Football is a gentleman's game played by hooligans, and rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen

>Football is a gentleman's game played by hooligans, and rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen.

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fat lose weight

No one says this at all, you stupid fat fuck. Lose weight

>söyjack posting
Kill yourself

lose weight

I think it was originally soccer and rugger but yes, very famous public school middle-class Anglo saying. I present you another:

Rugby Union is the game played in Heaven, Rugby League is the game played in Hull


is every american poster from reddit now? disturbing

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Yikes, my dude. That's all I can say, you need help my dude.

fat lose weight
fat lose weight
fat lose weight

You're upsetting me now

Attached: 1496180544_giphy.gif (390x379, 160K)

>Is every Yea Forums poster from reddit now? disturbing

>Americans have become the most fanatical "lose weight" posters on Yea Forums
Yeah, I'm thinking BASED.

>getting mentally castrated by one obsessed favela monkey
Very cringe

they're all the same person on a vpn

Attached: oscar-wilde-12.jpg (620x449, 50K)

More like very based. I accept my benevolent Brazilian overlords.

who would win
>an army of fat cuck posters
>one tyrannizing macaco

shut fat

Have Sneed

the macaco is winning rent free

Amerishart range-ban when


this is an american website you fucking third world gypsy