entire career

> he didn't hire them, his sponsors did
Get a better rat next time who isn't brain damaged and won't give away the saboteurs frame job.

Ricky is the single father with the kid that wants to be the next Joanna. Pretty based, hope he wins

He's broke user that's why he REEEE'd when Usman called him out for it. He was calm until Usman said he only fought Lawler because he was going broke. You can't live in Miami and only fight once in a blue moon. It's too expensive. Masvidal was able to do it by doing Spanish reality tv shows

>when you have to be there for your manlet friend

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They put his fight on at noon to sabotage him as well. The man is being sabotaged by everybody. It's him against the world.

19 days until riarrheabib

I better see everyone betting their houses on Poirier

How much you lost this past Saturday?

holy shit is that bitch being murdered in the crowd or what?


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Fun fact: Holloway and Poirier hold the all time lowest PPV rating set by men in the modern UFC era. Even Mighty Manlet was better for business.

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His daughter probably

poirier knee to the head when khabib shoots

What are you nerds even watching?

I don't gamble

>comparing espn+ numbers to straight PPV numbers
absolutely ruthless

well can you tell her to stop

bet ricky's thinkin "maybe I shouldn't have brought my daughter"

CANtender series

So why are you telling others to gamble?

This was the one where nobody new how to buy the PPV. It used to be where you had to purchase it through the app but now there are more methods

Realized it after I clicked post. Now everyone knows what a retard I am.

I want to see as many heemers as possible lose money
retards said barbozcan would do the same thing

What a can..

>implying there's a conspiracy against LOLby
Dana wants a WW star since it's been a PPV dumpster fire since GSP retired
>Hendricks couldn't sell shit
>Lawler really excited but hated doing promotions affecting PPV
>TWood injured at worst moments and constantly pulled the race card pissing off hardcores. Also, Blacks don't buy PPVs
>Usman disliked by cazzies and hardcores. Future PPV dumpster
best shot was Rory only because of Canada bucks. Too bad he was broken. Dana knows whites buy PPV but Colby just ain't a needle mover, B. He can't even attract fights on FOR FREE

at 2pm on a saturday lmao, babbys first analyst

When he co-mained a PPV against RDA the PPV still did awful. What was your excuse then?

> implying there's a conspiracy
everything points to there being one. Politics before profits is how companies operate these days.

Colby was based when he interrupted Dana's gambling session but he pulled a com0lete 360 since then

Literally the greatest UFC fan:


based Asian hooker knew her place. This is why Asian women are superior, lads

when I asked on /heem/ why that card was on so early I had like 10 people telling me they had no idea it was an early card, and this is an MMA general lmao ofc nobody knew it was on early hence the shitty buys

she has the 'Tism

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>250,000 buys on UFC 225
are you going to blame whittaker and romero too?

>lmao ofc nobody knew it was on early hence the shitty buys
>shitty buys
IT WAS ON ESPN, ya cazzie

its on ESPN+ you nigger you still have to pay

>he can't afford $5

Cm punk on the main card instead of Reem

>paying any amount of money for something you can find for free
rethink your life choices

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What a gay little tussle that was

Anybody watching the contender series? I am not a fan of this fuck who won, hope he gets starched into the shadow realm by whoever the fuck he fights next in his career.

It wasn't on ESPN+ it was a ESPN card. I watched it on ESPN Deportes with my family

By this logic you never pay for food cause you can find leftovers in the back of restaurants

the cazzie fears the karateka

Based single father Ricky and +150 underdog getting the win in front of his kid

>31 years old
>12 year old daughter
>pursuing mma
what an idiot

That's single father Ricky you caz. He was on TUF Undefeated two years ago

3 years to the day myself and this Mexican animal went to war.
Congrats on the win this weekend Nate, it was motivating to see it for my own comeback. I don’t blame you not mentioning me for the trilogy bout post fight, you know what I’m like when I get going. Vicious.
I loved the round 3 style from round 1 that you implemented. It’s what I was hoping you would implement for this bout and was glad to see you do it.
I’ll be prepared for it when we go again. If we go again.
If not, respect always. A war for the ages. No bitch talk. Just real shit.

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cmon bud nobody here buys ppv or has +, literally every event is free

So already choked and shit the bed once when trying to get into the UFC then it sounds like

>you know what I’m like when I get going. Vicious.
This is perhaps the most cringeworthy line of that entire post

Is 19 too late to start my budding professional MMA career?

>implying left over food can be compared to watching a free live-stream that people are watching at the same time you are.

By that logic I should wait until my food is finally rotting for me to start eating.

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Apex Center looks kinda small when you see that car parked out front

>P-lease notice me senpai

He won against Suman but couldn't finish the tourney because he broke his foot

>$5 is too much money
If every PPV was $0.99 you still wouldn't pay for it. Cheap mug.

