What kind of food does/doesn't he eat to stay in such good shape at this age...

What kind of food does/doesn't he eat to stay in such good shape at this age? I know he exercises/works-out like a lunatic --- but what kind of diet is he on?

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Twink cum

Twink cum

my cum

His cum

Sneed flavored cum

Tren test dbol clen deca

he counts macros id say he 100% eats 3000 cals a day and lifts

Dybala's twink cum along with all the twink cum in Italy. He has many farms scattered throughout the nation, each farm possessing 10-20 twinks. They are stripped naked and stored in containment cages, each hooked up to sophisticated machine equipment. The pumps are attached to each twink penis, pumping rhythmically, constantly simulating the effects of tight asshole. The machines drain the twink cum over and over until the balls have shriveled. They get the weekend off but come Monday the pumps are reattached and the milking begins again. Ronaldo supervises the farms, making many trips to make sure his secret diet is pure. He drinks the twink juice by the gallons, it nourishes him and gives him vitality.

Tren test dbol clen deca

Good lighting

Eats his greens and takes a multi.

cagefighter cum

Children's blood. I wish i was kidding.

Being able to take it from badr hari.

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Having sex regularly is THE best thing you can do to boost Testosterone levels.
That’s how chads stay in shape so easily while we workout all the time and can’t make it.
It’s a feedback loop. Winners keep winning, losers lose even harder.
Point is, combine his god tier dedication with banging a 10/10 waifu whenever he wants and that’s what you get.
Ronaldos literally he closest thing we will ever get to a statmaxxed human

Whatever is on sale at shopee

The best twink is selected each year and given as an offering for Ronaldo to rape, in a ritualistic festivity called Tifari.

I thought you only burn cats


Lmao ronaldo is a fag what you taking about? Maybe sex with dudes is more physically exerting? Any Yea Forumsunk drinker wanna confirm?

Why o fags not like sports anyway?

can't wait til he goes full jackson. the plastic surgery, degredation of his nose, kiddy fiddling and descent into a fairground-owning helium-voiced test-tube-baby-creating skin-bleaching madman will be rapid and devastating to his sponsors.


>if he's not a beta manlet he must be gay

You monkey, he cant run on tren, dbol bloats you and deca would make him way more bulky. Test maybe for recovery

Have you ever seen a photo of him working out? Made you think.

This guy's cum

The Russisn state funded doping regime used tren

underrated post

Asshole cream, probably.

>Bodybuilders often apply hemorrhoid cream to their oblique muscles in an attempt to thin the skin over the muscles by removing excess water.

He's already a test-tube baby creator, though.

You haters saying he’s on roids baka
This physique is achievable natty 100%
You just need to eat clen and tren hard!

Kale and cum


Do you ship worldwide?

Soup de Macaco

t. twink

Why no one ever replies to Bolivian posts? Their flag is cute


>At this age

Bruh, he's in his 30s. You can still be in spectacular shape while in your 30s. Don't get me wrong, Ronaldo is a step above even very fit people, but a fit hardbody is 100% achievable in your 30s.

Professional body builders don't even peak until mid-lat 30s.

It's a meme that you can't be fit in your 30s and 40s.

Eats cock. Drinks cum. End of.

This tbqhwuf


I wanna see Ronaldo with sexy stubble. No homo.


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