How do soccer players not break their toe when kicking
How do soccer players not break their toe when kicking
actually they're called footballers user
Because you dont kick with your toe, you stupid fuck. Stop making our flag look stupid
No one gives a shit faggot. Go drink your s o y milk you pathetic kike. You can play all the nintendo switch you want you limpwristed faggot no mudslime yuro or shitskin spic will ever accept you into their commie nigger club
>biting the bait
>being this much of a /pol/tist
the Chad neutral
>being this much of an autistic /pol/cel
The fuck is wrong with you?
why does any family guy-posting immediately devolve into a complete shitshow?
ave maria
>falls for bait
>u make us look dum
yeah i guess so to all the dipshit otherworlders that fall for it too
>being this much of a faggot cocksucking niggerkike loving soccer incel
Because Family Guy is a shit show.
I'm starting to see why yuros hate Americans who post in soccer/football threads. Just nuke this fucking thread already
wanna start a fight with yurocucks rn desu but most are asleep and i like a sea of poverty tears when I BTFO of them
>caring what euros think
>not immediately recognizing this thread as pasta bait
Well duhh
good thread
shit thread
They wear steel toes. Why do you think they’re called boots and not cleats?
Stop posting like an angry sperg
I did a beginners soccer class in colelge for the easy credit, and one time kicking the ball(in tennis shoes) I did actually fuck up my big toe
They stqrt playing as toddlers so they develop harder toes from breaking them over and over
Like those mai tai heem dudes who kick trees until their shins get hard
I invite you to our secret pastanigger club, sounds like you would enjoy it
wait do you get to say "OHHHHHHHH!" if someone says something rude and use your hands when speaking? if so then I want in also
Is it bad that i still remember that thread?
Shut up, Paolo