Conor McCringe

If I ever see him on the streets of Dublin I’m running up with a hammer from behind

Conor won the fight and the story!

You know what he's like when he gets going...


Kutbib fags on suicide watch! Conor will win the rematch!

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It's over if you're

It's not too late if you want to become a HW. Other divisions, at best you'll be a jobber like Mike Perry.

When did Conor officially flop? For me it was the first Diaz bout. Imagine being a supposed elite champ and not being able to put down the biggest can gatekeeper in the UFC. Embarassing. The Mayweather buffoonery was salt in the wound and the Khabib fight was the penultimate denouement to the Shakespearean tragedy that was Conor McGregors career.

It could have been different.

Per capita Irish are pretty good fighters so it's possible you could be naturally gifted

probably LOL

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I’m 6’0 and weigh 187lbs, is it time for me to bloatmaxx?

Martin has a disappointing ass compared to her legs

Get on that natty Paulo diet

pick a combat sport and stick to it until you master it then start your MMA career unless you want to be a jobber like Myles Jury

> mexican animal
you know diaz bros are the only mexican-american fighters to never refer to himself as mexican and this irish guy just keeps calling them mexican

I have a feeling the Diaz brothers don’t refer to themselves as Mexican because they don’t have the requisite brainpower to comprehend things like national identities, I bet they don’t even know what borders are.

Don't listen to them. There are way too many variables in this game to even predict future mma success. There are infinite ways to play this game, so one need not be a traditional boxer or wrestler since 5 years of age. You better be a damn good athlete though, like Volk.

That's because when you're from the hood you don't see races.... if someone deals with you and you get along you become friends no matter the race. As long as you're cool you're cool. The only people that hood gangsters see as a race are the Chinese because they're the ones that sell that FLAME sesame chicken!

...and if not, you can go full big brain and create an air tight mma fighting system like Ryan Hall.

elite wmma striking.webm

I’ve hit 1/2/3/4 in the gym and have a very explosive right hand but I’ve been smoking a pack a day for the past year and it’s made me dread returning to Muay Thai and boxing (I used to do)

Solid 1st round

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you're a dumbass irish ape and you should stay on that island if you know what's good for you.

>Expecting to see elite fights in the cantender series

Is Cuckmier pillow fisted? 162 strikes to Stipes head and he didn't even flinch once.

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Shut your trap you clown

ok this is actually more embarrassing than the old man altercation

i second this, irish are white niggers

Seething slugs

Fat hands provide extra cushioning.

Sorry b

DC is strong as fuck but Stipe has a top-tier chin that was apparently rejuvenated from the long layoff

Same reason Stipe survived Ngannou's bombs. He has an iron chin.

Name one. One fighter with a record that is not composed of crashing cans or washed up fighters. I will wait.

Conor a fucking cringe

For poor fags!


Amanda Nunes

Jonny Bones Jones

fedor never had an easy fight

t. old fart from the pub that got punched by Conor.


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Did you guys see that DC rehydrated 10 lbs for the fight where as Stipe rehydrated 0.5 lbs. Why did DC do that?

RDA has fought a ton of killers

When a can fights fellow cans it’s never easy for them

GSP ran through his division twice over

What the fuck is this

That's not what was asked

Fat nigger needs to regulate all of that bodyfat through osmosis or he would shrivel up and die

get out of trumpland bitch nig

Tyron Woodley

Spam overhands right and lands like 2 not set up at all

I don't live in a trailer park like you cletus

Didn't Mighty Mouse clean out the division!?

Didn't Jose Aldo also clean out his division before Conor came along?!

What the fuck? This is actually real, LMAO.

Not if you're a heavyweight.

Can crashes and drug cheats all of them

Is there anything cringier than adulating the Emilianenko can bros

micol has a sweet jiggly can

I'm so tired of fighters winning just because they have better chins.

is stockton ca really the hood?

There aren’t any hoods in Cali, only in LA

who is commentating

wheres stream bro? crack stream is literally shit rn

Stop throwing away your shekels

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Martial arts by its nature is the contest of who has the better genetics and opportunities growing up. In fact, everything in life is.

Do better

Cans and Washed up fighters are different though. You should make that distinction.

What about Oakland

Hope Aldo gets a fight soon.

unironically conor mcgregor


Oakland is perhaps the most savage when it comes to cities with gangs in Commiefornia.

He should get Emmet

Glad Conor has turned into an Instagram thot begging for attention after every fight.

demian maia literally fought the top 4 ranked fighters in a row at age 40 he's the greatest natural fighter of all time

Central Cali is pretty shit, dude. Lodi, Stockton, Fresno, etc. are mostly biker gangs and meth.

Nigga should just join Arianny and the rest of the ringgirls at this point smdh

Look at this. Tony is taller but his hands are still closer to the ground. Why are Russian men reachlets. What advantage does this have in their environment?

