>Juventus manager Maurizio Sarri has been diagnosed with pneumonia after struggling with flu over the weekend.
Juventus manager Maurizio Sarri has been diagnosed with pneumonia after struggling with flu over the weekend
Who could have thought ?
>smokes a lot of fags
damn, those lgbt gods are powerfull
>smokes fags for like 40 years
>is fine
>spends 1 year in london
>gets pneumonia
Pic unrelated, don't know how that happened
lung cancer incoming
Let's just hope for him that it's just a regular pneumonia and not the dreaded Japanese Cold
wow what a surprise
>smokes fags
Rip fra
Fag is British for cigarettes
Their version of the english language is for fags
pneumonia might be already a signal of something
Fuck you, their version is based and yours is reserved for retards who 'could care less'
precisely what you think it is
Pneumonia is code for aids, btw
Abromovich put the hit out, soon we'll find out some Russian guys visited Turin for a single day to see the Mole Antonelliana which is a is a major landmark building in Turin, Italy, named after its architect, Alessandro Antonelli and to see it's world famous 167.5 metres spire
makes me think
smokers btfo
Not really, I just despise every kind of butchery of languages
Asif everyone in Britain speaks like a BBC announcer.
>he is probably craving a smoke so bad at this very moment
oh no no no no no
Does this mean Allegri is coming back?
>Smoke 60 cigs a day
>Get pneumonia
>Can't smoke while on oxygen
I bet his withdrawals from nicotine make Trainspotting look like Mary Poppins.
How long before he start vaping?
is that a common thing among smokers? My dad had an episode of bronchitis last year and now has pneumonia. He started smoking at 12 and gave it up at 42
em yanks wu'unt no english if i i em inni?
pretty homophobic slur
sorry lad but I must contact with the police
But do you have a contact loicence?
yes, of course
>smokes 60 a day
>8 hrs sleep
>16 hours waking time
>avg 1 smoke every 16 mins
two cigs at the time
Motherfucker's dying before winning a championship, now after joining Juve.
He must have done something very bad in another life.
I had pneumonia when I was a kid, still made it. Italy isn't exactly a shithole, never mind Turin. I'm sure he'll be fine.
ah shite, mine expired last wednesday
At least he'll go out a winner. F
I just find it funny that they can't be arsed with putting u after o in certain words like colour.
Cringe and bluepilled
Based and redpilled
I will have you know that we most certainly do
It's especially ironic because mutts insist on the "original French" pronunciation of the word "carbine" (which we in Britain say as "car-byne" but mutts insist on pronouncing it "car-been" like fucking idiots). Yet they won't use original English spellings of words like colour, honour, which have their "u"s due to coming from French. They're a strange and illogical people.
having lung issues from smoking for decades? yes, really common. extremely common.
based retard
amerislobs btfo
Well, his lungs must be tar by now but I still hope he's okay.
Yeah but he's a stress filled smoke filled 60 year old man. He'll make it, but I do hope he stops the 60 fags a day shit.
Chain smoking
>could care less
>solder pronounced as "sodder"
Triggered by the thought of fat yanks saying these
most brits sound like they're speaking with a mouth full of marbles
Lunch issues are obviously common but I personally didn't know pneumonia was common, I thought you got that when it was cold.
I met a guy recently who had COPD from smoking (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - used to be called emphysema). But yeah I didn't know pneumonia was a common thing for smokers.
Lunch? Christ I need to go to bed, I obviously meant lung
I hate pneumonia for lunch
>8 hrs of sleep
no way. his real life would be
>go to sleep
>wake up hour later from coughing fit
>"well, im awake, might as well smoke"
>chain smoke 2-3
>go to sleep
>repeat every hour on the hour
Does it make you think about how half of Germany was saved from becoming Russian rape babies because of us
>Watches all our movies, listens to all our music, uses all of our Internet
All the best actors are British anyway.
True, and you have good music too
We have this thing called the stock market where Americans actually own shares of our major companies
maybe he smokes way less than that and he's just lying to look tougher
So, it's just a chest infection. I get 5 a year.
It's only dangerous for old frail 85 year olds
Probably one of those guys that’s always “smoking” but rarely takes a puff and most of the cig just burns away into ash
Reminder that you should take up smoking because it is undeniably cool.
smokers are jokers
What a legend.
im actually going to be ciggy free for 7 years now come september. quit cold turkey after smoking 5 years straight of camel wides. but rip sarri, by the sound of his voice he sounded like close to death anyways
>anime humour
At least he escaped cancer
Good job man
i've been off the grid this summer, i have few questions:
a) why did they bring sarri? he's an unhinged hack
b) why did they sell moist kean, wtf...
He'll be fine