Is the Valverde hate worse than wenger out? He keeps getting stick for random shit despite back to back league titles
Is the Valverde hate worse than wenger out? He keeps getting stick for random shit despite back to back league titles
Valverde has shattered the Cruyffista way of things in Barça, so half the Fans are in revolt about him, even if he wins leagues or Copas.
>the Cruyffista way of things
>the Cruyffista way of things
This desu
I'm not for sacking him but I dislike the way they are playing, it's boring me to tears most of the time, only Messi comes to the rescue.
You faggot cunts defending him don't watch any of the games and then think you know what the hell you're talking about because you saw the results after. Valverde's style of play is absolute shit and Barca have played poor pragmatic football for 2 Seasons.
Literal retards, the damn janny could win the league with this Barca team and he'd do it for free.
I know, we have lost our way of playing (Cruiff Way)and its sad.
It was a big thing With Guardiola, Tito or even Luis Enrique, we did see the first signs of the Rot with Tata, but Luis Enrique tried at least to put them in shape again but they are now ungovernable, they refuse to train and Valpierde is a friggin nanny.
We are in our way to be a Milan 2.0, the big boys have too much power.
Didn't Tito get praise for playing more vertically? Same thing Valverde is doing
Now you see why Barca fans are the most insufferable faggots around
Not in the same way, and It was Luis with Suarez if I recall well than used to ramp up the verticality, but with Valverde we are losing lots of posesion and they have lost the "will", the fight, Messi was never one to run to defend after the champions, but now its sad walking half the game(and even then it continues to be best when its his day).
We need more Puyol and less Piques now.
We are going back to gaspar times man, have some hearth, its like when you see your sweethearth after a year and has become a friggin hamplanet, its shatters you, we know we can go back to play well again, but not with this manager.
*boos Bale*
*whistles Ronaldo*
>they have lost the "will", the fight,
There really is no drive. When the play it's just so lackadaisical. I get the feeling that's why they like Valverde. He doesn't push them, he doesn't really do anything so they're just happy stagnating. He lets them do what they want, and so they're happy keeping him around and have maybe become complacent
I literally any other country winning the league and reaching the cup final gets you a 20 year contract extension. Spain fans are retarded. Specially Mandril and Farsa.
They booed fucking Busquets though, he's a club legend on par with Ronaldo in Madrid, maybe even bigger.
Bussi has Nowhere the Ronaldo status in Barça, Messi of course, Xavi or Iniesta, but Busquets never had that much support from the grada, than are a bunch of piperos.
>I literally any other country winning the league and reaching the cup final gets you a 20 year contract extension.
Like Tuchel, Kovac and Allegri, right?
Valverde coached my team
He was good but not Barcelona material at any way, he gets tactically overrun often.
I think teams like Bilbao / Sevilla are probably his ceiling.
Didn't know that
He is still respected of course, but a lot less than he deserves, he isn't "flashy" enough for your average grandpa than goes to see Barça matches in the stadium.
You unironically need to do what Guardiola did when he replaced Rijkaard, Seitán. The big issue is that half of the global Uefalona fanbase will lose its collective shit if guys like Piqué, Busquets, and Suarez get thrown out of the team.
Just get Ten Hag or something. You have it easier than Halal.
>the Cruyffista way of things
>the Cruyffista way of things
>the Cruyffista way of things
>the Cruyffista way of things
imagine hating a manager when you could hate the board who has the power to terminate his contract but refuses to
it's not his fault
Madrid fans have jeered literally the best european player who's ever walked the earth bar maybe Laudrup or Cruyff and arguably their most succesful too bar maybe Di Stefano by giving them 30% of their Champions Leagues. It's pretty incomparable.
>all these zoomers hating on a post that's 100% right
fuck you Yea Forums
>the Cruyffista way of things
>being paid millions to be carried by messi
I'd do it for like 500 bucks
Most people in the UK have always seen them this way since Chelsea '09.
I would even say they were the most hated foreign team here for a while.
The media just sucks more now. Everything is rhetorical and sensational. Pogba hates Manchester so much that he personally killed Ole’s first son to transfer to Barca or Juve, but here he is still in the team.
Trump has governed as a Democrat would, but according to the media, he’s a fascist doing the Hitler path to Totalitarianism.
Everything is sensational to extreme degrees and candy-coated in untruth. The free press was a mistake as the free press could not survive the internet and people’s addiction to poorly formed gossip about powerful people, it’s no different from Egypt, Ur and Rome
>the Cruyffista way of things in Barça
>the Cruyffista way of things
the thing is, yes he won 2 league titles, however, barcelona has gone 8 for 11 in the past years, and while his tactics are okay, his games without messi tend to go bad and you cannot ignore his inability to prepare for second legs and blowing them in colossal fashion.
Retards are giving you (you)s quoting "Cruyffista" without knowing that this is the spanish term used to refer to Cruyff's philosophy.
>Retards are giving you (you)s quoting "Cruyffista" without knowing that this is the spanish term used to refer to Cruyff's philosophy.
>Retards are giving you (you)s quoting "Cruyffista" without knowing that this is the spanish term used to refer to Cruyff's philosophy.
>this many people defending Valverde "TACTICS"
>probably the same people who thought Demebele would one day be better than Messi
Retards, everyone of you.
>Retards are giving you (you)s quoting "Cruyffista" without knowing that this is the spanish term used to refer to Cruyff's philosophy.
>back to back league titles
No one gives a shit about these anymore because the Liga is a fucking joke. Only the UCL is what matters for >us at the moment, and Valverde fucking sucks at it choking at Roma of all people, and screwing up a 4-0 advantage with Liverpoop. He is a choker and a mentally weak person by nature, that's why >we want him out.
There is literally nothing wrong with walking when you have possession
they're not defending Valverde tactics, they're just laughing at Cruyffista
Some of them just bandwagoned on, shouldn't really have that many (You)'s
M8 Lester fired their manager just a few months after 5000 to 1
Forgive them Dutchbro, they’re retarded faggots.
>Trump has governed as a Democrat would
Kavanaugh is to the left of what Garland woulda been, his tax reform mostly raised taxes, he passed gun control and continued Obama’s wars and immigration policies
Somewhere, there is a government teacher crying because this faggot is so stupid.
it’s cringe talk in any language
Name one thing Trump has done that Obama didn’t besides shitpost?
the delusion runs deep i see
Based Spain. Barca got big and popular playing beautiful football if you hate Barca you hate football. Enjoy your catenaccio and filipo inzaghi haters. yuck.
>Messi is back for the next game
>Kavanaugh is to the left of what Garland woulda been
How hard are Barca fans seething over Madrid’s 3 CL’s in a row? No one even cares they’ve won the league the last 7/9 times or whatever anymore.
Could any Catalans give me the rundown?
valverde is garbage messi save his ass in all the games and young player dont develop under him
Would Barca fans rather win fewer trophies but play in the "Cruyffista" style or win more but do it playing a more robust system?
>a word is used in journalism sometimes (with quotation marks) so that means it's not cringe as fuck