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that fight doesn't move the needle

Aldo isn't permaflushed yet so he can get a better opponent, and he's not just trying to fight out his deal anymore

I want Korean Zombie or Brian Ortega.

Why do we need to hear this guy?

The ‘hoods’ in Cali unironically pale in comparison to the hoods of Dublin. Crumlin, Drimnagh, Ballymun, Coolock and Finglas would have the Diaz bros drooping their little gangster shtick fair and quick lest they get a pipe bomb through their door.

I wipe my ass with Stockton.

looking like a gibbon isn't aesthetic

>Aldo isn’t permaflushed

Dagestani monkeys need short, taut limbs so they can swing from tree to tree easier. Please note Khabibs chimplike side profile.


McGregor vs Aldo 2.

*pours you a drink*

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contender series is kind of gross with all the crocodile tears and teen mom drama bullshit

Either way Florida wins the fight night again.

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oh god all the bawling man quit that shit

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you're a smelly ape m8

Coral is going to win isn't he?

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Sanko slid in my DMs but I don't like blondes.

Dagestani monkeys, being the genetic offshoot of pre-hominid that they are have short, taut limbs to increase their tensile strength when swinging from tree to tree or scaling the mountains naked for innocent Russian women and children to prey on. This is why Khabib is such a good wrestler. In fairness, I think it wrong of the UFC to allow subspecies to fight in the same division as actual Homo sapiens, it’s unfair because they have developed different genetic traits and abilities that may not be granted to developed humans.

torres kid looks kinda stiff

What's her favorite type of ice cream

Chicago hoods would leave you crying to your mommy, smelly potato faggot!


DARK chocolate

Sanko is dead to me after confirming her tits are fake and whining about her DMs

I’m not going to contend that, Chiraq is rough as fuck but when it comes to murder in Europe, Dublin is king.

Platinum won the story of the fight

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Hahaha imagine bragging about having the bigger degenerates. The irish truly are niggers.

m8 your entire country's murder rate is a weekend in chicago, stinky ape.

based Dana

Not even bragging, it’s just pertinent because the Diaz brothers have this faggy gangster image when North Dublin is a hell of a lot worse than Stockton CA.

Good, go there and get raped by a pack of rabid niggers you faggot virgin

>confirming her tits are fake
Where did she do this?

Fucking cheat. What's with these huge """bantamweights"""? His sherdog profile says 6ft

You were bragging

seethe dumb ape

It's cool you're proud of Ireland being a shit nation, but the Diaz gangster act is mostly a larp.


>Be irish
>Get stabbed

keep shitposting nerds that was some sick muay thai

No I wasn’t read again retard it was totally relevant to the thread of conversation and not a hint of bragging

Nowhere in Yurop is tough

>145'r styles on a 125'r after missing weight for a 135 lb bout

Fuck this guy.

is dana a closet heemster?

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One of the Aussie and Fancy reading mean comments videos, said she was just getting back what childbirth took

"Raging" Mick McGuinness is EU™ TOUGH, brather. Hold your tongue.

North Dublin primarily sees firearms and explosives, a stabbing is more of a punitive measure than actually getting one up on your enemies.

Steve is based for keeping the picks alive

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If you want to call out the diaz brothers for larping as gangsters go ahead, but why do you bring in irelands gang problem into it? To brag.

Such a heartlet

Because Conor’s from those areas so his credentials are literally stronger than the brain damage bros

they really aren't though

>brain damage bros

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canor was a welfare nigger lmao he never was in muh streets running around with gangsters

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Assuncao weighed more than his opponent, you guys need to chill with this tall narrow skinny guys weigh more than short stocky muscular guys.

You don’t even get feuds like this in Stockton


Dublin is a massive city and the majority is gentrified as shit, isolate North Dublin (Where Conor is from) and you’ll see a massive difference.


Yeah but why did you mention that you wipe your ass with Stockton? I think you want to link Irelands gang problem with you being tough or something. Its weird that you would take pride in this.

yeah man ireland is mmmmmunsterly scary

It’s part of every day life for a dolemonkey, it’s the dole apes that kill one another

stockton is in between sacramento and modesto. There are plenty of murders to go around.

He's just your typical low IQ goof taking pride in being from a "tough town" even though it's really not all that dangerous and he himself is uninvolved in any actual crime

Khabib/Poirier might break these records, I'm telling you right now lads.
Not only is it on ESPN+, but it's also at an odd time and no one will know about the special start time because UFC generally ALWAYS keeps its PPV's at one time.
Very few buys, they must be banking hard on the gate being massive

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>Lodi, Stockton, Fresno, etc. are mostly biker gangs and meth.
And that's a good thing.

Did you see they gave us Kron vs Swanson? I mean it's a great fight, but dang it seems Masvidal is the only guy that's gonna be able to get South Florida a decent card.

