This is what Americans really believe

This is what Americans really believe.

Fucking LOL hahahaha

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American football players aren’t popular outside of the US, but the first part is correct.
Reminder that the UK is literally the only English speaking country that calls it football.
2/10 made me reply.

This is what the boomers who only get sports from (((television))) believe. A classic case of
>If I don't know them they're not famous

Meanwhile younger people who know how to use internet are (usually) not as retarded

>American obsession thread #942184

>Reminder that the UK is literally the only English speaking country that calls it football.
The UK also happens to be the least retarded English speaking country.
Coincidence? I think not.

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>there are no finnish people in the us

>Least retarded English speaking country

That is a very low bar.

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Reminder that soccer was a word invented and commonly used for association football in Europe up to the 80s or so

>That is a very low bar.
Which makes the fact that you couldn't get above it even worse.

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1880s, yeah.

And we’re supposed to be believe he weighs 240. Lol

>70 year old dude isn't /fit/

never heard of any of the four people mentioned

>at 70 year old you must be fat

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Do out of touch mega boomers think a wiki article means your famous? My friend has one for playing in Basketball Bundesliga and I'm sure no one in Germany knows who the fuck he is

I've only heard of Joe Montana tbf

zoomers here would have trouble with the middle two

>famous (apparently) legendary handegg player having a finnish wiki article is an achievement
Holy shit, the absolute delusion and ignorance. He has wiki articles in less languages than some random shitters playing in the reserves for Watford. Actually, there are players sitting on the bench/reserves in my local finnish football team who have wiki articles in more languages than him.

>these literal whos

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is this bait?

Nah it's a clueless boomer according to the burgers here


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lmao the people he mentions aren't even relevant here anymore

we need to cull the geriatrics

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nobody knows or cares about those fat nigger mutts, only one known outside the US is Brady perhaps.

>Nov. 7, 1909
Ancient boomers were the only good Americans.

This can't be real.

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It's ok to be ignorant about the game but Holy shit this second line is dumb as fuck.