Do you skate?
General skate thread
Yeah I can ollie
Sick, me too I was getting really close to doing a kickflip but I snapped my board recently and now I am sad
what kind of retard doesn't skate
Idk people that are scared of getting hurt I guess
Sometimes I think of going back to skating but then I realize how retarded I'm gonna look.
Just do it man who cares what you like? I suck ass at skating and I love it
I used to skate when I was young. I miss it
My board is worn out and old and I'm too poor to buy a new one. I should get one though, would make getting around the city easier
Don't skate now but I still have my board.
Made it myself - back in the mid-'70's, when Alva and Peralta were just kids, like me.
>inb4 hurr durr what's an old fuck doing here?
there are lots of us, there used to be more pre-2010. Old guys have earned the right to waste their time here, it's you guys who should be out fucking around, finding a wife, etc.
Take a pic user, I'm curious to what it looks like
I feel you, I snapped my board and now I need to save up for a new deck
Yeah nigger
Sick board weeb
unlucky mate, at least you can get a sturdier one this time
all my life, I wish asp wasnt raped by wrestling fags so more people would see how nice the skate general is
Yeah hopefully I can get a good deck, any brand you recommend?
being older than 18 and still skating is just sad
Sorry, I haven't bought one in a while, so I don't wanna give you a shit opinion on brands
REAL is the most sturdy i've skated. krooked and plan B are runner ups.
Just get the basic Enjoi boards they go for cheap and are p sturdy if you arent doing anything crazy.
Sk8'n thru the city today.
>ollie is solid
>up a curb anytime I want now
>See old bro at bus stop
>get over ther
>hop off board, dabdab, "How you been brah"
>board lazily drifts off curb back into street
>oh shitfu
>*cars in tminus 3, 2...
>.*time stop*.
>"Omae wa mou shindeiru."
Only took the tail and I was like 20pushes from my car, so ya, still sk8able for the journey there. Went straight to the mall to buy new one cuz I had a job meeting next door anyway. So broke now but can't wait to ride it >.
No but I pretended to when I was young.
Any of you seen Mid90s? I was basically that kid except I had a stable home life.
I skate tranny, would it hold up to that?
t. it's 2001 and I'm 14 years old
Krooked was my first board and I really liked that board, after that I got a Creature, and after that I had a Consolidated skateboard
kys burgermister
Cool name, time to stone you?
Alien Workshop
>(If you real BROKE)
All solid boards
Thanks, never heard of Pizza I'll check them out
wtf I love skate now
I have a real set up too
>Thunder Trucks
My man.
what does a kickflip feel like bros
Skating was only mildly cool when it was done by the odd highschool chad.
Beyond that, anyone less than Tony Hawk comes across as a complete delinquent using a skateboard.
You can only get away with street bmx as an adult. And thats if you look super fit and arent dressed like a stoner.
in my forties and had my first try last week. legs were sore for a few days after, probably from tensing up the whole time I was anticipating a geriatric bone fracture incident.
just ordered some elbow/kneepads and wristguards to go with the helmet.
make sure you get them in a color that matches your purse.
>he judges other whenthey are doing something they enjoy
>it's an actual board
Da fug
its at the next Olympics so hopefully the japs make a skateboarding anime
I enjoy skating but my town has too many hills for me to be able to skate as a fun way of transport
At least I can hillbomb i guess
Still cooler than walking
i tried it a couple of times, but really never felt safe so i just couldnt do it
salty milk and coins
No. I ain’t 14 yo anymore.
of course
haven't skated for a while because of two broken bearings, but I still got most of my tricks on lock
I def lost my inward heel though, and have to do like five tries before landing a treflip
Wish I persisted with it when I was younger. Now I'd look like a loser boomer trying to skate.
shutupjeffyourenotmyrealdad is not a sport
weedwheels is not a sport
supermarketcarparkhangout is not a sport
crushingonasolid7withgreenhair is not a sport
Used to
Old ass nigga LMAO
>crushingonasolid7withgreenhair is not a sport
30 y/o that skated ZERO for a good 17 years here.