Yeah no doubt I just want him to realise that. Sometimes people romanticise bad shit without them realising this.

Yeah if the Covington Lawler card is any indication, people will tune in to ESPN at 9pm confused as fuck because nobody can be bothered to actually follow the sport that they follow

I’m simply stating that Conor comes from a rougher area than the Diaz brothers. Why does that make you so mad and jump to these silly assumptions?

because it's an allegation that is statistically untrue and not grounded in reality.

UFC also do a shitty job letting people know to be fair
When literally all your PPV's are at one time, and now you're going to have 1 single one at a different time, you should be flashing that shit everywhere on your broadcasts. Instead it's a footnote on the promos which no one really reads.
Also Khabib's not that big of a star in terms of buys, and he's been out a year. Combine all these and the PPV numbers are likely going to be quite poor. Maybe there's something in Khabib's contract about getting X if he does Y buys, so they just shoved him in Abu Dhabi for his return fight

Reminder that Dutch BJJ practicioners are a joke.

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You did not even mention Conor in your original comment

It's a shame, Dublin is probably 90-95% white and yet you guys still act like apes. Irish are truly the niggers of Europe.

when does reem get his belt back

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Will there even be ring girls? It's such a strange place for an event. No gambling or beer, Mrs Poirier better cover up as well.

Ya, you're stating something, but it's not true.

How many times have you been to America?

More like Brigagyno

>hurr imma wipe my ass with stockton
grow up sean. you've never witnessed nor committed a crime. you're not a gangster. just leave it alone

>rougher area
>country literally doesnt have guns

UAE is very liberal by gulf standards but they definitely won't have any ring girls


Never stated I was a gangster but I live on the same street where people have been shot and had their houses raided. I see it every day.

North Dub has the highest firearm offence rates in Europe.

You actually believe that though? I grew up in a posh place and there was still guns
These guns

>North Dub has the highest firearm offence rates in Europe
thats like being the hardest hitting wmma fighter

241 stole any hype 242 had

They might be scoring some kind of site fee for hosting the event there, I know the Saudis are throwing crazy money around for mandrama and boxing



Post your walk out song

oh for sure dublin is a straight warzone b

>highest firearm rates in europe
>in europe
so its like 1/5th of where i live (west palm florida)


they had ring girls at ufc 112 in abu dhabi

t. wypipo that cross the street when a darkoid walks past

dawblin issa BEAST.

stockton: 165 murders in 2017
the entire country of ireland: 71 murders in 2017

pretty much what i said here
these euros dont understand how many guns are here

I reckon he gets it done lads, I really do. One of if not the biggest upset of all time in Abu Dhabi of all places.
I really believe Shamil Abdurakhimov gets it done.

They already had one there with Silva/Maia, right? I can't remember
Maybe, I did hear somewhere that they're building this stadium just for UFC, Felder might have said that


Reminds me of north Dublin - a very tough town

also note that stockton's population is only 300,000, while ireland hosts 4.78 million smelly apes.


your blacks may as well be white tbqhwyf

Really? Not too surprising but I still figured they wouldn't. Was that the Anderson-Maia card? I know I've seen it but can't recall ring girls.

The seethe is palpable

Enter my hood and you’ll get scalped

Biggest thing proving that you want to appear like some tough guy because of gang problem in your country is that people are clearing showing you stats proving that irealand is not as bad as Stockton but you are still arguing agaisnt this. Dude don't take pride in bad shit.

>ahhhh the horror la. Once I saw me neighbor get raided. Hadn't renewed his propa 12 license the daft cunt

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Reminds me of WWE when the go to the middle east and have the divas fight in tight shorts and bras! :^)


but BRO the irish mob and shiet
it's a straight up combat zone and mcgregor is a hardcore street thug. lucky to survive walking those mean dublin streets

Pay no attention to that retard, everyone knows Irish aren't tough guys. Their so called "tough guys" got permaflushed by real tough guys in NYC.

the only "gangster" shit ireland has is the IRA and they are pretty much done

bragging about his shitty neighborhood.
The absolute state of potatonegroids


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yes silva maia and penn edgar. i made tons of money off normies at the bar who didnt realize the fight already happened 8 hours earlier kek

Dagos and J*ws had to team up to stop us CELTIC BVLLS from slapping their cheeks

Pogues wins. Florida wins again.

Oh fuck man if you walked out to that before fighting Cerrone his ego would just crumble.

Speaking of 242, Makachev/Davi Ramos is unironically a low key spicey roller

Makachev trains with Khabib and has the Sambo, but Ramos won 2 ADCC Gold Medals, one of them being at the World Championships. Grappling will be off the charts

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He got laid on by Moraes it will be boring as.

