Is Poker a sport?

Is Poker a sport?

Attached: texas-hold-em-poker.png (721x350, 333K)

Is Blackjack a sport?

no it's a mindgame




kill yourself, faggot cocksucker

Is an card an athlete???

It's considered a sport even though It shouldn't be.

>t. Xherdan Wong

Not all sportsmen are athletes.

I check

Well, Max Kruse is an athlete and he plays Poker, so yes.

Attached: 939763176-kruse-world-series-poker-1Yamfj3ja7.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

anyone recommend a book on how to get good? not talking about mind game strategy but numbers, math, and probabilities

>forgets $80k prize money in a cab
>club fines him $30k
Can someone please explain this. Is management just a bunch money grubbing kikes?

sng strategy by colin moshman

going all in before the flop every hand is not a sport

Based payyyy-dro

>Wife evade
Pick one

what did they mean by this

Of course not you dumb fuck. it's a card game.

yes, it's a team sport. all the players vs the house. if a player on your team doesn't make the smart play every time, it can hurt the team's chances of winning.

It's not a sport. It's a game.

Attached: megumin fingerchen.gif (500x750, 1.57M)

You can master the mathematics of poker pretty easily but it wont make you "good" overly mathematical calculator players are easy to sniff out and beat

It requires less athleticism than eSports so no


>muh math
>muh strategy
>muh reads
shut up gambling addicts, if you aint getting the hands, you're out. luck plays too much of a role for it to be a sport

>I check.

Attached: Ben Affleck.jpg (480x360, 13K)

this is pretty bad isnt it?

It's actually the only correct way to play that hand. By checking he's giving his opponents the opportunity to bluff or catch something on the turn if they all check. He's got the nuts (the best hand you can have at that moment) and the board is super dry so if he were to bet they would more than likely all fold since none of them have anything more than Ace-high.