Skated World Industries, Flip, Girl, Blind, Deathwish on the top of my head and nothing felt as good as a Zero deck.
Just buy the cheapest one possible. They’ll break no matter what or you’ll wear out the kick. Used to be a local shop that sold generic decks for $30 a piece.
Only if you’re street skating
When you land it you’ll be amazed at how mundane it really is. Grinds and gaps are much more fun. Tre flips are where it’s at and not that much harder.
One of my first major injuries
>skating down in schools 6story parking lot
>cruzer board, killin it
>3rd floor "MORE SPEED"
>2nd floor "MOOOORE SPPEE"
>turning left thru some barriers
Clipped into the smallest wire in that that darkend lot.
based reckless user
Street skating is a sport for the socially impaired.
>that 22yo high school dropout who still lives with his parents and skates to his job stocking at a local supermarket
People still skate I thought that was just for 90s kids
A lot of kids and girls getting into skateboarding at my local park. Good times.
>OP makes a thread he thinks is going to be funny where he'll get a lot of comments about that fat leg on that poor skateboard
>Thread is full of actual skateboarding discussion
Absolute state
further evidence of this board becoming pure reddit
>further evidence of this board becoming pure reddit
I've won several local competitions yes
BBS(bareback/generator)>P.S. Stix and Dwindle(DSM)
don't bother with anything made in china. a lot of brands will have cheaper boards made in china. go to a local skater owned shop and they'll probably have something on the cheaper side that isn't from china. avoid the mall.
now that we olympics and Real Sport (tm), I think it's time the skateboarding general lives in Yea Forums
depressing it took this long
Yea Forums is dead
damn this brings back memories
I landed my first kickflip for the first time in like 10 years of not skating
feels good man
I should go skate again
I just started skating again, haven't been on the board for 10 years, I'm 28. I was afraid of looking stupid but then I just thought fuck it, I'm not gonna deprive myself of joy. Just do your own thing dude. Skated all through my tweens and teens, used to be decent, now I can barely ollie but it's coming back.
Just bought some Clouds 56mm wheels, rolls like a dream. I regret not starting sooner...
I never learned to skate. I was trying so hard to learn the ollie, but I never did. But I suck in every sport. I don't even care anymore. I'm shitty in every sport that exists.
Invent one so that you're the best at it.
>tfw 32 year olds are browsing this board RIGHT NOW
>tfw cant roll forward
>tfw can only ollie when stationary
what does doing an ollie while going forward feels like bros?
Darts and snooker are on Yea Forums (which I support - I love both of them), so why not skating? Skating is way more active than either of those and therefore is surely more of a sport.
Also, Yea Forums has been taken over be wrestling faggots, so why shouldn't we welcome skaters over to Yea Forums? Fuck the wrestling weirdos, anything which is a REAL sport (like skateboarding) should be welcome on Yea Forums.
I might suggest actually that following professional skating as a spectator sport should be on Yea Forums (since Yea Forums is for following professional sports), while personal skating might fit in well on /n/. As an /n/ cyclist I think it would be great to have more modes of transport, especially human-powered transport, over there. The fact that skating involves tricks doesn't mean that it can't fit in on /n/.
mompickmeupat4 is not a sport
i'm unironically 38. don't fool yourself into thinking you'll leave, this place is autopilot. you'll be here a bit less, you'll hate it more, disagree with more shit, feel it's even more idiotic and a bigger waste of time. you'll come back though.
I'm 28, I already feel way too old for this place (I've been coming here at least 10 years now, I think I was 17 when I started coming here back in 2008). But if I did change my lifestyle then I think I wouldn't want to come here anymore. And I think that's possible. So no, I don't think it's a given. Nothing is a given in life.
like floating on sunshine, woah oh oh.
An damn it feels good.
>that post
>that flag
I started skating in the 90s, when I was in my twenties.
Skateboarding was a crime in my country when I was a kid.
Still skate.
Absolutely based
>Skateboarding was a crime in my country when I was a kid.
'81 master race checking in, feels good to be born in the year of the cock desu.
STFU odhiambo you aren't skating