What does Pancrase vs Shooto mean?
other 5 fights look SEXY though
I'm very fond of Bellator and ONE's "Put all the good shit on a single card" policy.
Unlike the UFC's "make the main event of every card good but keep the majority of shit every time"

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>getting hyped for dagestani cans

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Imagine if Rampage walked up to him and called him titties right now.

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Well shit alright then. Shame we won't get any mint kebab girls carrying cards, those are reserved for the high rollers

Do Georges fight again

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let everybody know how hard I am

They’re coming back


I think a lot of people are going to overlook Ramos because they don’t know him and hype up Islam because “hurr durr he trains with Khabib and AKA.” If cazzie money pours in on Islam you bet I’m taking Ramos

They added kron gracie vs cub swanson to tampa

Is this worth going to now floridabros?

They're Japanese feeder leagues, Rizin pulls fighters from both

Not worth the 3+ hour drive.

Was that dude just throwing punches like a cat?

Lol tf is this nog doing

Yeah. Should have gone with the American

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That was at Welterweight, he has a size disadvantage.
Didn't he come in on short notice?
This is back at LW, his grappling is unironically quite legit.
Yeah people don't really know him but the skills are there, and with Makachev likely to initiate grappling, the exchanges could be pretty interesting.
I think Makachev does have better offensive striking than Khabib though, so it is possible he opts to stand a bit more



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Would you go if you lived in tampa?



my bad

I still think the Khabib fight could happen BUT that's only if Khabib beats Ferguson

Khabib is going to rinse that autistic retard

which one of you losers did i trigger?

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>October 12th
Rizin 19 [Yes, Saturday Rizin]
Bellator: Milan
UFC: Jędrzejczyk vs. Waterson
>October 13th
ONE Championship: Eddie/DJ in their title shots. Brandon Vera vying to become champ champ, and two more belt fights
basically this card wew lads
the FOUR best mma organisations on the SAME weekend.
That's never happened before. Finna gonna be INSANE. And the best thing is none of them clash. It will chronologically go Rizin (Early early morning), then Bellator (Evening Europe/Afternoon US) then UFC (Night Europe/Evening US) and then ONE in the early hours of the next day.

It will be 24 hours of continuous MMA if you include Bellator's shitty prelims.

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that ghetto discussion was pretty entertaining lol

if I had to bet my money on whose the toughtest motherfucker on the block though,I would go with niggers and spics with access to guns

also in Europe to successfully establish a ghetto by default you need Albanians or Gypsies,those Paris niggers also will do

Russians and Pakis are so and so

>bootleg joe rogan
That's a nice way to out yourself as a casual

Oh phil rowe is the guy from that anatomy of a fighter episode in that middle of the mall gym in orlando

That pizza looks like shit

>I would go with niggers and spics with access to guns
they can't shoot for shit

that thick dough is american style though
you ever been to Rome and had Italian pizza?
It's thin as fuck - like 3mm crust
I much prefer the American version

Good shout. I think Ferreira will be underrated heading into the Taisumov fight too. I'd actually consider him the favourite to beat Taisumov

These guys are cans

pontificate the aroma
also yeah that sounds based as fuck, i love mma marathons

Holy shit, why does leon shahbazyan look like some swarthy semite with a hooked nose white edmon shahbazyan is a pasty pink cracker?

the fuck
didn't Struve retire?
What's going on here?

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Glendale Fight club is legit forget the haters

neil magny getting dabbed on

You got Mandela'd bruh

How much to bet?

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come on, son

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you mean they cant hit a target at 60 ft?doesnt really matter

in their business they wont gonna need it,attitude and balls are more important I guess

He wants one more paycheck

i'm sure if you introduced guns into certain areas the ghettos would be lit

He un-retired. Didnt you see the exclusive espn press conference announcing it ?

Hey white boy get on my shoulders while I do some squats.

lol didn't he leave his gloves in the cage like a month ago?

fuck off, satan, check the jesus tattoo

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what is this shit of a card

Marciano started at 22, Shavers started at 23 so i dont think so

>kron vs swanson is a real thing


Honestly if your only purpose in the UFC is to get subbed by prospects, hey there are worse fates

Attached: Kron Gracie.jpg (3456x5184, 3.59M)

No he left a strudel in the cage and said "ya I'll eat this later mien schnitzels "

it was february
I think you may have dementia

genetics bro
i know two Leb sisters, one is the quintessential swathy kebab and the other is pale with blue eyes. I saw the same shit when I watched Dagestan/Chechen documentaries, kebab-looking folks and white-looking folks

All in on Bagel Boss guy, he trains with Weidman and Ragin Al. Dykstra most likely has no cardio from all the drug abuse.

I don't like Luke Thomas

it's incredible how Dana put reem on the prelims for the first time last year at 225 and since then he's given him one co-main event and two main events
The guy is immortal

Yes he did, actually. I think he was the only heavyweight to win a fight without landing a significant strike.

Attached: bork.jpg (514x511, 40K)

we geet it, you're a yuge fan of brett okamoto

I was elated to find out he was leaving MMAFighting for Schaub's shitty show because I don't watch Slob.
If he had joined the ESPN gang with Ariel and Brett I'd have probably suicided tbqh

Who does pure soi

brett is based and Joanna wants to fuck his racially ambiguous brains out


Water we dune year b?

Attached: DICEY.webm (610x676, 2.81M)

>brett is based
he's a faggot snitch that asks stupid shit just to stay on dana's lap.

Yikes. It's hard to keep track with so many cards

Lanklet gassed hard

Top three:
1. Ariel
2. John Morgan
3. Brett
90001. Gareth Davies
900000000000000001. Luke Thomas

that's all

tf is wrong with dana these days, looking glum and uninterested all the time

>John Morgan

Ah yes, the White Whale

>putting fatass john morgan on the list

Attached: hollykek.png (120x160, 37K)

Attached: 42t3].gif (633x758, 13K)

Depressed about how badly his company was cucked by ESPN

He's still sad about the Askren loss. He's boy'd him all along and is just pretending not to.

How does he always get to be the first journalist to ask questions at a post ppv presser?

Because Conor won't return his calls! :^)

100% of American journalist winners of the MMA awards have been John Morgan

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high EQ.
Knows how to be likeable to everyone (including fans)

>the jew wins every year
wonder why this is

Post webms that fill you with joy

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Fun fights guys. Better luck next time

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Honestly can't think of a heem that made me happier

Paulo Costa heems Stipe

so close :(

Sounds like a good way to keep the sport you enjoy flourishing.

Q predicted /heem/ would lose.

/pol/ forever stronger!

MMAlets on suicide watch!

Not if you're an animal with discipline. If you are you can run over technical fighters who are scared or not as confident once you have a solid base. Otherwise sure... Just probably not goat.

Yeah. I jynxed it with the Glendale hype lol :(

Well lads, looks like the lesson tonight is about paying your dues. Congrats Phil, long overdue.

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Based dana not giving decisions a contract

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There are no white niggers. You're either white or you're not.


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I don't care about the UFC, MMA will always exist in one form or another. 99% of the revenue goes to the jews anyway, me buying ppv doesn't put money in the fighters' pockets

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Based and Redpilled

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The NEW Natty Goat

Bisking Blessed

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What did he mean by this ?

Maybe some mentality of feeling weak leedding up to a fight so you can feel fresh on the day. No fucking clue though.

Nick is the Weed Goat.

Attached: nick-diaz.jpg (1200x799, 1.03M)

This guy

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Attached: 1561750178869.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

true and nickpilled

nate is honorary but nothing compares to laying down in front of anderson silva, even big john didn't know what to do

Post webm for cazzies like me

Honestly it was probably a moment of pure unbridled happiness

i wonder if someone can edit stipe, platinum and valentina dancing in the same octagon

schaub can get his opinions straight from the source now instead of waiting for him to upload on youtube

Hardy heems Stipe
Hardy is a superior version of ngumbo

so glad this woman got flushed. the time of zhang begins

Not really true. The more successful the ufc the more apparent the disparity between what they earn and what they pay their fighters. Low pay removes incentives for those who would want to dedicate their life to it. Sure goats will goat for the sake of being goat but it weakens the pool of people they can sharpen against. Money is incentive especially when it's nbasixally non existent at this point. So, sure mma will exist, but the product you consume becomes less likely to the less you pay for it. Fringe sports come and go. And ufc is a brand of a fringe sport, and as time goes on and more cte shit comes out it will become a harder bar to pass to create new crops of people willing to put their kids into it from birth, which is where you get actual goats from. Money is one way to mitigate that.

based and zhangpilled

>nothing compares to laying down in front of anderson silva
My favorite nick moment is him vs paul daily. He was part of the goat round

I don't actually have one, watch the highlights on goytube

Tl;dr fag LOL

>Not really true
stopped reading here, post looks like a mess anyways

yea that was a great fight, also diaz gomi was a wild one

Someone doesn't understand basic economics. Post paycheck.

oh for sure if we all just buy more ppvs the UFC will pay fighters more

we could pay the fighters more or we can open up these insanely expensive performance institutes!

Did that suicide girl won her fight?

Does John Morgan feels self conscious? Looking like a pro darts player while covering MMA? I mean he's probably around trainers, coaches, and nutritionist all the time.


Post your wife's bull gayboy


>Ortega, Woodley, Ferguson, Cejudo, Abdelaziz, Faber, Colby
I like how they put all the know names next to eachother

Youre just solidifying that you're a poor nigger.

fuck boys, i was going to say this is a pro boogie board but her instagram, and it seems in many ways she has hit the "wall"

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This and unironically

Except he didnt win at all.

she's never been pretty, and now she's aging/CTE'd. knew she was flushed when he got the ridiculous fake cans. i thought modern breast surgeries were supposed to be good or something yet we still see these immobile, oddly-placed boulders on chicks

all that said she's probably going to badly TKO watercan and probably get another title shot

>tony in such close proximity to ali
alien-headed terrorist was probably shitting himself all night hoping tony didn't randomly snap and kill him. just look at him

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Lets Dana fuck his fat rolls

He's gone three shades paler, the fucking weasel.

Attached: Diaz-Silva.png (730x380, 391K)


Nick invented winning the story

Winning the story was invented by Chael Sonnen at UFC 117

Asscan vs Maia

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also was near to colby

He literally lost the fight and the story though

Attached: nickdiaz_andersonsilva3_get.jpg (690x436, 98K)

Chael went on to become a main eventing conman making way more than what he was worth.

I'd say he won the story.

Maia legitimately heems him, Ben should be taking some more time off.

Yea Forums.... dying.....

One more run at a proper UFC debut, brother

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I can still phonepost

How long does it take to regen someone's chin?

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There has never been a good Hawaiian fighter that wasn't a cutbabby

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It's all speculation, I just feel like a couple months is way too quick especially considering how brutal the heem was

look over there!

>Andrade vs Gook is in less than 2 weeks and nobody is talking about it

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I hope we get a spicy roller but I'm not gonna hold my breath

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Ok but i got my eye on you...

Attached: 18-08-15_TUF28_Semis_CU-3.jpg (804x452, 28K)

God I wish that were me.

Yeah.... I'm thinking he's back.


>Championship bout and it's not even co-maining a main event
I'll still be going for all the non-chink fighters though. Gotta make a good 1st impression for Chinkland and how shit their talent is.

>it's not even co-maining a main event

Attached: gramps.jpg (274x261, 12K)

bruh how the fuck is aldo making 135

What I said makes perfectly sense. It's a champ bout and it's not even in a main numbered card.


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Do aboriginals really lack this much education in kangarooistan?

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oh it's not this weekend? i thought it was

shiiiiit there goes that

>first fight on the maincard is >wmma chink vs jap
will the chink get executed by the government if she loses to a jap on Chinese soil?

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Damn it looks like ill have to go out and get some pussy or something this weekend

Where do you go to get pussy? Where do you live where it's that easy? Teach me your ways.

Do goblinos?


Attached: file.png (540x402, 461K)

Vile hedonist, I hope you catch an STD.

Do you have a HAWG on ya my guy? I need to know before i instruct you.

>/heem/ on charge of picks and bets

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give me the rundown on colby

He's a bitch.

Attached: Dvmu0cXW0AAZz2W.jpg (1536x2048, 318K)

Does that cody fan still post here?


He's based

Did Dylan really wear the shirt of a blacked porn star?

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this dylan daniels kid is really something special

Khabib made him popular the same night Conor made Khabib popular.

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Dillon unironically beats Khabib @ WW


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Attached: DC rekt.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

All i have to do is land clean


Based Stipe making HW great again

I can watch this all day. Truly one of the feel good moments of 2019. What is it about watching AKA fighters getting flushed that feels so good?

I hope it’s a 3 rounder, Maia will gas hard if it’s five and Bens good enough to survive 3 rounds with Maia on his back.

Does Maia really have a shitty tank? I thought being a BJJ memer gives you really good conditioning.

Kino fight with amazing finish. Watching DC getting repeatedly hurt with bodyshots, wobbled with those straights and then crumble with those vicious hooks and right hands was fantastic

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Maia has enough gas for 1.5-2 rounds and just runs away in the 3rd in order to hang on for dear life

Which 3 MMA fighters would have the most epic conversation ever/

Maia heems Asscream with a 1-2

Tony Ferguson
Diego Sanchez
Mayhem Miller


call me a caz but i thought that was the best heavyweight fight ever

>no love

Do yourself a favor and watch fedor vs crocop

You suck

Attached: Colby.png (1237x774, 958K)

what is dana watching lol

I have and it was pretty boring. Only good part was Fedor walking Mirko down in the beginning before it became a one-sided wrestlefuck.

Cormier earned a happy ending, it should not have played out like this, Jones being the evil motherfucker laughing at his fall. It's all too painful even from the sidelines.

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"Aye'd rather taste yer left than that piss"

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He's forever a champion, he got the gold, he did it. He's fine.

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if the judges had a better view of Yoel's funny faces they would have scored it right

He's still one of the best to ever do it but he deserved that heem

He's 40 years old man, he shouldn't be in this game. Old men are gonna get slept like they're supposed to be

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for sure those are some munsterly significant strikes by poolo

With what? I'm not a fan of DC and what I stated is a fact.

*still has the goat despite not caring about the sport*

Deserve got nothing to do with it

>Khutbib Seizuregomedov couldn't finish

Attached: New York tough™.jpg (573x491, 53K)

You're definitely a casual

Neither could cowboy or masvidal. What are you yapping about you triggered incel?

Don't call me a casual (seriously) but Costa vs Yoel was the best fight since roids Vitor retired

Is Islam Makhachev the future LW goat? Seems like Khabib plans on retiring soon and letting him go for the gold

name a better heavyweight fight
and don't say muh bigfoot-hunt because that only makes you the turbocazzie

Stipe vs Hunt

oh fer sher Canald Canboy Canrrone and George are MUSNTERS b, 1 day notice real estate man is a B-B-B-BEAST

>tfw Conor actually punched himself from the future!

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is it confirmed thats what he said?

>one-sided squash match
try again

>watching Hunt roll around on the ground eating 100 unanswered strikes isn't the best fight ever
that was hilarious wtf are you talking about, best fight ever


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That fight wasn't that exciting tbqh
It was a great HW fight, but Bigfoot vs Hunt is still the goat HW fight

JDS vs Cain II

Or was that before your time?

>He doesn't rate Bigfoot hunt
You're the cazzie here

Attached: just-bleed-guy.jpg (300x300, 18K)

they look like fine people, you mutilated diseased rodent

Your autism doesnt negate the fact that Iaquinta is tough as nails. Keep whining.

For me it's Masvidal castigating Conor for punching an old man.

About to flush a DC down the Till

Attached: Daniel_DC_Cormier.jpg (3024x4032, 489K)

he asked for a better FIGHT
that wasn't a fight
cain vs jds 2 and 3 were one-sided beatings
cain destroyed jds

dc v stipe 2 is the best hw fight ever

I do but it was inconsequential and ended in a draw
It was okay

No it isnt. You're only saying this cause it's the only decent HW fight you've seen in the last 3 years ie when you started watching MMA. I'd rank Werdum vs. Cain higher.He even knows hes a casual (and so are you)

don't call me a casual when i've been training kickboxing for 12 years, bjj for 5 and wrestling for three months!

*double legs you*

>cain has an early flurry which werdum shrugs off and then proceeds to beat him up for 3 rounds
It was good not great

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It was great because no one was expecting Werdum to outbox and outlast "cardio Cain" and he was also a sizable underdog...4/1 iirc...DC vs Stipe was a toss up it could literally have gone either way and that's how the fight played out.

What was the last best HW fight before Daniel "WC" Cormier and Stipee?

Attached: sad cuckmier.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

*catches you with an elbow to the back of the head*

this isn't a sanctioned fight bro
i'm hitting you everywhere!

That's a tuff one. I'll have to get back to you, b.

You faggots really Role playing

Schaub vs Rothwell

Maybe arlovski vs browne tbqh

>Sterling/Edgar rumored as a #1 contender fight
>Now Aldo's calling out Cejudo
One more run at ruining Fronkie's life, brother

Attached: bom4WrF.jpg (1080x2280, 521K)

Smoliakov vs Hardy.

Aldo moving down to 135 is lame as hell

>tough as nails
used to a hammering?! should call himself al "your mom" iaquinta

he literally poked the dudes eyes as part of the gameplan despite crying about jim jones doing it.

All the title shots in world and he still can't reclaim gold, his time is way overdue.

This isn't a Disney movie my dude get out of her with that Mickey Mouse bullshit

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Watch all the Aldo fags on shitter dot com start saying that giving yourself kidney failure is actually GOAT shit

>reddit no liek so i liek xDDD


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based! Mods, get this man his flair!

Go back

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that's my line, buddeh

Wow took you 30 minutes to come up with that one dont work your brain too hard little man

>I'm like so random and counter culture xD if those posers on REDDIT don't like him then hes definitely a GOD am I right fellow snowflakes???

I don't like you either!

>he constantly refreshes heem and does nothing else
cmon buddeh

Attached: cazzie remover.jpg (1114x1005, 203K)


imagine boying le 5 second heem man

actually i like edwards

if your going to pick a boring man pick a well rounded one

as for other WW backlogged prospects. EDS or Luque, who is heem and whom is ruddut


Attached: GOAT.jpg (474x316, 15K)

>yfw it was the exact same spot in the exact same venue
that place is cursed

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imaging boying overeem after he got heemed by based ngannou

W-wait a second?!?!

Attached: rmma favorite active figther.png (1401x2270, 188K)

>nunes 7
>rose 4

Attached: 1564117115848.gif (230x209, 1.01M)

Let's go, boys, I got the trips for us

Qual é?

>Izzy that high
>Bobby that high
Based at least

>Sbs 9

Stop using our TV streams amerimutt